2 Chapter 1: The Beginning

As the sun rose the world lit up as he awoke from his slumber. Looking around he noticed that he didn't recognize anything around him. "huh? …Where am I?" he thought to himself as a pair of doors in front of him opened up, revealing three men. They walk in and examine him as he is inside some form of chamber, closed completely.

"It seems test subject number 000 is awake now" said one of the men to the other two with an amazed look on his face. While he looked down at the three men with confusion in his eyes, another one of the men spoke. "After a whole century he has woken up... The key is awake sir" said one of the men to the other. With an expressionless face, seemingly showing no emotions or feeling any, he speaks in a clear but strict voice. "Open the chamber and let him come out Ali, Zion." he told to the other two. And as he did they salute saying "yes sir!" and start walking over to a control panel in the room and play around with a couple buttons, ending with a huge red button which opened up the chambers front.

As the chamber opened up he fell on to the floor, kneeling. Still in shock he looked around with confusion in his eyes, scanning the room trying to understand what is happening. As he was trying to make sense of everything the man spoke again. "I welcome you to the world once more, subject number 000... Or should I say, Lucifer" he said, now with a slight smile on his face seemingly satisfied. "W-who are you..? And wh-where am I!?" Lucifer asked hesitantly. The man replied, "My name is Alfred. Rest assured you have nothing to fear here" calmly with a friendly voice he spoke. He then let out a hand for Lucifer, to gesture him to trust him and that he means no harm. Lucifer a bit hesitant at first, takes his hand. Knowing he had no one else anyways he thought what's the worst that could happen and decides to trust Alfred.

They walk through a hallway, seemingly endless it was pin-drop silent. Lucifer still confused and curious to what's going on is looking around, wondering where they are. Ali and Zion follow behind him as they keep walking, whilst Alfred leads at the front. After a bit longer of walking in silence they reach the end of the hallway which leads to a couple of doors. "Where does this door lead us to, Alfred?" asked Lucifer with curiosity brimming from his voice. "This is where you will be staying for awhile Lucifer" Alfred answered "We will of course be watching over you so feel free to ask us for anything whenever you want" he continued with a friendly tone in his voice.

Using a card, Alfred opens the doors and they walk in and Lucifer is shocked at what he sees inside. The room is filled with lushes and trees. He looked around at awe of everything he saw. With excitement and amazement he ran ahead of Alfred and started looking around with his face brimming with excitement. The room was well over four hundred meters wide from all sides and was high enough that they had recreated the sky above. "Its so beautiful" Lucifer muttered under his breath with his eyes glowing with excitement and joy. "Where is this?" He turned to Alfred and asked. "As I said before this is where you will be staying for awhile. It's a room made with one of the workers imperiums and it allo-" as Alfred was talking Lucifer intercepts and cuts him off short questioning him. "What's an imperium?" he asked Alfred.

Alfred taken aback by what Lucifer just said couldn't do anything but stare at him in confusion, thinking of alternative questions he might have asked and trying to make sense of what Lucifer said. "Uh Alfred?" Lucifer calls for him but Alfred still focused on his thoughts doesn't answer. Zion walks up to Alfred and lays his hand on Alfred's shoulder, looking worried and also confused. "Sir, are you alright?" He asked. Alfred comes back to his senses realizing that the three are looking at him with a worried look. "I'm fine don't worry" he answered. Then he proceeds to ask Lucifer, "What year is it Lucifer?" To which Lucifer replied "2021?". The answers shocks the three others.

They realize that Lucifer was last conscious two years after the start of the virus. Meaning the virus wasn't completely spread throughout the world and connected to most of the population of the world at that time. Alfred, Ali and Zion started to speculate between themselves in a rush. As they were confused on whether Lucifer could possibly be able to awaken an imperium or not and why he was even frozen in time in the chamber. This led to Lucifer being confused at the three men's change in character and to become visibly worried if everything was alright. "h-hey is everything a-alrigh-" As Lucifer took a step towards the three, he tried to ask them about the situation but was suddenly cut off by the sudden entrance of another group of men in to the room which took the four by shock and confusion.

As the men walk in it seems like they are soldiers. Wearing black suits and wearing a mask while holding a gun, they surround the four and point there guns at them. As the four are in shock and confused on what's going on a man wearing a white coat enters the room as well. "I finally get to meet you! Ah how glad I am to present myself to you, the key!" said the man in the white coat, with an amused an amazed look in his eyes. "S-sir? Why are y-you here?" Alfred asked the man, confused at what is going on. The other three notice the confusion on Alfred's face and become worried, wondering who the man was and what he wanted. "Ah yes" The man spoke, realizing that Alfred, Ali and Zion were also there. "I'm here for him!", He points at Lucifer as a smile creeps across his face. But Lucifer, more worried than amused by this questions the man. "What do you want from me!?" he asked, with a tint of nervousness within his voice. "Don't worry about it. You just need to come with me, Lucifer" He smirked, putting out his hand before him as a way to show Lucifer that he wants him to come with him. Lucifer shocked and his eyes wide open doesn't flinch though, and he asks the man "Why do you want me to come with you?" and the man looks Lucifer straight in his eyes and answers him "I will be taking care of you".

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