
The Billionaire Heir's Substitute Bride (The Heirs )

When her twin Cindy ran away from her wedding, Rella found herself torn between duty and love. From the moment she set eyes on Stefan Diamond, Rella knew her heart wasn't hers anymore but there's just one problem, he was her sister's fiancé and she knew there was no going back the moment she started down the isle towards him as Cindy. But when she realises he had known who she was all along Rella couldn't help but wonder what else he was keeping from her.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 25

Rella couldn't describe the level of panic that leapt up her throat leaving her heart pounding mercilessly across her chest at the word honeymoon. She sat frozen on one of the plush seats of Stefan's private jet waiting as he went to have a word with the pilot at the cock pit but not after he had offered her a warm blanket.

  Stefan came back a few minutes later and strode to the cabinet to pour himself a glass of brandy. He gave her a side-long glance.

  ''What's wrong? You look awfully quiet, I hope it's not my boring company.''

  ''No it's not that.'' Far from it. She thought ruefully.

  ''Would you like a glass.'' He said suddenly.

It was then that she felt the parchedness of her throat; she licked her lips unaware of Stefan's heated gaze trailing every movement.  ''Yes please.'' Stefan handed her the glass he'd poured for himself but before he could pour another Rella had downed the entire liquid in a single gulp. His eyes narrowed in disproof. ''Careful with that, you'll get drunk quickly.'' He warned and was appalled when she asked for a refill. ''No, that's not happening I don't want you passing out on me.''

  ''Such a spoil-sport.'' Rella muttered under her breath extracting a chuckle from him.


  ''I'm sorry for upsetting you Van, but I'm not sorry for what I did.'' 

Van pressed two fingers against her forehead and massaged slowly. Karl could be very stubborn at times and she knew he had gotten it from their father. The thought of her father brought back sad memories, their mother's betrayal had destroyed him and the entire family. Karl's her responsibility now and she would do anything she can for his future.

  ''If you're really sincere then you'd be sorry about what you did to that poor guy.'' She pointed sternly.

  ''Van, don't push it. The bastard got what he deserved.'' His tone was ice cold; it was a fury she'd never seen in him before.

  ''Whatever he did couldn't be that bad.''

He snorted, and casually dipped his hands in his pants pocket, arrogantly pushing out his chest. ''Trust me, it is.''

  ''Then tell me.'' She carefully prodded, staring at him intensely. She thought she could read him like she's always have but now he seemed to be wearing a mask. 

  ''Trust me, you don't want to know.'' He said with a hint of finality in his tone and Van knew she couldn't argue further. Van knew her brother well enough to know that he's never picked a fight in school, ever so whatever prompted him to break that boy's nose must've been really serious and as much as she would love to know, Van knew he wouldn't tell her so she let the case rest. He was still suspended though.

  Karl pushed past her and went towards the front door of the coffee shop only to pause with his fingers on the handle. ''I want my coffee now, you promised remember?''

  Van smiled affectionately at him because right now he looked like an adorable five year old begging for cookies.


  "Mmm, oh my God this tastes so good!" Van moaned in satisfaction licking off her fingers, her eyes wide with glee grateful now that she decided to listen to Josh and take a few minutes break before closing time while he tidied up the place. She couldn't deny how much of a help he's been this past few days especially now that Rella was away on her honeymoon and she was grateful for his company too with the past already forgotten. "I've never tasted something so sinfully good." She added and Josh smiled at her reaction feeling his heart swell at her approval.

  "I'm glad you like it, I've spent the entire day making it especially for you."

  "It's really good." She took another bite before adding playfully "Don't tell me you're some hotshot chef now."

  "So what if I am?" He said raising a brow.  "Do  I get a pass mark in your good book?"

  "Don't start getting any Ideas okay?" He reached out suddenly and touched the corner of her mouth with his finger she began to tilt her head back away from his reach but he urged pleadingly "No please let me, you have something on your mouth." 

  The gesture was suddenly so intimate it left her a little short of breath. Knowing where the entire thing was headed, Van knew that she shouldn't continue to egg him on especially now that she's let him get closer to her in the past few days than she should've but Van wasn't the vindictive kind and she fears that her overly kind heart might get her in trouble one day. Nevetheless, she needed a plan or some sort of excuse to keep him at arms length and when she saw him lean in for a kiss she decided it was time to put an end to the spellbound moment and she did, picking up the used dishes as she stood. "I'll just put these away." 

Perhaps if she pretended to not know his intentions he would just forget about it altogether but that didn't seem to be the case as she turned around suddenly almost slamming into him unaware that he had followed her.

  "Oh! Sorry, I didn't know you were behind me."

  Van waited for him to step aside to give her room but he didn't budge, he stood there staring down at her as if he was seeing her for the first time.

Suddenly aware of his imposing frame and daunting presence, Van looked away, tucking her hair behind her ear something she always did whenever she felt uneasy.

  "Van." She looked up in an automatic reaction to her name and the look in his eyes was something she couldn't explain. "Am I in your good book yet?" She gave a nervous chuckle suddenly feeling cornered knowing fully well where the conversation was headed.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." She denied.

  "You know what I'm talking about and I want an honest answer from you. Do you think I stand a chance... with you?"

  Van held his gaze, watched him search her face as if to gauge her answer.

  "You want honesty?" She side-stepped him and walked back to the tables. "Well the truth is, I don't hate you for what you did Josh if that's what you want to know and I don't feel that way about you anymore. Don't you think you're being unfair and selfish coming back here and expecting me to be waiting for you? I'm sorry but you're a little late. I just want to know one thing, if you thought I wasn't good enough for you back then what made you think I am now?"

  "I never thought you weren't good enough." She saw shame in his eyes as well as deep regret and her tone softened when she asked, "Then why?"

  "Because I was foolish that's why!" His tone went up a notch and Van knew he was more angry and frustrated at himself so she didn't mind at all.

  Josh ran frustrated fingers into his hair messing it up a little more as he tried to calm himself then he sighed and began,  "Look, I know that I made a mistake okay, but it was some stupid dare that I never should've gone through with I'm sorry. I just wanted to impress the boys." He admitted. "They dared me to dump a girl in the cruellest way possible and I was...I wanted to be cool too." He looked away and quietly he said, "I'm sorry I hurt you."

  Van's shoulders sagged.

  "I already told you that I'm not angry, but I can't give you what you want Josh." 

And it was the truth, she just didn't know if he'd be able to accept it.

  "It's Jake isn't it? You love him." It was a downright statement and she had been caught off guard but the accusation in his tone couldn't be missed and she knew it was futile to deny the truth even if she tried.


  "Why does it have to be him!?"