
The Bane Of The Timewalkers

The Timewalkers, a race of immortal swordsmen, were all but wiped out when Athena was a child. Now she believes it is up to her to find the one foretold by prophecy to end the war that has ravaged her people and her life.

Julian_Roark · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Kayne

With the Time Walkers killed, Kayne knew it would only be a matter of time until the mortals learned two things: 1) He was not one of them and 2) It was a futile act to resist him and his nation. It would come to be called the Golden Age of the Nation of Dragons. He set out with his armies to conquer the ends of the earth, scorching the earth wherever they went along the way.

At the feast, all of Kayne's men had as much to eat as they could possibly want. Great displays of food stretched down long wooden tables, surrounded by warriors in dragon scale armor of various colors.

Only Kayne, however, wore obsidian black scales and a metallic clawed glove on his right hand. To join the army of the Nation Of Dragons, you first had to kill one. as such, the scales found in a soldier's armor represented his skill as well as his rank.

The lowest soldiers wore blue scales. The dragons they killed for these scales were formidable opponents, but were the weakest of the dragons.

Directly above them in rank were the red scales. These dragons were cunning and smart, near impossible to trap and difficult to kill.

The highest-ranking soldiers wore white scales. The white dragons were the most formidable beasts ever slain by mortals. The only dragon more powerful than them was The Great Black Dragon, known to the people of the country at one time as the king of the dragons.

Kayne stood up from his place of honor in the dining hall containing hundreds of soldiers, commanding a silence without a word. "Our work is far from done, brothers," his voice seemed to roll across the great hall, crashing into the walls and echoing as if to congratulate itself. "Tonight we have eliminated the last armies of another great nation, but tomorrow the work continues. Until the sun can not set on the Nation of Dragons, our work is never done!"

Every nation touched by Kayne eventually crumbled into his grasp, worn down by an insurmountable amount of time in war against what seemed to be an ageless warrior king.