
the beginning from the realm of primal chaos

(The Primal Chaos realm is Yun Che’s realm.) Well guys, from the beginning, I want to mention that this novel will not mention the word “God” and any word “divine” or something like that will be replaced by the word (saint or sacred). .... In the realm of primordial chaos, specifically on the Blue Pole Star More specifically in the Blue Cloud Continent and within a forest cave in the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range It was a small child alone crying but in this .... The worlds that have been visited so far are, of course, without counting the world of primordial chaos: Martial Universe ( WDQK ) , Teyvat (genshin impact game) There are other worlds that the hero will travel to, but the main one will remain the world of primal chaos until the plot ends, or at least until an advanced stage in it. My language is not English and many thanks to my dear google translator all characters aren't mine except mc and some characters that I may write hmm and the photo also isn't mine ok I don't know why authors write that but ok I think there is a reason

Moroyal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

five years

In the world of MARTIAL PEAK, dragons and necks are the strongest monsters and innate creatures, and this is not without reason

When the original Wushin merged the Ice Phoenix and the Flame Phoenix, there was a great struggle, and in the end, a phoenix emerged with both elements, with an enhanced talent in space.

But when he tried to merge the Dragon Origins, Kun Bing, and Qilin Lightning, what happened was that the Golden Dragon completely devoured both races and gained their properties.

for Woochin, the original was a circle shape in gold with a black and white "Tai Chi" sign in the center of the circle, indicating the universe ping which is second only to the dragon and phoenix in strength, while the trace of the qilin was only a few frills in purple.

Woochin held them in his hands and smiled


In the Crimson Dead Dragon Mountain Range

"Hmm, this place brings back memories, doesn't it?" Woochin smiled slightly as he looked at the cave in front of him with some sadness in his red eyes.

"Hmm." Qingyue nodded speechlessly

If this place meant a mother's love to Woo Chen, it meant losing her to Chengyu

Woochin looked at her out of the corner of his eye for a bit and said

"So come inside, I have something good for you."

Qingyue didn't think of anything strange… because she still didn't understand anything strange

By the way, she is only 5 years old this year, while Woochin is only 4

"Come on," she said, leading him inside

Woochin looked at her back for a bit and then followed her

Upon entering, he found her looking at a certain wall

"Brother Woochin, do you know?"

" What ?"

"This is where I lost my mother."

Woochin didn't speak and moved closer to her, placing his hand on top of her head, feeling her body tremble slightly

"You know Brother Woochin, in this place I earned a lot."

"Huh?" Woochin had already guessed what she meant and felt a little moved in his heart but he waited for her to continue.

"In this place my mother is gone, but I will find her and I will not lose her completely... But in this same place I am.. I met Brother Woochin, so I did not gain much, when I lose a member of my family only for a while to gain a permanent one and also who ah who is gold will return He will come back, won't he?"

Qingyue's body started to shiver as Wuxin's hand was on top of her head

Woochin removed his hand, which made it shiver even more, but he quickly pulled it to his chest, saying softly, "He'll come back, we'll take him back."

With this, Chengyu wept even more

(Ah women are inexplicable beings, aren't they, cough actually yes they are but not in a matter like that)


After about ten minutes, Qingyue started to calm down, of course, not before wiping all her tears from Wuqin's chest

Hmmm luckily Qingyue doesn't use make-up... Cough she doesn't need at all

"Okay, have you calmed down?"

" Yes "

Woochin didn't speak and waited for about five more minutes

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find them."

"Yes." Qingyue smiled, which shone on the dimly lit cave

"Okay, Qingyue, let's finish what we came for quickly so as not to cause Uncle Hongyi to worry."

"Well, what's up?"

Woochin didn't speak, he just pulled out two circles, one in blue and red, while the other in the four colors gold, purple, white, and black, as previously described.

" What is this ? "

"This is a dragon root for me and a phoenix for you."

"What? A dragon and a phoenix? Aren't they those powerful beasts in legends, as powerful as the Vermilion Dragon from before?"

"No, no… the Vermilion Dragon is just a mixed-blooded dragon, this is a true dragon's origin and a powerful bloodline at that, this is the capital for us to find our parents."

"Hm, but where did you get it from, that's so precious."

"Well, that's my secret." Wuxin's face was slightly embarrassed, but Qingyue quickly interrupted him

"No, I don't really care where you got them from.. It's just.. Why are you telling me that?"

Woochin smiled slightly and grabbed the blue and red disc and placed it in her hand

"What?, Brother Woochin are you really going to give it to me, but but."

Woochin smiled slightly, "Silly girl, if I get this thing on my own, I'll get stronger quickly and leave you alone after that. I... I don't want to lose a family member again."

silence ...

"It's okay then." Qingyue smiled brightly with some inexplicable emotion in her eyes

Woochin also smiled on the other side

This is how they both began refining the asset intended for them



Time passed little by little until darkness enveloped the entire cave

Oops, they were already late, and Xia Hongyi was already starting to worry

Behind Woochin appeared an enormous golden dragon with shining scales and a terrifying appearance

Its appearance is majestic golden with purple motifs with white and black on the abdomen and around it a chaotic mist with flashing some terrifying sparks of lightning.

Behind Qingyue, a purple colored Phoenix appeared with flames and ice circling around her body in unison with an extremely terrifying appearance.

" Hadeer !!" "Chirling!!"

The sound of a dragon's roar and a phoenix's cry came together amidst the mountain range, shaking the entire Primal Chaos

After all, whether the Golden Dragon Ancestor or any of the creatures it was fused with were all ninth-level Open Heavens

The open sky level corresponded to the immortal levels in the immortal cultivation realms

The ninth level of Open Heaven corresponded to the level of an Immortal Emperor…

Bearing in mind that at the peak of the Primal Chaos realm, he could only withstand a single True Immortal level

Immortal levels are divided into

• real immortal

• immortal King

• quisi-immortal emperor

Immortal Emperor

So you can imagine the difference in level between the realm and the ancestors of the Dragon and Phoenix

This is without saying that the strength of the Dragon and Phoenix Ancestral Force is much stronger than the average Immortal Emperor….

But fortunately, there is a Monarch Sack to protect the Primal Chaos


Wuxin opened his eyes and so did Qingyue at the same time as a smile appeared in their eyes

"Come on, we're late."

"Oh damn, Dad must be looking for us right now."

"then come on"


Wuchen and Qingyue returned to the Xia House where they received a good enough scolding…

-----------------Time Skip-chan 3

Another year passed

Wuxin turned five this year while Chengyou turned six

Wuchen and Qingyue had both reached the seventh level of the True Profound Realm

Yes I decreased their cultivation speed a bit

The main reason here was that besides cultivating, they also focused on refining their Dragon and Phoenix Origins and transforming their bodies and races.

Of course, although their cultivation speed was not fast enough for them, they had become legends in Floating Cloud City, and although no one knew their cultivation level, even the elders of the Xiao clan had once been beaten by them, so no one would dare to guess, but it was It definitely wouldn't be lower than the Spirit Profound Realm…

(This is what people think. They are actually in the ninth level True Profound Realm. Please don't get lost in my thoughts.)

These rumors coincided with stories of Xiao Li's paralyzed grandson Xiao Qi, creating a strange paradox

After all, Xiao Lie could be called a duo's teacher

After offering condolences to Xiao Che for his paralysis, Wu Chen and Qingyue didn't care and continued on their way

And on this day as usual

< Ding please the host make the sixth wish >


"I want… the power of the Shadow king from the solo leveling realm."


" to be sure "

Woochin felt like he was one with his shadow all of a sudden and he felt life or well not quite life but something similar from the shadows of the living beings in the city and he felt like he could communicate with them and control them.

Well it doesn't matter now

-----------------Time Skip-chan 4

another year

Woochin is already six this year while Chengyu is seven and her beauty is already budding

Woochin had reached the second level of the Spirit Profound Realm

As for Qingyue, she is at the third level of the same world

The reason why Wochin was late to it was because he had begun to study the power of the Shadow God and focused more on merging the Dragon Origin with himself

The usual notice time has come, however

No notice came this year....

------------ Time Skip-chan 5

Woochin is seven and Chengyu is eight

Qingyue had reached the eighth level of the Spirit Profound Realm

As for Wuxin, he had reached the ninth level of the Spirit Profound Realm

Wuxin focused on cultivation this year when he found that Chengyue had surpassed him and he managed to surpass her this time

He was also motivated by the regime not appearing in the next year

Today is the day the system used to appear

Woochin sat in his room that day to "cultivate"

After waiting for a while, Woochin suddenly started to lose hope

< Ding please the host make the seventh wish >

"I want a way to travel through the worlds," Woochin said simply and without hesitation

Originally, he wanted to postpone this matter until he actually grew up among us, became stronger, and could obtain the greatest benefits from any world he visited

Also, you know, things like wishes are better the earlier they are made

For example, if Woochin obtained the Dragon Ancestor Origin when he grew up, it would be even more difficult for him to integrate into his body

Now, in infancy, race can be changed more easily

According to Woochin's understanding of the system, the best benefit he can get from it is to strengthen his foundation and talents

But now, with the danger of order not appearing, it is better to secure travel across the realms

This opens new horizons

<Ding is searching for the best way to travel through the worlds>

Wu Chen didn't care and focused on his cultivation

Even after a while

< Ding A suitable method has been found.. The key to the world, is it confirmed and accepted? >

" Yes "

Then, without many beeps and warnings, a small key appeared in Woochin's hand, and information flashed in Woochin's mind

[The world key always looks for the coordinates of worlds around the host in the space-time grid, and when it finds any world it notifies the host]

Woo Chen smiled slightly and continued cultivating with peace of mind

------------Time Skip-chan 6

This time it's been two years

Woochin is nine years old while Chengyu is ten

Their cultivation was at the seventh level of the Earth Profound Realm, and they had already become the strongest in Floating Cloud City, and even in the Blue Wind Empire they could be considered elders in the largest sects.

Today, Xia Hongyi summoned them for some reason

< Ding please the host make the eighth wish >

Woochin sat in his room as usual as the sound of the system sounded, which seems to have come every two years since the Sixth Wish

"Hmm, I want the best sword talent."

< Ding is looking for the best sword talent, please wait >

< Ding is confirmed >

"It's strange...the regime didn't mention who has the best sword talent this time anyway. It's not like I care."

" to be sure "


Well, Woochin didn't feel anything

Woochin raised his eyebrows slightly but soon he didn't care anymore

"Alright, let's see what Uncle Xia wants."



When Woochin arrived, Chengyu was standing in front of the door, waiting for him

"Come on?" she asked, tilting her head to the side slightly

"So cute," Woochin said, then suddenly grabbed her cheek

"Don't be kidding, let's go in." Qingyue's face reddened slightly, but the tone of her voice did not fluctuate

"Ah, where did my sweet Qingyue go?"

"Already grown up." Qingyue muttered under her breath


"Go!" Qingyue suddenly exclaimed nervously

"Okay, okay," Woochin said, then knocked on the door

" dig !dig !"

" Enter "

Qingyue looked at Wuxin's back with some complicated feelings in her eyes, then followed him

Inside, Wuxin and Qingyue saw Xia Hongye with a strange man, and with them a little girl of about twelve

Wuchin entered without any air while Chengyou entered with cold air

A stranger around suggests rejecting people five light years away


Hmm, even though Woochin didn't put any atmosphere in, the Imperfect Void Structure doesn't allow for that, so the atmosphere around him is to despise the world and not mingle with it, not just people.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit strange as the little girl inside tensed while the strange man didn't speak

But the strange atmosphere was soon interrupted by Xia Hongye with the acumen of a businessman

"Alright, these are the two Wuchen and Qingyue that you guys came to find

When Qingyue heard her father call out to the other side, he respectfully increased

The icy atmosphere in the room suddenly

The girl on the other side wanted to talk but was still hesitant

Wuchin and Xia Hongyi looked at each other as Xia Hongyi winked at him

"Cough... you guys," Woochin said, interrupting the tense atmosphere and getting their attention

"Alright, I'm Woochin. Can I recognize this beauty..."

Woochin felt the weather getting colder but he gritted his teeth and said softly

"Mr..hello, my name is Lan Xueruo."

"Oh hello Big Sister xueruo… Excuse me, could I ask… Why are you looking for us?"

Shirou took a deep breath and then slowly began to calm down

"Do you know the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament?"

(end of chapter)