

Long ago, before the coming of civilization, There lived 5 great nations which were the Humans, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and lastly Goblins. They all lived in perfect harmony and worked together as one, but unfortunately, all good things came to an end when one Goblin named Omhigan, desired power and wanted to rule all these nations. After filling his people's heads with his poisonous ideas, they too followed him and began to attack other nations, The Goblins were creatures who had the ability to control and produce fire at will, so Omhigan combined his people's magic powers and created a weapon called " Burning Star" What which had the devastating power of Cataclysm, a power so destructive it destroyed the entire nations in one sweep. But the creation of the "Burning star " came with a heavy price and that was the lives of his own people, immediately after the Cataclysm was activated his people were gone as well. The Survivors of the Cataclysm united and defeated Omhigan once and of all and that was how the Goblin nation became extinct and peace returned at last. But hundreds of years after The Great war, The nations started fighting amongst themselves and they were divided, many lives and clans were lost as a result of this conflict. The nations that fought bitterly with each other were the vampires and the werewolves, who massacred each other for hundreds of years. Almost on the brink of Extinction, One Wizard named Orlando suggested a peace treaty between them and offered a solution that might unite them once again and that solution was the creation of a school where every nation would attend and socialize with one another, Everyone agreed except the Vampires and werewolves who still hated each other so much. Tired of the mass killings they too finally agreed to the peace treaty but they still hated each other... Along the line, something happened that led to the discovery of a long-hidden secret that would change the lives of everyone forever..........

Sarah_Micheal_3518 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs



The bright moon shines over the city of New York as it appears high in the sky, Within that moment, Howls of Werewolves could be heard popping up from all over the city, The witches could be seen flying in the sky on their brooms, while the vampires pop out into the streets to have fun and lurk in the shadows, as for the humans, most of them retire him early to allow their neighbors enjoy the night.

Meanwhile, somewhere around Brooklyn, a stranger in a black cloak walks on the street in haste as if he was trying to avoid contact. Before long, this stranger goes through the subway that leads to the train station and increases his pace, as soon as he gets to the train station, He jumps on the tracks and goes deep into the dark train tunnel and soon arrives at a secret hideout hidden inside the walls of the tunnel.

At that moment, The Stranger whispers some strange words and a portal opens within the wall, the stranger soon enters the portal and as soon as he goes in, the portal closes.

After entering his secret lair, The stranger removes his cloak and goes straight to a big glass tube filled with greenish bubbling water inside the tube, is an old Goblin. As soon as the stranger gets close to the tube, The Goblin's eyes open intimidatingly staring down at the stranger.


Omhigan ➡ Just look at yourself, Jonah ... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HUMAN??


Jonah ➡ Sorry my Lord… I've been quite busy with...


Omhigan ➡ Spare me your incompetence FOOL!!! Have you gotten what I asked for?


Jonah ➡ Yes my lord... Here's the transformation portion you asked for... This time around it the effects last longer.


Omhigan ➡ Good... My assistant will bring your payment.


Jonah ➡ Your assistant!? I never knew you had a... HEY!!!


Suddenly, before Jonah could finish his statement, a big hawk flies over his face startling him, Jonah jumps back in fright staring at the hawk.

Before long, the hawk lands on a stone chair which is placed at the far end of the room, and drops a tiny bag filled with 3 golden stones.


Omhigan ➡ There's your payment!


Jonah approaches the stone chair and picks up the bag pouring the golden stones into the palm of his hand.


Jonah ➡ 3 golden stones!? Come on.


Omhigan ➡ YOU DARE COMPLAIN!? YOU GREEDY OAF! Do you know how much those stones are worth?


Jonah ➡ I know, it's just that I was hoping to get a little extra for my services.


Omhigan ➡ You ungrateful worm! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have anything... You'll get your extra payment once you start being punctual.


Jonah ➡ Sorry my lord… I won't complain again.


Omhigan ➡ Good... Now leave!


Jonah ➡ I will but if I may ask… What's that greenish water you always soak yourself in?


Omhigan ➡ This isn't just some water… This water you see is fetched from the "Fountain of Youth"


Jonah ➡ Fountain of youth!? It's just a myth.


Omhigan ➡ Whatever… Just leave… I'll call you when I need you!!


Jonah ➡ Sure... See you next my lord.


After that, Jonah takes his leave and soon exits the secret lair... As soon as he's gone, Omhigan gets out of the tube cursing and raving in anger.


Omhigan ➡ Humans!!! So stupid and incompetent. Despite all the centuries that have passed by, these species is still backward as they were. If only there was a goblins like me, I wouldn't need to ask for help from these low life.


After that outburst, Omhigan's assistant the hawk speaks out calming down its master.


£trigus ➡ Calm down Master!!! There's no need to waste your breath... Once your plan is finished you don't need to worry about these morons.


Omhigan ➡ You're right my faithful assistant, At least you're the only one I can trust. I just hope this Transformation potion last longer that the previous ones.


£trigus ➡ It's amazing how you've been fooling these morons for Centuries, they have no idea that their worst nightmare is alive and is walking amongst them in a new face to which they look up as their inspiration. How come Jonah don't you know you, my lord? Even in your true form.


Omgihan ➡ That fool is a loser and an illiterate. He's that kind of junkies that cares about money. But it doesn't matter… What matters now is my plan to wipe out all my enemies in one sweep!!


£trigus ➡ You're planning to use the BURNING STAR??? I thought it was destroyed.


Omhigan ➡ No… It wasn't... It's still intact but its power is weak... I need to use the power of the sun to boost it.


£trigus ➡ Getting to the son is impossible!!


Omhigan ➡ I don't need to get to the sun… I just need to build a solar generator!! Thanks to Technology, everything is now possible these days… Since I can't use magic, I'll just have to improvise with Technology… Solar power is the latest thing everyone is using… Electricity is getting obsolete.


£trigus ➡ How are you going to build a solar generator!? We don't even have the wealth to build one.


Omhigan ➡ Trust me £trigus... With my reputation, Everything is within my reach.... I know how to make one… I just have to make it sound so convincing and beneficial.


£trigus ➡ Oh master.... You're so cunning… Once you've charged up the BURNING STAR... Nobody will be able to stop you.


Omhigan ➡ You're right £trigus... Besides all my enemies are dead and long forgotten. And with the Curse I've put on all these four nations, They'll never know what's going on and once my plan is completed... They'll be gone in a blink of an eye. HA, HA, HA, HA.


2 days have passed since Academic sessions began in the *SOS* and so far things haven't changed one bit, it's still the same old regular school activity, the only change in the school is the new faces of the nonacademic staff.

Here in the girl's locker room, The entire female senior students bombard in there as they bathe and change into outfits, after a grueling cheer leading practice. While the other girls were busy gossiping about the hot guys on the football team, Gwen is in her own world daydreaming romantically about the new custodian which is, Arthur Xagon.

Ever since Arthur saved her life, Gwen couldn't stop thinking about him, she soon found herself daydreaming about him and began to make plans to make him ask her out.

As she was bathing under the hot shower, She begins to hum love songs as she touches her silk smooth slender body, especially her breasts and her lower region, Immediately her fingers touch her cunt, and she begins to finger herself hard moaning sensually, thinking about Arthur.


Gwen ➡ (moans) OH YES… BABY... RIGHT THERE... OH YES... YES.


Feeling the sweetness and pleasure of her own hands, Gwen was soon caught up and lost in what she was doing that she didn't notice or sense her BFF Emma, standing behind her.

Staring at her friend with surprise and hearing her moan sensually, Emma began to enjoy what she was seeing, she bit her lower lip seductively and went behind her friend jamming her naked body with hers as she grabs her breasts hard.

Gwen soon gets startled and turns around only to see Emma winking at her. Gwen chuckles and stares at Emma casually.


Gwen ➡ You mystic b-tch… You nearly scared me.


Emma ➡ You blood sucking cunt.. I see you're enjoying yourself.. Do you need any help?


Gwen ➡ No.. Thanks to you! I've lost the mood.


Emma ➡ So tell me.. Who's the guy you're fantasizing about?


Gwen ➡ I have no idea what you're talking about.


Emma ➡ Please stop pretending... I know you're thinking about a guy. So who is it this time? Who's your prey? Is he someone I know?


Gwen ➡ Not exactly... This one is different.. Emma, I think I'm in love. 😍


Emma ➡ In love??? Really? You've been saying that countless times for last 50 years and they've never worked out. You broken up with them eventually.


Gwen ➡ I know.. But this one is different.. It's like I've finally found my mate.


Emma ➡ (laughs) Mate!? Is that the best you can say? You've really flipped your lid Gwen. 😂


Gwen ➡ I'm serious Emma.. It's been two days since I first met this guy and I just can't stop thinking about him.


Emma ➡ Wow... That's a first. So tell me already.. Who's the dude?


Gwen ➡ Well.. He's not just a dude. He's more of a man!!


Emma ➡ Man!?.... Look just tell me already... I'm dying to know.


Gwen ➡ Okay Relax.. My new prey is that New custodian!


Emma ➡ Custodian.!? WHAT!!!!! 😦 😦


Emma's scream echoes throughout the locker room making every one to look to her direction, Gwen soon get out of the shower and pulls her away from the place as they head to their lockers, as they get there, Emma confronts Gwen about the issue.


Emma ➡ Gwen!! You can't be serious? That's the new cleaner you're talking about?


Gwen ➡ I know..


Emma ➡ That guy is old enough to be your elder brother... From his appearance, he must be 26 - 27 years old. He's too mature for you.


Gwen ➡ Oh please Emma.. We're not teenagers anymore.. We're mature ladies too. Look, Age doesn't matter.. The guy is hot.


Emma ➡ Yeah but he's a cleaner and he has a goatee.


Gwen ➡ Not just any Goatee, A lovely goatee. It makes him look so handsome. And I don't care if he's a cleaner. Emma, for the first time in my life, I'm crazy about someone.


Emma ➡ Holy Merlin.. Gwen are you alright.. Cause you're not the Emma I know. Maybe this guy enchanted you.


Gwen ➡ No Emma.. It's not enchantment.. It's love. Rrrr.


Emma ➡ Are you purring? Look, You have a rich boyfriend


Gwen ➡ Adrian is not my boyfriend.. I don't love him 😒.


Emma ➡ I know but still.. His family and yours know each other and your father wants you to marry him.


Gwen ➡ Over my dead body!!


Emma ➡ Bitch.. You're already dead. You're a walking corpse.


Gwen ➡ Look Emma.. I'm interested in this guy and I'm going to make my move.


Emma ➡ This is crazy Gwen... You're going to put this guy's life in danger.. You know what Adrian's family is capable of.


Gwen ➡ I don't care. Let's leave this locker room.. We have class to attend to.


Minutes later, Both ladies get dressed and leave the locker room heading to their next class, on their way there, I come face to face with a bunch of sorority girls.


Leona ➡ Well, well, well... If it isn't the Red hair bitch of the Romanov clan..


Just like Gwen, Leona is a vampire as well, and she's from the famous and rich Lionheart family of the vampire clan. But unlike Gwen who's lively and stubborn, Leona is a spoiled, arrogant and a heartless being who cares only about herself, She despises Gwen, who's a lot more better than her in every way and uses every opportunity she gets to torment and embarrass her rival.


Gwen ➡ Leona!!! Really? Is that the best you could do? You're just jealous that you don't have a Crimson red hair like mine. It make me special and stand out from the rest of you sheep 🐑.


Emma ➡ (mimics sheep's voice) BAAAHHH


Leona ➡ You pompous Bitch.. You think you're special huh?... You're nothing but a disgrace to our clan.. I wonder what Adrian sees in a waste like you.


Gwen ➡ Nothing you say will get to be.. There's no disgrace in wanting free will and to be the person I want to be.. As for Adrian, He sees something in me that you don't have.. And that's this.


Gwen steps forward and twerks her lovely bust in front of her rival, Her actions attract the male students standing around the place making them to whistle and cheer at her. Leona who feels hurt and embarrassed tries desperately to make a fool out of Gwen.


Leona ➡ Shameless whore! Don't you have any pride or shame!? You're a disgrace. You don't deserve to be with Adrian.. He deserves someone like me.


Emma ➡ (mocks Leona) HA!! Just look at you.. You're just skinny and full of bones.. Sister, you need to work on your figure.


Leona ➡ YOU BITCH!!! You'll pay for your insolence.


Things soon get heated between Emma and Leona that they were about to fight, Before that happens; The hall monitor Hailey, intervenes before the fist exchange could begin.


Hailey ➡ Hey! Have you both lost your minds?? We're seniors not freshmen students.. You both should know better.


Leona ➡ And who asked you, werewolf trash?? You should go dig in the trash like the way street dogs do.


Hailey ➡ Better watch your mouth, You vampire Slut.. Else I'll tear your pale throat out.




Every one turns to the direction of the outburst were shocked to see the school proprietor, The famous Orlando.


Orlando ➡ What's going on here??


All ➡ Nothing sir!!


Orlando ➡ I don't believe you.. It seems like you all were about to have a fight.


Leona ➡ Gwen started it.


Sorority girls ➡ It's true sir.


Emma ➡ That's a outright LIE!!! They started it.


Gwen ➡ Thats right sir.. This sleazy bitch started... Oops 😖.


Orlando ➡ Gwen!! Did I just hear you right? .


Emma ➡ Oh Gwen... Really?


Gwen ➡ Sorry sir... It just slipped out.


Orlando ➡ Oh. You're not getting away with this... You know the rules about this kind of issue.. It's Detention after school for you young lady.


Leona ➡ It's Deja vu all over again.. Just like always.


Orlando ➡ Shut up Leona... Get to your class Now!


Leona ➡ Alright sir.


After that, Everyone dispersed and goes back to their classes, Gwen and Emma leave the hall and head to their lectures as well, as soon as they were out of earshot, Gwen sighs and laments as she blurts out saying that * DETENTION SUCKS*.