
Chapter 1

Opening shot: We see a vast, barren wasteland stretching out as far as the eye can see. In the distance, a small figure is visible, walking towards the camera. As the figure gets closer, we see that it is Saitama.

Saitama: (to himself) Another day, another patrol. Nothing ever seems to happen in this boring wasteland.

As Saitama continues walking, he suddenly hears a loud crash in the distance. He immediately starts running towards the sound, his cape billowing behind him.

Saitama: (to himself) This could be something interesting for once.

Cut to: A few moments later, Saitama arrives at the scene of the crash. He sees a large, muscular man with spiky black hair standing in the middle of a massive crater.

Saitama: (to himself) Who is this guy?

???: (to Saitama) Who are you supposed to be?

Saitama: (calmly) I'm Saitama, a hero for fun.

???: (smiling) A hero, huh? Well, I'm Goku, and I'm a Saiyan warrior.

Saitama: (impressed) A Saiyan? I've heard of your kind. You must be pretty strong.

Goku: (grinning) You could say that. I'm always looking for a good fight.

Saitama: (nodding) I know the feeling. But let's not fight here. We don't want to cause any more damage than has already been done.

Goku: (agreeing) Good point. But I'll be keeping an eye on you, Saitama. I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again.

Saitama: (smiling) I'll be ready for you, Goku.

As Goku flies off into the sky, Saitama looks up and watches him go.

Saitama: (to himself) This could be the start of an interesting adventure. I wonder what other powerful opponents are out there waiting for me to face them.

Closing shot: Saitama stands alone in the wasteland, his cape fluttering in the wind. He looks out into the distance, ready for whatever challenges come his way.

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