

Ashe thought it was high time to keep moving.

She knew the horsemen were coming for her and if she stayed here her friends would be hurt, too. She didn't want her friends in danger, so she decided to sneak out of the earth hut and continue without them. Thoughts of the raven haired man in her dream. He was so real.

The place on her neck where he bit her burned. Could he have really bitten her in a dream?

And the way he stared through her as to if he saw her soul. Does she know this man?

Casting her thoughts aside, she began running again through the woods, away from the small hut where her friends remained sleeping. She would run as far and as fast as she could, leaving them intact with their safety. Making her way hastily towards the beaches of Jennan.

She didn't know why she was going there, but it was there she would find her memory again.

She was quietly making her way through the trees when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and looked but saw no one. There was a small creek ahead, a good place to stop and refresh herself.

As she bent over the creek to gather some water in her hands, she heard footsteps behind her again. She turned, quickly alarmed that she had been found.

"Come out!", she shouted. "Who is there?".

"It's ok," she heard a deep voice reply. "I'm a friend. I'm not here to cause you pain, my lady."

A tall, sculpted, handsome man stepped from the bushes. His bright yellow eyes glowed as he watched Ashe. He flipped his brown hair from his face and smiled as he reached to take her hand.

" I'm Elon. Just a simple man out enjoying the early morning. I didn't expect to run into such a beauty in this forest. May I be of service to you, in any way?", he asked smiling at Ashe. His beautiful features lit up the dark forest. His yellow eyes danced with flirtation.

"I'm just passing through. Thank you," she said backing away from him. It startled her that she was being followed by this man.

He threw his head back as he laughed. "No need to be afraid, my dear, it is you that stumbled into my territory. And there is a price to pay for crossing through. Would you like for me to tell you what that is?", he said taking a step towards her. He caught her by the wrist as she began to struggle, he used his power to compel her to be calm. She stood motionless as he stared through her with glowing yellow eyes. "you will come with me," he said.

He wrapped his arms around her, whispered a few words and in an instant they were inside a dimly lit room. It was a nicely decorated comfortable room, that looked liked it belonged in a royal home. He had just teleported them both to his home. Thoughts raced around in Ashes mind. Would he hurt her? What does he want from her?

" It seems there are alot of people looking for you my dear. They are not nice people either. Tell me why the Shadow King would want you?

You must be special if he is using a witches magic to find you. But dont worry, my magic is stronger, and they will not find you here. Only if I give you over." He ran his eyes over her fair skin, down to her breasts, and sighed.

"You are quite breathtaking. I may want to keep you for myself," he said, eyeing every inch of her.

He reached out to run a finger in between her breasts, and she shuddered at his touch.

He then noticed the scar on her throat.

"You've been marked. Well, well. It seems you are safe to belong to another. Tell me, where is your mate?".

"I dont have a mate. I dont even have a memory," she said as she reached to touch the burning place on her neck.

The dream. The man. Was it real?

"Clearly, you have been marked, my dear. Would you grant me the pleasure of staying with me tonight? I will behave and you will have your own room. Stay, and keep me simple company."

"I really must keep going. Please," she answered.

"Stay, and I will used my powers to get you where you need to be. Tomorrow."

She stared at the bewitching man and agreed to stay. Just one night, she thought.

He called his maid to prepare a meal, and showed Ashe to the room she would be staying in. It was a beautiful purple room, with black carpet and satin curtains. A large canopy bed sat right in the center. Lush satin sheets and blankets covered the bed and at least ten large pillows lay atop it.

She couldn't remember the last time she slept in a bed. She crawled into the large bed, skipping the meal Elon had prepared for her, and quickly fell asleep.

She dreamed of home and the coast, the sun and the stars. Her mother. She had not slept this well in forever, but she soon began to stir when she felt the cold breeze enter the room.

She peeked her eyes open, adjusting her sight to the dark room. There, at the window, was a dark figure. A familiar dark figure. His purple eyes glowed in delight to see her. He slowly crept over to the bed and crawled inside the sheets with Ashe. Pulling her closer to him, he could see her squeeze her eyes tightly shut.

"Don't be afraid of me my love. I have come only for you. I told you I would come," he whispered. "Look at me."

Ashes heart was thundering in her chest. Was she dreaming or awake? The strange raven man was here in this bed. How did he find her?

She slowly opened her emerald eyes and he raised her face up to his. His violet jeweled eyes met hers and she trembled. His fangs poked out from his blood red lips, and he smiled. She was frozen there. In fear. Of the man that came from her dreams.

He began to softly caress her cheek. "Dont fear me, my love", he whispered.


Tell me what you think so far!! I'm new to this!

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