
The Beggars Rise

Spartacus Fan Fiction, Warning!!! R-18 is in this book--- A soul who was thrown into Spartacus but with only one fighting ability the rest are all lifestyle type magic wishes. Follow as he decides what to do with his new life. Will he join Spartacus? Or will he create his own legacy in this strange but new world? I own nothing but my own Ideas and OC everything is to the respected creator of the show.

BloodyEat_Delight · TV
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Ch7: Rain! Rain! (1)

(A/N: Thank TruckkunJr for this, he has been asking and I told him I was writing it after all. Hope you enjoy since this one is for you TruckkunJr. Let's see if I still got it!) Read Author's Note at the end please!!!


Julius sighed thinking it had been awhile since he had been back at the Ludus, even if it had only been a couple of hours since the shadow games were held. He could feel the temperature slowly drop as he watched some guards cart in a beaten and battered Crixus, the dude had some strong resolve to be able to survive what he had just went through, a lesser man would have been dead if he had went through the same thing.

Julius knew that he wouldn't have been able to survive it, at the moment him and Aurelius were walking into the Ludus behind everyone else, before they made it to far Oenomaus walked over to them, "Pack up, Dominus has seen it fit that the two of you gain your own personal rooms." He explained as they looked at him wide eyed.

They both nodded before going back towards their old cell, all that was in it though were the rags that they carried around that were 'clothes', Aurelius looked like at kid who just won a prize, "Can you believe it, we don't need to share anymore. Thank fuck, it means I don't need to see your ugly mug first thing in the morning." He said on a laugh while patting Julius on the shoulder.

Julius laughed while rolling his eyes, "Yes I was thinking the same thing. Why they put us in the same cell I will never know, you were starting to give me nightmares for a moment there."

The two laughed while following a guard who was showing them to their new rooms, they were on the other side of the Ludus near the training area, the only advantages of the places being a lone room. Julius no longer needed to hide when he wanted to eat or practice with a real sword, the only people allowed inside of the room were he himself.

Aurelius also was happy about it since he didn't need to fuck in front of Julius anymore, they both found it weird but with the limited space of the cell there was nothing they could do about it. So both were now very thankful that they didn't need to worry about seeing the other have sex, not that Julius did it in the first place.

To be honest since he was saving himself for Ilithyia he was back to using his right hand like a teen again, of course he could sleep with the women that were brought but he never did. Not like he was scared to catch anything since he could heal them but he just felt that Ilithyia was worth the wait, plus if he remembered right coming up was the episode where his Domina arranged for her to sleep with someone.

He knew that this time that he would be the one that would be placed there, he would just have to do something to make sure that it was actually him and Ilithyia and not him and someone else. He wouldn't put it past her though to try and get Ilithyia to sleep with Spartacus again, though with her not showing as much interest in Crixus then it might not happen that way again, he didn't need her going crazy and killing a woman.

Even if she looked really hot as she was doing it.

When they made it to their new rooms he looked around the place, it was just a square room with something to set his clothes on along with a single bed with a sheet over it. He didn't really mind since it was a big step up from the cell they were sleeping in, at least he didn't need to worry about dirt or rocks digging into his skin, while he could also make sure his sheet stayed clean while he slept on it.

"So what are your thoughts on this? Do you think Dominus will be trying to give us bigger fights because of this?" Aurelius asked while standing in his doorway trying to block himself from the rain that was pouring outside.

Julius turned to him getting out his thoughts, "Who knows. All I care is that we have something to sleep on besides the ground, I hated sleeping there. Plus the smell of yours and everyone else's cum was starting to make me sick."

Aurelius laughed, they were going to talk more but were called to attention with everyone else as their Dominus wanted to announce something to them. Julius stood with everyone else in the pouring rain as they watched from below as their Dominus made their way to the ledge of the top of the Ludus looking down at all of them.

"There is no greater thing then standing victorious in the arena. We have seen misfortune. Felt the sting of defeat. The humility of vacant purse and empty stomach. Some believed the house of Batiatus Would never reclaim its former glory. That we would fade from memory, forsaken by history. But we have proved them wrong." He said while some people started to cheer a little, "We have proved the name batiatus Will live long after we have gone to dust and bone.

So stand proud before the bringer of rain! The slayer of the shadow of death! The new champion of Capua! Spartacus!" Dominus finished as Spartacus started to walk forward, it didn't escape Julius's eyes though seeing that Naevia and their Domina looked shocked at him gaining Crixus title as champion.

"Looks like Dominus plans to milk Spartacus for all he is worth." Julius said to Aurelius who was standing next to him watching everything play out.

"Well why shouldn't he? Crixus did but fuck all when they were close to death, even now the brute is in the healer clinging to life." Aurelius said while not really caring about anything that was going on around them. He still wasn't the biggest fan of Rome even if he did spend most nights sticking his dick in one of their women, he still longed to be home with his wife and daughter.

Julius nodded, "Yes but they all might have forgotten or not seen but if not for Crixus blinding the giant then Spartacus and him both would be dead in the dirt. Even if the man is about to die I don't see why people should forget that, not that I care one way or the other."

Aurelius nodded, "Let's just hope the gods keep this rain up, even if the two of us don't need it doesn't mean it isn't welcome. It has been to hot lately."

After the little announcement Julius went back to his room, although he was healed from his small cuts his body was still sore from the whole thing. Groaning he thought of Ilithyia's beautiful blue eyes hoping it would ease the pain of the fight that he went through, he even thought of sneaking out later to go see her, which would be easy.

Ever since he learned to use daggers he also learned tricks of Assassin's so it was easier for him to sneak in and out of places, though he had never tried since he was always to busy to actually do something about it. Now with his single room though he could sneak out and do it if he wanted to, which was something that he really did want to do, he would try it later tonight when everyone else was still riding high from the rain.

A knock at his door had him groaning but he stood to see who it was, he was a little surprised to catch Barca there with a worried expression, "I had words with Ashur earlier about the coin he owes me. He might have a problem with me now someone saw him at my door as I was speaking with Pietros about the sensitive topic that we both agreed not to have come to light."

Julius sighed looking around and seeing no one he nodded, "Well there is nothing we can do about it at the moment. The man promised to take care of the child and get him somewhere safe so we will have to just hope that he did that and no one caught on to what was going on. Let Ashur believe what he wants for the moment, I will have words with the man though to make sure that he does not speak."

Barca nodded his face going back to being impassive and expressionless, "Thank you. I have also learned what you said is true about buying freedom, the coin needed really won't work, even now Spartacus truly believes that he will be able to buy his freedom but look at Crixus, fallen from grace, who knows if he will be able to earn the Dominus favor again."

"Just keep your head down. Times will change, not now but soon and when they do you will have your chance to leave here. I will personally see to you and Pietros getting the freedom you want and deserve." Julius said.

Barca was someone he could actually call friend other then Aurelius since he was the next person he spent the most time with, plus with the secret that was shared between the two then it made them even closer with one another. "Here take this, enjoy this night with Pietros and calm your mind. I promise nothing will happen." Julius said while giving him some of his personal wine.

Looking at it Barca nodded while turning around, "Thank you." It was whispered but Julius was able to still hear it over the rain as the man walked away.

Julius didn't tell him everything though, what Barca didn't know was that the kid was really dead, Julius had made sure of that he didn't want to be found out before he needed to leave. After a quick thought he remembered later that the kid would be found, which was something that helped with the downfall of Barca, so since he was involved he didn't want to be caught up in the same way, he wasn't going to die being stabbed in the back like that.

Now though with Ashur hearing about it he needed to take care of the man, he didn't want to have any lose ends, since it had been a couple of days he was hoping the man would be at home. He was a little scared that he had taken off fearing for his life, but since Julius had already paid him then he was sure that the man wouldn't be as scared, plus him seeing their mark had given him some confidence in being able to take them down if he was in trouble.

Sighing he moved back to his bed while waiting for the night to come, he was already seeing some of the guards drinking, hopefully they would be asleep soon. With the rain he was tempted himself to sleep hearing the pattering of it hitting the roof of his room, but he was able to keep himself awake, his healing was slowly making him feel better, the sore bones were going away him feeling slightly better.

What seemed like hours later the noise died down, all that was left was the sound of the rain, seeing his chance he moved to his door opening it, since he was a high person it wasn't locked. They didn't expect them to be able to go anywhere because of the guards and the fact that everything was locked, but that would never be able to stop him.

All it took was a little metal from his Garden Land and he was able to make a master key for all locks, he was no longer kept hidden from anything, with a little stealth he could go anywhere he wanted. Sneaking out his room he saw that the flames of the torches were out, the guards were also off to the side, many really drunk and others were passed out, none noticed him though as he made his way out the Ludus.

It was almost to easy for him to make it outside, not even Oenomaus was there to stop him, but seeing that the guy was more into stopping Spartacus then him he didn't need to worry about that. Julius had always been 'loyal' so he didn't need to worry about anyone thinking he was a traitor, he kept those thoughts to himself rather then speaking them.

Making his way through the town he finally made it to the rich district he kept walking until he made it to Ilithyia's place, their were only a few lit torches, it seemed that her guards weren't celebrating like the one back at his Ludus. Though that wasn't a problem, the whole that was in the guards were still there as he took the same way to enter the manor as he did last time he was here.

Walking inside he followed the sound of her voice as she was talking to someone near the sitting room, "The rain helps a little, it still doesn't matter though. Whatever trick he has cleans me better then that bath ever wood, I still loath that he is a slave. If he would just let me buy him from Batiatus and Lucretia then I would free him the moment it was done, then all he would need to do is convince my father to let us be together."

"My lady, don't you think you are placing him to high? Not to be rude but he was nothing but a gambling addict, do you not worry that he will ruin your fathers name and lose your coin by being with him." someone said most likely her hand maid seeing as she addressed her so formally.

"No he has changed. There is no way that he is the coward he once was, I could tell from the way he fights in the arena. No gambling addict coward would fight the way he does, I think he is completely changed." Ilithyia said, there was no reply though as she was most likely glaring at the hand maid that dared to speak something that she didn't like.

Julius smiled as he walked into the room alerting everyone inside it, which was just her and her hand maid, he smiled at her shocked expression that morphed into a happy one the moment that she saw clearly that it was him. "Hello there beautiful." He said walking towards her.

She wore a night dress as she lay on the bed, her hand maid was messing with her hair but moved away the moment she saw him step into the room, she put her head down trying not to draw attention to herself, "What brings you here? Are you out on another errand and have time to kill?" She asked though there was something in her voice as she asked him.

Julius raised a brow being able to recognize that she was a little angry at the thought that he only came because he was out for an errand, "No. I wanted to see you, leaving the Ludus isn't so hard when the guards are drunk and not paying attention to the gate. So with my escape I thought that I should come see my goddess."

"Escape?" She asked with a little hopefulness in her voice her eyes shinning a bit.

He chuckled moving to her pulling her into his arms as he took a seat in her bed, "Not that kind. We don't have to wait much longer before something happens but for now nothing is going to happen, no it is just my outing for the night to be with you. You have me until the morning since I plan to sneak back into the Ludus before anyone can wake up."

She pouted a little but nodded smiling a little more hearing the ending, "So I get you for an entire night then? Well whatever shall we do, there is only but a few hours, plus I am still sleepy from all the excitement from today."

He nodded holding her closer as she put her head in between the crook of his neck kissing it, "Well we can talk and I can hold you, or do anything else you want. I am yours for the whole night, do you want something to eat?" He used his cleaning to clean her the way she liked before running his hands through her hair making her relax more into him.

"I had some light food, the food here isn't really that great. Even the things they save for the nobles like me they are still nothing that compare to something that I can get in the capital. So I am a little hungry." She said while her stomach growled even thinking about the better food that she could get in the capital.

Smiling he made a plate appear, on it was Tonnarelli Cacio e Pepe something he loved to eat ever since he found out about it, seeing as they were in Rome he thought why not. He was going to let her try a little from everything around the world, even some dishes that aren't even made yet, but for now he was going to keep it to something that was more traditional and something she was use to.

She gasped but then opened her mouth looking at him expectantly, he laughed but took a fork and started to feed her, she practically hummed as she ate the bite of food. She was like a purring kitten in his arms at the moment, the hand maid that was in the room had left earlier when Ilithyia sent her a glare that made him laugh, he didn't mind them knowing he was here cause it wasn't like they could tell anyone.

He was sure the only people who were loyal to her husband were the guards, and since they never saw him when he showed then he had nothing to worry about with them, the slaves in the house had no power either so they didn't say a word. Julius slowly fed her while giving her drinks of water ever now and then, she was satisfied with the food but he smiled while bringing out a slice of cheesecake with strawberry drizzle on top.

She looked at it curiously but the moment she took a bite the sexiest moan he has ever heard left her lips, he gulped himself since she made taking a bite look like the best thing ever. Though he could tell where she was coming from, their weren't really sweets or deserts in this period, those that were are just fruits, that is what they counted as treats in this world which is why they were at all spreads as a delicacy.

"What is--" She tried to say something but he couldn't hold himself back and stole her lips. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues wrestled one another, he just thought that the moans she let out while eating the cake were to much so he didn't hold himself back anymore the moment that she finished, the moment he put the plate away he attacked.

As the kissing grew more intense so did he, seeing as she was still a sadist and loved to take control while also giving pain he wasn't going to let her control him like that, he was going to show her who was boss in their relationship. Lifting her by her pits he threw her on the bed and watched as she looked at him with hazy half hooded eyes, she looked so bewitching at the moment that he took a moment to look her over.

Thinking fast he took out a camera, yeah he realized with him being able to get all sorts of metal and minerals that he was able to make one, so he wasted no time doing it. His only regret was that he couldn't make shows ans such, all he could make were little things like a camera or something that could record things, he couldn't actually make copies of movies and things from his past life.

-Lime/Lemon Scene Ahead--

Ilithyia looked at him intrigued by the camera after he took a picture but he wasn't going to shower her until he was done with her, "Strip." He commanded with heat in his eyes, his tone left no chance for her to say anything back as she could see he was holding on with a thread not to jump her at the moment.

Slowly she took off her night dress and what he saw beneath blew his mind, soft creamy skin that was pale highlighting her nipples that were erect at the moment point right at him. It took all his self control not to attack her at that moment, the small patch of blonde hair between her legs almost covered her cunt but he was able to see the bright pink lips that were shinning with the amount of wetness that was leaking from her.

Taking another photo he set the camera to the side, since it was solar powered he saw he had some time before it would die, smiling he set it to record before moving towards the bed as he let his own cloak and clothes fall to the ground. Her breathing picked up as he slowly walked towards her, smirking at her he leaned over teasing her as he pecked her lips while slowly caressing her body almost at a snails pace making her pant.

"Please!" She groaned looking at him with pleading eyes as he ran his hands over her legs and body.

Smirking he bent down taking a nipple into his mouth biting hard, he wasn't soft with her at all as she screamed out in both pain and pleasure, she was loud enough to cause the hand maid to walk in, seeing their position she left just as quick as she came in though.

Neither paid attention to her as Ilithyia's eyes glazed over as he assaulted her chest, she was arching her hips trying to rub against him but he pulled back as she got one long stroke in against his cock. He wasn't going to let her find release just yet, he hasn't tasted her which is what he planned to do tonight so until he had she wasn't getting any sort of release from him, unless it was with his mouth.

"Stop trying to get your release, you don't get to cum until I say." He growled in her ear as he pulled away from her glaring at her slightly, all he got in return was a whimper but he could see how much she was enjoying this.

Moving down he kissed along her stomach until he made it to her wet cunt, as his breath washed over it he felt her shudder, slowly he took a long lick from bottom to top before roughly biting her clit. She moaned loud while arching into his face with her hips but listening to what he said she didn't cum, instead she looked at him with eyes that were begging for it, her blue eyes were shinning with the tears that were held inside them.

All he could do was smile, he felt so good being able to control her life this, he knew how much she loved controlling others so he was glad to see that she gave up that release and let him have complete control over her body. Seeing that she was being such a good girl he let her cum as he stuck his tongue inside of her and rub her clit lightly, "Now!" He said letting her know she could.

A long throaty moan left her as she gushed in his mouth and face, although not strong she squirted all over his mouth. Panting she fell against the bed while letting out deep breaths looking at him with her eyes half closed, he wasn't done with her yet, she was going to learn that she needed to please him to before she got any sort of rest.

She followed along as he grabbed her roughly by the hair making her get off the bed and on to her knees on the floor, "Now return the favor!" He demanded while moving the camera in front of her so that he could have a POV of her as she sucked him off.

Ten minutes of deep-throat and gagging later and he was holding her head down as he came down her throat making her take it, her nails dug into his thighs as he led her in place not letting her come up, but she took it all without complaint. When he finished he let her go and she came up breathing heavy with a little cough in the end, smiling he watched through the camera as she look up at him with bright eyes, she really loved what happened here.

---Lime/Lemon Over---- (First try hope it was okay)

"Come here." He said switching back to his normal loving self when he was near her, she stood and sat in his lap as he wrapped his arms around her, using his cleaning he washed her up before laying them both down.

"That was amazing, are we not going to have sex?" She asked looking up into his eyes as she was laying on his chest.

"Maybe some other time. Tonight was just so we could have a little fun, plus we are both tired by how busy the day was so lets get some rest." He said while running his hand through he hair making her lay her head back on his chest purring in contentment.

"What is that thing?" She asked while pointing at the camera that he had out.

Not answering he showed her what was one it, she was amazed seeing herself on it and the recording of what just happened, she asked all sorts of questions which he half answered but she did seem to enjoy seeing herself deep-throat. Apparently he just found out she has a kink of being filmed and watching her performance after it was over, which was something that he was going to keep doing even if she didn't like it.

"So tell me some more about yourself. We have never had enough time to actually get to know one another." He said while kissing the top of her head, it was true that they never actually talked about anything serious, well not like they really got the chance to anyway.

So she started to tell him about her life in Rome, how she met her husband, and everything in between, he listened to it all and committed it to memory so that he wouldn't forget it, she was the most important thing to him after all. She also listen to him tell his story, even if it truly wasn't his own story she still listened to it all, though she did fall asleep after he got to when he got bought by Batiatus.

He didn't mind though since he knew how tired she was, for the rest of the night he held her running his hand through he hair, anytime he planned to move her away she would hold him tighter making it where he could shift their positions. Not that he minded, they were both still naked so he loved the feeling of her soft body against his own, her skin was so silky smooth.

The hand maid came in once more to check on them but he shooed her out letting Ilithyia sleep, though with the rain it was hard to tell the time his internal clock would let him know when it was time for him to take off and head back to the Ludus. With the cloudy sky it would be easy to sneak back in anyway so it wasn't like he was in a rush, he would leave after feeding her breakfast.

When the morning came he did just that, Ilithyia knew that he needed to leave soon so she sat there obediently and ate the food he fed her, he gave her a spinach and mushroom omelet for breakfast so she had something healthy. Their were salads but most of the time anything healthy eaten was fruits so he was trying to get some vegetables into her.

"I wish you could stay longer." She said softly holding on to him as he was getting ready to leave.

"Me too. The time won't be long before we see each other again, plus there will be a time where you will get to see me every day." He said with a smile as he leaned down taking her lips, she hungrily kissed him back.

It wasn't until their was a light cough from the hand maid, which got her the deadliest glare he had ever scene from anyone, to bring them back to earth Ilithyia sighing in his arms, "I will make sure Lucretia lets me see you when I come to visit the Ludus. It isn't like she hasn't already realized that I have affection for you." She said while laying her head on his chest.

Kissing the top of her head he nodded, "Good. I will see you later then when you come."

With that they pulled away from another and he put his hood up before sneaking out the place, as he was leaving he could see a carriage coming up to the Villa. The carriage was the same as the one he saw when all the other women came to visit Ilithyia the last time he was here, he figured they must have been meeting up again to chat about something, maybe even talk about the games that took place.

No need to worry this world will not get all technology based or anything like that. I was just adding this in to show their kink that they have, as you can tell she loves watching them please each other so I will keep it like that when I do sex scenes. As for guns, they will not come into this since I don't want him to be able to instantly kill people. Well they might come towards the very end, but for now they are staying the way they are.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

BloodyEat_Delightcreators' thoughts