
Chapter six

He moved closer to her and she started backing up till the back of her knees touched the edge of the bed. Hope steeled her legs so she wouldn't fall backward on to the bed. Thus making her vulnerable to the vile creature before her.

The thing reached out with one of his hands and cupped the nape of her neck as it leaned even closer to her until his nose was almost touching hers and she was staring almost crossed eyed into his eyes. She tried pushed him back out of her personal space but he only let off two steps still keeping its hold on her.

"Why did you kill those pups last night?" His voice booming through the silent room.

"Pups?" Not sure why he was using a term used for children of their kid to describe full grown males

"They were newly turned and were vulnerable. Did you know that when you stole their life from them?" he questioned his eyes boring into her accusingly 

"Your kind is far from innocent." she snipped mockingly her words causing his eyes to glow bright amber, his nose in a sneer, his lips drawn back in a snarl. She was looking at the definition of terrifying, She should feel afraid of him, or disgust, or hatred, or even resentment anything other than what she was feeling now.

She couldn't put it in words exactly what was going on with her, not even sure why her fight instinct wasn't kicking in. It always did since the day she discovered what those creatures were yet somehow some way she knew he wouldn't hurt her.

She's had always known magic and witches existed considering she grew up with Ruby before and after Ruby discovered what she was but Hope had always stayed far away from Ruby's world as she could. until the day a creature hunted and killed her twin.

She would never forgive them for the heinous actions they committed against Eman. She didn't deserve what was done to her. she was too pure of heart to have had those demons snuff the once vibrate life out of her.

'protect... Adam... from.. him... promise... me.... you 'll... protect... my... baby, promise... me... Hope." Eman wheezed out choking out every word as she shakingly handed Adam's

'I promise' Hope promised with tears streaming down her face as she watched Eman take her last breath.

Eman's last moments echoed in her mind. Shocking her to the present as she stared at those monstrous eyes. She'd promised Eman. She had to stay alive to keep her promise to protect

She wouldn't be deceived by their deceitful appearance looking human but in reality are monsters in human skin. She couldn't risk them knowing anything more than they already knew about them. if she could get Ruby, Trick, and Misha out then Adam will be surrounded by more people will protect him.

"Let the others go." She braved authority knowing full well it wouldn't work but still gaging his reaction. He laughed at her as soon as her words sunk in.

"Are you ordering me hunter?" he taunted

"Let them free and I'll tell you everything you want to know." She switching to negotiation she wasn't above begging these vile beasts for Adam's sake because Zeke was alone to protect him. He let her go and stepped back

"No, that's not how it's going to work. All the cards are in my deck so why don't you start talking and I'll decide whether the information you give me is worthy enough to  let you free."

She knew then and there that he'd never let them go no matter what she told him. the only other solution is found and free them on her own. She couldn't stop the twinge of foreboding washing through her as she assessed her options. the promise she gave to Eman was warring with the promise she gave to Ruby long ago. Her promise; Ruby Zeke and Her made to each other to never leave each other behind in the orphanage. Zeke was nearby trusting her to keep to bring Ruby back safe while he kept Adam safe. but if she helped Ruby, Misha and Trick there would be a chance that she might not escape with them thus breaking her promise to Eman.


The female baffled Marcelo one moment she was very expressive the next moment she was void of everything even her scent didn't leak her emotion which should have been impossible. Must be that witches work. He snarled at the knowing the witch was still on his territory. Most folklore infer shifters and vampires as being unnatural when in reality the unnatural beings are witches. their bloodlines starting with group greedy humans who coveted power over the immortals. The power they shouldn't have ever had when they made a deal with an ancient demon, thus enslaving murdering and caging many immortals.

It's quite interesting to know how a hunter and a witch decided on working together. especilally with the history hunters have of burning witches at the stake.

Hunters usually fell into three categories born hunters who are humans born with a little extra strength sight and speed. The second ones are religious fanatics once they find out about the others they are convinced they are Satan's workers there for the destruction of humanity and they are soldiers of God to eradicate them. Then there are those out for revenge or vengeance.

"What kind of hunter are you?" he asked curiously though he suspected she was the type out for vengeance. 

"What kind of question is that." She spoke sounding affronted by his question.

"You're agenda is revenge isn't it." He smirked knowing his conclusion was right "Did a shifter hurt you in some way is that why you are out for the blood of his kinda branding us all with the wrong he's done against you? and you call us vile beast." he shook his head in mock sympathy at her. "Is this about Eman Mumin?" her wide eye startled expression confirmed his assumption the look quickly vanished as it came.

"Your kind killed me once already if you're out to kill me again get it over with," she spoke cooly sitting down on the bed

"Are you trying to tell me you're Eman Mumin?" he exclaimed startled at that. It can't be, no one can resurrect the dead not even the most powerful witch has that power the only being with that level of power is a myth.

"If you're eyes don't lie." She smiled sardonically leaning back with her palms on the mattress. seeing him physically shaking with the false knowledge she provided.

"You lie." he snarled leaping out of his seat.

"I do know witches, if it makes you sleep peacefully at night then you can tell yourself that lie. the truth is still true..." she barely finished her taunting when she heard bones snapped and saw fur starting to appear and right before her eyes, his nose turned into a muzzle. His ears extended changed and in moments, a huge wolf stood before her where a man was a moment ago. She had never seen one of those creatures shift before she was transfixed with fascination and true fear frozen in place.