

The sky was filled with darkness as the stars were the only source of light. A girl was running in the woods gasping for air as four bulky looking men were chasing her.

She kept running but her legs were getting tired and her heart was pounding faster as she found it difficult to breathe but she told herself not to give up, not in the situation.

{Her POV}

A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a black nightdress that hugged her body shape was seen talking to her daughter.

" Klara , please return early from your evening jog or your father will scold me again"

" Mum , don't worry I will be home soon I promise" Klara said smiling and went out for her jog .

Klara was jogging when she saw four bulky men smoking and drinking,one of them had a dragon tattoo on his neck.

She continued to run faster as she felt their gaze on her. She turned to find the men following her .

She heard one of the men say

' come on baby girl don't run from us ,we just want to have fun' he said before showing his tobacco stained teeth.

Klara POV

I was slowly losing consciousness when I saw a person appear. He had deep blue eyes that shone like sapphire in the dark ,I looked down to find the men unconscious under him.

I realised he was getting closer to me,I tried to run away from him but I felt heavier with each step I took. My eyes slowly closed and I fell unconscious.

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