
The Best I Ever Had English Version

She was the best he'd ever had. But he let her go away. Now, Jenneth was back in Ryan's life. Will the old flame rekindle as they team up to restore the love of their friends? - A Moonville SideQeul story -

joanfrias · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

A Sudden Encounter

Jenneth woke up at 7 in the morning, but it's already way past 8AM and she's still lying on her bed scrolling through different social media sites – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram; then she'll go back to Facebook, Twitter, then back to Facebook again. She's been like that for an hour now.

It's Saturday, and she doesn't have work. It's also the first Saturday without her cousin Sharon who flew back to New York just the other day where she lives and works as a supermodel. And since her cousin is not there anymore, she doesn't have someone to hang out with. Not that they always go out when Sharon was still there. There's only much that they can do since her cousin is a famous supermodel that everyone recognize.

So, she's thinking of spending the day just lying down and doing nothing. When suddenly, her phone buzzed. It was a notification on her Facebook Messenger from Sharon herself. It seems her cousin felt that she's thinking about her that moment.

"Good morning! I know you miss me already," read the message.

Jenneth opened her Facebook Messenger and replied to Sharon.

"Don't you have a photo shoot tomorrow? Why are you still up?"

It didn't take long before Sharon replied to her.

"Come on, Cuz! It's only 8PM. Don't be a killjoy."

That made Jenneth smile.

Sharon texted again. "Friday night and I'm in New York. What do you expect me to do? Stay in my house and do nothing?"

"Sorry if I forgot that you're a party girl," Jenneth joked.

Sharon replied, "I'm just living the life here. And besides, it's too boring being alone here in the apartment. I miss our bonding moments together, even if they were just endless movie marathon in your house."

Jenneth replied, "I also miss you. It's so quiet here now that you're gone."

Sharon replied, "Well, at least my loudness made you happy. So, what are your plans for today? It's Saturday and you don't have work."

Jenneth replied, "Don't have anything in mind. What could you suggest?"

Sharon replied, "Hmm… What do you have there in Tarlac? Rice fields?"

Jenneth laughed. "You're so mean! We also have malls here, cinemas."

Sharon replied, "Then go and do a real movie marathon. Or go to the mall. Whatever, just get out and meet other people, and potentially find a boyfriend.

Jenneth replied, "And it all goes down to me looking for a boyfriend, huh?"

Sharon replied, "Of course! Remember, you're already 31, and your birthday is a few months from now and you're still single. LOL!"

Jenneth replied, "Just wait when you also get older, you mean girl!"

Sharon replied, "I am aware of that, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still love less. So go! Go find some fine guy."

Jenneth replied, "That's hard. It's so hard to find a 'fine' guy.'"

Sharon replied, "It's not. Have you not learned anything from all those romcoms we binge-watched? If you don't go out, how can you have a chance to find a fine guy for you? So go out and look for that guy."

Jenneth replied, "I don't like a fine guy, Cuz. I like a great guy."

She smiled. Of course, she likes to have the perfect guy for her.

Sharon replied, "Whatever. Just go! Find whoever you're supposed to find."

Jenneth giggled at the desperation of that statement. She texted back, "I'm not yet that desperate, silly!"

Sharon replied, "Well, you should be."

Should she be desperate? Yes, her biological clock is ticking, and she might be running out of time. But can she just fall in love with a guy who is not right for her? She already made a mistake once, and if she makes another, then that means she is a fool.

But wait, that was already the second mistake she had with love. Does that mean she really is a fool?

Her train of thought ended when Sharon texted again.

"My friends are here. We're going out tonight. Talk to you next time. Byeee!"

She sent Sharon a like. And then, her cousin was gone again. She once again lied quietly in her bed, alone and clueless as to what to do next. She just stared blankly at the ceiling.

What if she goes out, just like what Sharon suggested? She could go to the mall or watch a movie instead. Or do both. That won't mean she's boy hunting. She's just there hanging out by herself.

And so, she decided to get up and have breakfast. After eating, she showered and got ready for her sole trip to the mall. She decided to wear a black designer dress given to her by Sharon. Thanks to her supermodel cousin, her closet is full of designer clothes from their latest collections.

She paired her little black day dress with an ankle-wrap wedge. Then she put on her make up that she also learned from her cousin. Sharon told her that every girl should have at least four basic make up item – concealer, bronzer, mascara, and gloss. Jenneth has all four of them, from Covergirl, again courtesy of her cousin Sharon.

When she's satisfied with her look, she took her white Coach handbag, then checked her final look at her full-sized mirror.

"Thanks, Sharon." From head to toe, everything that she's wearing is from Sharon. It's really nice to have a supermodel cousin.

She put on her Guess wristwatch and then took her car keys. She got out of the house and went straight to the covered carport. She got into her red Ford Fusion and drove to her destination. There's not much traffic so she immediately arrived at UrbanShop.

There are also not many people at the said mall. Jenneth walked around not knowing where to go and what to do. She doesn't need to buy anything as she has everything that she needs. From groceries to toiletries and other supplies, her pantry is complete.

She also has enough clothes to last her for maybe until next year. Not only clothes, but shoes and accessories as well. Thanks to her cousin, she has a lot of clothes to wear and shoes and accessories to match.

"Then maybe, I need a new closet," she thought.

She went inside a furniture shop, but it seems she can't find the one she needs or like with all the closets displayed in the showroom. She's beginning to feel a little embarrassed with the male staff who is assisting her. He already opened and presented each and every closet they sell, but she still could not make up what she will buy.

"That is also a good choice, Ma'am," the male staff said as she opened another closet.

"I don't think it looks good in my room," Jenneth said. That is the last piece of closet in the showroom. "But I agree. It looks very good."

"That's our best one, Ma'am. Both in design and quality. It also is the most expensive," the salesman said.

Jenneth suddenly thought of an idea. "Do you also offer customized furniture?"

"I'm afraid we don't," answered the salesman. "But I think, our supplier does customized furniture."

"Who is your supplier?"

"Furniture.com, Ma'am. You can check their website on the internet."

"Furniture.com…" It sounds familiar. Where did she hear that name before?

"Yes Ma'am. Their contact details are on their website," said the salesman.

Jenneth smiled at him. "Thanks."

"No problem, Ma'am. Please come again if you need anything."

Jenneth smiled at the kind salesman, though she's aware that he is extra kind to her because she looks good today.

"Thanks, Sharon," she whispered to herself as she smiled.

She decided to go to The Coffee Club next. Actually, the coffee shop is her favorite place in Tarlac. She loves coffee, more so the sweets that they sell on the said coffee shop. To top that is the excellent service they offer in all their branches.

She ordered her favorite blueberry scone and paired it with a grande skinny vanilla latte. Her love for sweets is just as strong as her love for coffee, and The Coffee Club satisfies her cravings for those two.

While enjoying her snacks, she decided to search for Furniture.com's website on her cellphone, which she immediately found. She liked all the products she saw on their website, and she concluded they can do the closet that she wants for her room.

She looked at the contact details of the company. But before she can properly see the name of the contact person, a call came in from her lawyer Atty. Manalo. The female lawyer is the one taking care of her late mother's properties.

"Hello, Attorney?"

"Hello, Jenneth. Are you home? I just need you to sign some papers regarding your inheritance."

"I'm at the UrbanShop right now, but I can go to your house."

"Is it okay with you? We're just near the mall. These are just a few documents, though."

"It's okay, Attorney. I'm about to go home anyway." There's nothing else she can think of doing after.

"Okay, then. I'll just text you the address."


She ended the call, then took one last bite of her scone and one last sip of her latte. She took her bag and was about to go out of the coffee shop, when she froze on her tracks.

She saw a guy, the guy whom she did not plan on seeing ever. That is why at that moment, she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't even know what to think as her thoughts focused on the guy she saw.

And that is the very reason why her mouth suddenly called his name as that is the only thing she can think off at that moment.


He looked at her, and in an instant, her heart suddenly pounded.