
Chapter 30: Confusion, Massacre

Xing Jie stared at the little girl intently, as if he were a pervert seeing a beautiful woman, and that was actually the case. Last time he helped the baby out, Xing Jie had good reasons, such as he didn't like anyone holding him back. If he said those words to the little girl now to help her out, then he might as well go find a piece of tofu and kill himself. The little girl in front of him was obviously an evolver, and the evolved superpowers were of the spiritual system (special superpowers are mainly those that do not consume mental power, while superpowers consume more mental power than spiritual superpowers). Such a little girl was obviously a good seedling to become a strong man, but Xing Jie was still a little hesitant. Having a burden was not good for his advancement and evolution, and he couldn't even guarantee his own safety (actually, he just wanted to shirk responsibility. Not only did he not have to hide from zombies, but the zombies had to hide from him, and even if he faced those zombie leaders, he would still have the strength to fight, not to mention that when facing zombie leaders, there would only be believers and parasites that would be slaughtered.) Not to mention bringing a little girl who was extremely afraid of blood, and Xing Jie was not some kind of perverted uncle... However, seeing Xing Jie's fanatical eyes, the little girl immediately prepared to run away. She was just bitten by a monster like that yesterday, and she felt her whole body burning. As a result, now she can lift an object out of thin air by staring at it, but she is a little dizzy. If this bad uncle with a lewd smile wants to give her a lollipop and take her home, she will fight to the death to eliminate this bad uncle.

Xing Jie can't read minds, otherwise he will go berserk immediately: "Fuck! Do I look like a little thug or a pervert or a bad uncle with a big beard and a mouth full of foul language? I'm still a virgin!" (Don't bring up your virginity all the time. It's hard to say if you can even talk to a girl like this, and zombies can't talk. If you want to pick up a zombie girl, she will ignore you. Maybe she will see you, a pervert, coming from a distance and run away, not giving you a chance to chat up. o(╯□╰)o)······

Xing Jie is not a soy sauce party, let alone a narcissistic party, and the fat man and others don't care about Xing Jie's appearance at all, as long as he can support his family. If Xing Jie looked in a mirror now, he would find that his face was covered with stubble, his eyes were bloodshot, and his smile turned into an obscene one. Those unscrupulous kidnappers who trafficked children were many times better than him. Moreover, the pressure in the end times plus Xing Jie's confusion last night made it difficult for him not to swear.

Xing Jie didn't like external objects like razors. They wasted points and couldn't shave off his stubble. His body was constantly strengthening, and his beard became harder. Although it couldn't resist bullets, razors still couldn't shave off Xing Jie's beard. Let him pluck out his beard one by one? Xing Jie's beard was not long, and it just turned into a Japanese beard after a while. Xing Jie was also a Chinese angry young man. This kind of thing was a great test of his spirit and concentration. Let Xing Jie shave all his beard with the Nine Yin White Bone Claw? It would be better to just peel off Xing Jie's skin.

Xing Jie could only continue his journey of pretending to be cool. He put on a pair of sunglasses and gave the little girl a piece of bread, then took the little girl away. He still couldn't let such a cute little girl die in the wilderness, not to mention that he and the fat man had no common language, and he had to find someone to talk to. Unexpectedly, the little girl screamed when she saw the zombies on the roadside, which put Xing Jie under a lot of pressure: "Damn it, these zombies are far away from us! Even if I take the initiative to find trouble with these guys, it will only take a few times, why are you screaming!" Xing Jie thought bitterly in his heart, but it didn't mean that he dared to say these words. Are you kidding? The panacea that can keep him from collapsing was fed to the zombies. Who can he talk to in the future? Even if Xing Jie slightly threatens this little girl, she may suffer from autism forever. Xing Jie can only treat the little Loli like a treasure in the future. He is afraid that she will melt if he holds her in his mouth, or break if he holds her in his hands. Even if he leaves her there, he is afraid that someone (human, alien, corpse leader or zombie) will steal her away. However, Xing Jie's plan to cultivate Loli will not last long, because a bloody storm about humans is about to hit... When Xing Jie saw the fat man and the other guys, they had already cooked dinner with the ingredients left by Xing Jie. There was also a small white flag next to it, with a few crooked words written on it: Tomb of the boss Xing Jie. There were also a few small words at the back, which read: Note: Because the boss Xing Jie died without a complete body, we can only use a small flag to recall the boss's wronged soul. Since we are not strong enough and cannot avenge the boss, we are ready to avenge the boss after we have a full stomach, and accompany the boss on the road after the revenge. Xing Jie's face turned red, white, and black. Just at this moment, the little girl screamed out of place: "Ahhhhhhhhh! Zombies!!!" Xing Jie was annoyed and knocked the little girl unconscious with a knife. He didn't expect that it was because of his behavior that left a shadow in the little girl's heart, and at the same time added a point of enlightenment to Xing Jie, which made Xing Jie's strength improve a bit.

Just when Fatty and the others noticed the little girl's scream and began to pack up their things in a hurry, Xing Jie suddenly rushed forward. When Fatty and the others were still in a daze, each of them was slapped in the face. This time, Fatty and the others learned their lesson. After inviting Xing Jie to the dragon throne, they ran onto the spaceship with a sense of relief. This made Xing Jie very strange. Did Fatty and the others learn how to charge the spaceship?

Xing Jie ran to the window of the spaceship with his hands and feet, and heard the screams of slaughtering pigs from inside. Xing Jie couldn't help but push open the door and was stunned.

I saw Fatty and several zombies fighting each other with pure physical strength. From time to time, a zombie was knocked down, but immediately got up and joined the battle.

Xing Jie suddenly realized why Fatty and his friends' physical strength was still growing every day. It turned out that it was because of self-torture every day!

Seeing Xing Jie's expression of sudden enlightenment, Fatty and his friends breathed a sigh of relief. When Xing Jie closed the door and went to meditate again, Fatty and his friends got a glass of water from somewhere on the spaceship. They are now living a life of training for one hour every day and being lazy for twenty-three hours. As zombies, even if they don't practice, they can let the virus in their bodies evolve every day, so as to gain powerful superpowers and physical strength. Practice is dispensable for zombies. Xing Jie couldn't help but sigh when he heard it, and then sighed: "Humans are compared to zombies, it's so annoying!"·······

Not only did Fatty and his friends find the hidden sluice, but they also discovered the way to drive the spaceship, which is to use water. It's just that the engine of the spacecraft is broken and can't be started. Xing Jie is not a mechanic, so he can't find it. Fatty also wanted to try whether the TV could be turned on. As a result, Lei Ming found the hidden sluice gate with the sound of the TV absorbing energy. Once he told Xing Jie, they couldn't even be lazy. The white-faced scholar and Lei Ming have been with the fat man for so long, and they have also fallen with the fat man. When facing his boss's lie, Lei Ming didn't change his face or heart. He didn't even tell Xing Jie that Lei Ming and the white-faced scholar could talk a long time ago.

  However, when Xing Jie woke up from meditation, it was already dark, and the land in front of him was empty. There was no living creature at all. Wait? Xing Jie stared at the land where the little girl was lying. Now there were only footprints on the ground, and the little girl had disappeared.

Xing Jie had cold sweat on his forehead. If the last human who could stop him from becoming a demon ran away, he might really become the Hell Blood Demon God and slaughter everything he saw. Xing Jie hated killing, but he had to kill in order to survive. This made Xing Jie feel very conflicted. He wanted to find someone to complain to. Fatty and the others could not understand Xing Jie's mood, which made him want to find a psychologist.

Fortunately, the soil under the footprints was still fresh. When Xing Jie followed the footprints, he happened to see the little girl being cut in half by a corpse leader.

Xing Jie collapsed instantly, but he kept saying, "Dead, dead, dead! Since everyone who can talk to me is dead, what's the point of me living?"

After a moment, Xing Jie's eyes turned red instantly: "Since she is dead, I will slaughter everything in this world! Let's start with you bastards!"······