

Autor: Chelsea Rice
Contínuo · 4.9K Modos de exibição
  • 130 Chs
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  • NO.200+


Leia o romance THE BIG BEAUTIFUL WOLF AND HER RECLUSIVE MATE escrito pelo autor Chelsea Rice publicado no WebNovel. Jessy is the daughter of two alpha blooded parents who ran away from their packs to live together in forbidden love as omega's. Unlike other shifters in her pack, she got her wolf extremely young. Her...


Jessy is the daughter of two alpha blooded parents who ran away from their packs to live together in forbidden love as omega's. Unlike other shifters in her pack, she got her wolf extremely young. Her wolf was full grown from the moment she shifted, most other shifters got adolescent wolves who grew with them. As a result, Jessy wasn't able to control her wolf and was tormented by other pack members. The worse of them was the Alpha's son Erik, he would harass her until she lost control of her wolf. One day Erik decided to push her too far, he was on the brink of having his life ended before Jessy's father stepped in to protect the Alpha's son. The Alpha heard what happened, reporting it and all other wrong doings to the council to have her banished from the pack. The councilwoman came to read Jessy her last rights, giving her a time to leave the pack lands by. The Alpha's son thought different, sending out warriors to hunt her down before her time had elapsed. She ran for her life as the warriors surrounded her, the fight spilling over to a neighboring Alpha's territory. The Alpha was known far and wide as a ruthless beast who killed anyone who stepped in his territory.He was mateless and cared not for women's advances, snarling at them if they tried anything.But for her he protected her, helped defeat her adversaries and found one of her last living relatives.She went to live with her grandfather, she became his heir and began her Alpha training.As part of her Alpha duties she was forced to go to the Harvest moon mate gathering.As the she-wolves were getting hunted down by their mate's, the rogues were hunting them all.The rogues capture dozens of wolves, delivering them to a facility hours away.They were hired by members of the very council sworn to protect the pack wolves.Jessy joined forces with the reclusive alpha to attempt to take down the corrupt council.They began raiding the facilities ran by the council, unlocking the horrors that hid behind closed doors.

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No Baby Policy!

“Impossible” Natasha screamed looking at the reports in her hand clearly stating the truth her pregnancy was positive. She pacified herself saying the machine might be maligned when it showed two dotted lines but with the examination results in her hand Natasha’s world crashed down. Being the youngest CEO, she had her dreams and working on her plans to turn her dreams into reality the only thing she never wanted is a Baby, the biggest burden in life according to her. “Congratulations on your pregnancy Ms.Natasha Ambrose, who is the father between?” “I have no idea” Natasha muttered looking at the reports in her hand, her heart and mind blanked at the mere thought of the unwanted promotion in her life. “What do you want to do now?” “Abortion… I want to abort this baby,” Natasha screamed. *-*-*-* “How can you be so irresponsible? Ain’t you people ashamed to be fooled by a mere lady? Now go and find her, if one wrong thing happens to my Baby get ready to face your death” he screamed. The anger in his voice is enough to scare all the grownup men in the room. “All I want is you my Baby and I am going to have you at any cost,” Marcus roared in pain. *-*-*-* The last thing Natasha ever wanted is a Baby and the only thing Marcus needed is a Baby. Will the Baby get these poles apart people under one roof? Will the No Baby Policy have a twist in the story? Dive in to join the thrilling journey and you won’t be disappointed investing your time in the story that offers you every emotion. This story is my original work. Picture downloaded from Pinterest.

Marvellous_mistake · Urbano
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the power of wibu,bolak balik antara dunia lain dan bumi

Namaku arya maulana,umur 15 tahun,sekolah menengah tahun ke3,aku adalah orang biasa tanpa kemampuan khusus/super apapun,hobiku adalah menonton anime,membaca manga dan novel bertema dunia lain yang kebanyakan ada sistem seperti game(level dan status).         50 tahun yang lalu bumi dilanda gempa bumi yang sangat besar,menyababkan ruang antar dimensi terbuka dan kejadian itu membuat munculnya gate dan dungeon muncul,dan didalamnya ada banyak monster yang tiba tiba keluar untuk membunuh para manusia yang mereka lihat,sehingga banyak korban yang berjatuhan diseluruh dunia            Disaat umat manusia sudah putus asa,sebagian umat manusia tiba-tiba mendapatkan kekuatan super yang bisa menandingi kekuatan para monster-monster tersebut,orang orang yang membangkitkan kekuatan tersebut disebut sebagai awakener,para awakener mendapatkan kekuatan dari makhluk diluar akal sehat manusia yang disebut sponsor.       Sponsor adalah makhluk yang memilih dan memberikan kekuatan kepada manusia yang mereka anggap layak,tapi satu hal yang pasti para sponsor memberikan kekuatan kepada manusia untuk bersenang senang seperti memainkan sebuah game,dan manusia adalah charakter game tersebut.     Kekuatan awakener dibagi menjadi:g,f,e,d,c,b,a,s,ss,dan sss. Yap dan aku adalah orang biasa yang tidak mendapatkan kekuatan super,padahal aku selalu memimpikan mendapatkan kekuatan super dan melawan para monster,

Daoist6YLoGy · Fantasia
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5 Chs
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Volume 1 :1


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Antecedentes do mundo
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Amazing story. The background in the first couple chapters starts a little slow but picks up quickly. I wish the writer would upload more frequently though, can't get enough of the book!


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