3 chapter 3️⃣ the ship

I and your father talk about it and agree on it. Said, Marian. " then let's pray 🙏 that never happened then, coffee ☕? I said. " it is Washington, D.C. needs you to seal in clear the Western Conference, how many are in your squadron Sergeant? Asked. Marian, " enough, yes my choppers are fuel up and my ship is ready. as for my army that is an entirely different story, I said. " what 😦 do you mean it is a different story,? " Are you guys ready are not!? said, Anna. " we are not the navy or army, we are a working progress,

I said. " what 😦 are you anyway special forces? Asked. Adam, " yes, designed by Washington, D.C., what 😦 is with the question? we are the real American 🗽

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