
Chapter 20: Become a Disciple

Xing Jie was full of black lines, it seems that this old man has been nagging for a long time just to make him his personal disciple! But think about the benefits, it is also quite big, you can control the corpse leader, this trick is what Xing Jie has always dreamed of. You know, the secret book of controlling the corpse leader is worth more than 100 million points in the exchange space of No. 10! 100 million points, Xing Jie dare not even think about it. If there are 10 million points in front of Xing Jie, he will definitely jump up with joy. If Xing Jie worships this cheap master, he will save 100 million points, but he can already control the clone, although he can only control one. But one clone can match Xing Jie's combat power, except for intelligence.

  But if Xing Jie can control the corpse leader, his combat power will increase sharply. Imagine, on a land full of zombies, Xing Jie can wave his hand to create a large number of corpse leaders. When those corpse leaders defeat the zombies on the earth, Xing Jie will become the savior. But the inhumane guy No. 10 came up again: "Report to the master, due to the low level of the master's physical fitness, supernatural powers and summoning skills, even if the master learns the technique of summoning corpses, he can only summon fifty corpses as cannon fodder at most, and it is impossible to call the wind and rain."

Now Xing Jie was unhappy: "No. 10, it's not good to know too much, you know? And it won't kill anyone to let the master YY occasionally."

No. 10 said: "Report to the master, YY is not conducive to the master's physical and mental health and supernatural power development, and it will also cause... (The following three million words are omitted.)" Xing Jie was thinking about something and ignored No. 10 at all.

When Xing Jie thought about the answer, the person over there was snoring. Xing Jie quickly woke up the necromancer (calling him a summoner is not appropriate, calling him a wizard makes him look like a charlatan, so he can only be called a necromancer.) and gave an answer.

"Report to the master, the disciple Xing Jie is willing to follow the master to the ends of the earth and learn the art of summoning corpses. Please accept the disciple's three kowtows and nine bows!"

When the necromancer was thinking about Xing Jie, he was actually very nervous. Although he was also a powerful man before coming to Earth, the new world has new rules. His ten personal corpses have all died, and he had no disciples before. He felt that the art of summoning corpses was already terminally ill and could not be passed on, when Xing Jie appeared. But thinking of this, the necromancer was also full of black lines, and actually cursed his disciple to become a member of his future army of corpses. He didn't know how many tens of thousands of years ago he came to Earth to find karma and reincarnation, but he didn't find karma and reincarnation, but found an excellent disciple.

The necromancer felt at ease, took out a thick book from the package and threw it to Xing Jie. With Xing Jie's strength, he could only hold the book and prevent it from falling. From this, it can be seen that the necromancer's strength is extraordinary.

Xing Jie blew away the dust on the cover of the book, and the name of the book appeared. But what surprised Xing Jie was that the name of this book could actually change the language. At first, it was a language he had never seen before, and then it slowly became Chinese.

  Xing Jie had a headache when he saw the title of the book. The name of this book was actually the Corpse King Trilogy, which explained in detail, production upgrades, types and combat power.

  Xing Jie felt numb when he thought of the raw materials. Could it be that he could only be a tomb robber in the future? No, the master must have brought something when he came to Earth. Laser sword? It's very likely! If I get the laser sword, my combat power will definitely increase a lot. I must rob my cheap master, otherwise I won't be named Xing! Xing Jie thought.

  Xing Jie pestered him: "Master, at least give me something to show your appreciation! Otherwise, I will use this book as a fly swatter!" The necromancer looked at Xing Jie with an idiot look. He had seen thick faces, but he had never seen such a thick face. Helplessly, he could only take out the handle of the laser sword and throw it to Xing Jie.

Xing Jie took it in his hand and accidentally pressed the button on the hilt. Suddenly, the laser sword bounced out of the hilt, which scared Xing Jie so much that he almost threw the laser sword away. Unexpectedly, the laser sword was stuck in a big tree and couldn't be pulled out.

Xing Jie was speechless and went forward to draw the sword like a fool. The necromancer ignored Xing Jie and disappeared with a teleportation.

When the sun set, Xing Jie finally pressed the button on the hilt correctly, took back the laser sword, took the introductory course of the necromancer, and left the grove that made people's hair stand on end and their bones stand on end at night.

Behind the tree where Xing Jie was before, two green eyes quietly emerged: "Lin Ersi, although we can't fight, let's let our apprentices compete! Let's see whether your corpse magic is better or my skeleton magic is better!"·······

Xing Jie returned to his residence, ate a few mouthfuls of food, and started reading. This book is too heavy and too thick. If Xing Jie reads at his speed and the time he usually spends reading in a day, ten years would not be enough.

This cheap master that Xing Jie worshipped brought him countless benefits in the future, but also made Xing Jie often face the pursuit of people that even Xing Jie did not know. The pros and cons of this can only be weighed by Xing Jie himself.

However, what Xing Jie learned from this book included summoning ordinary corpses, summoning advanced corpses, and summoning unknown corpses. Xing Jie was going to try to summon ordinary corpses first, but he summoned a Frankenstein monster. Although he was obedient, he was easy to lose control. Xing Jie quickly used the sound of death to shake this monster into pieces. The second guy was much better than the first Frankenstein monster, but it was still a shoddy project and fell down at the touch.

The third guy was much more mature, at least he looked a bit human. Ironically, the material used to summon this corpse was the corpses of those mutant dogs. It was still invisible when wearing clothes, but it was a wild werewolf without clothes. Xing Jie looked left and right, and confirmed that his "masterpiece" could be used. He immediately put it into the frontline work: cooking... When Xing Jie had breakfast, he found a bunch of wolf hair (or dog hair to be precise) in his breakfast. The runaway Xing Jie tore the werewolf to pieces on the spot and began to summon the fourth corpse. Preparing materials, chanting spells, and making hand seals one by one, Xing Jie practiced every actionHe has mastered the art to perfection, but he doesn't know how powerful the summoned corpse is. Anyway, Xing Jie feels that it will not be bad.

  Transformation, the last step is completed, Xing Jie sat down on the sofa exhausted. When the corpse he summoned appeared, Xing Jie jumped up as if he was stabbed by a thumbtack, his eyes fixed on the direction of the corpse...