
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 3

It was past five o'clock when Rebecca looked up at the wall clock as the lone remaining client in her shop walked out. 

"How about we go to an ice cream parlor?" After a long silence, Rebecca spoke. It was past lunch time and she could see the look of disappointment on Victoria's face.

Victoria shrugged before rising. Rebecca was able to keep a few things in order. They walked to the roadside and boarded a cab to the ice cream shop after she locked up. They arrived at the ice cream shop after a fifteen-minute journey. Victoria paid the cab driver, and the two of them exited together.


"How are Jake and Giselle doing?" As they stepped in and took their seats, Rebecca inquired. 


A server approached them and asked which flavor they preferred. After they had replied, he nodded and walked away. 


Rebecca locked her gaze on Victoria, expecting her to speak up.

The ice cream was served almost immediately. 

"Giselle discovered that I was not her biological mother." Rebecca choked on her ice cream, as the words left Victoria's mouth. 

"What?" Rebecca choked on her icecream, After a few coughs, she asked. "How?"

"I told Jake a month ago that Dickson (Giselle's father) was not his father and that his father had died when he was four. Then I got married to Dickson, who also lost his wife when his daughter was only two years old.

 I'm sure he must have said it nonchalantly in one of their arguments, because she came to me with tear-filled eyes asking me why I kept the truth from her. " Victoria said, staring emptily at the table.

"Hmm... This is not good. But Jake's father did not die, did he? " Rebecca inquired.

"I can't tell him that his father is alive and that he's a shape-shifting raven." Victoria said and took a spoonful of her ice cream into her mouth.

"So how is Giselle taking the news?" Rebecca inquired.

"Not well." She said, after swallowing the ice cream from her mouth. Rebecca hummed, then went back to her ice cream.

"Aren't you worried about Emily finding out what she is?" Victoria asked, and Rebecca looked up at her and said, "The moment she unleashes her powers, the Ravens and Phoenixes will know that an Avian with the blood of a Raven and a Phoenix exists, and they'll undoubtedly come after her."


 "It's getting late." Victoria said, looking at her wrist watch.

"Yeah, Emily should be home by now." Rebecca said, and stood up. She called the waiter and paid the bill before walking out with Victoria. 

They both boarded a cab, and Rebecca was dropped off at the nearest junction to her house, where she paid the driver before beginning her five-minute walk home; it wasn't long before she arrived.

She opened the door and found Emily sitting on the couch watching a movie. Emily's eyes drifted from the movie she was watching to the door.

"Hey, mom," Emily said.

"Hey Em, how was your day?" Rebecca inquired, quickly hugging her daughter.

"Bad. " Emily took a breath.

"Aww, sorry about that, honey." Rebecca said and Emily gave no response. She just continued watching her movie. 

Rebecca went to the kitchen to prepare dinner when they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it." Emily said, standing up and walking towards the door. When she opened it, her jaw dropped. A dashingly handsome man, presumably in his late forties, stood in front of her. She needed no one to tell her that this good-looking man standing before her was her father, because of the striking resemblance.

'Why did he decide to show up now, after all these years?'



 Her mother's voice abruptly interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey Rebecca." He smiled brightly, stepping in as Emily gave way, still staring at him.

"Rebecca, I have to give you credit. You helped our daughter blossom into a stunning young person. " He said this as he turned to face Emily, his bright smile remaining on his face. 


"How did you find us? And why have you come?" Rebecca was curious.

"I came here specifically to protect my daughter."

"From what exactly? And how come you just suddenly changed your mind? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me or my child? " Rebecca inquired, frustrated.

"You should know that I didn't mean any of those things at all. I tried everything I could to keep both of you safe. Do you think I had a good time? Do you believe that making such selections is simple? Have you tried looking at things from my perspective? You were already in danger as a phoenix since you were carrying my child, and I had to choose between letting you go and being safe or holding on to you and having you slain in the end. " As Richard talked, he noticed Emily's puzzled expression. He turned to Rebecca, whose gestures to stop, he had deliberately ignored, and asked in a whisper, "She does not know what we are, does she?" 

Rebecca shook her head slightly and motioned for him to follow her.


She went upstairs, and Richard followed, after exchanging glances with Emily. When they had climbed the stairs, Rebecca opened the door to her room and stepped aside for him to enter.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Richard asked as soon as he stepped into the room.

"It's better this way. If she finds out that she is a half-raven, half-phoenix, she will one day try to use her powers, and that would make it easier for them to track her down." Rebecca said as she closed the door and walked towards him.

"The ravens already know that a raven-phoenix exists and they won't stop until they have found and captured her because, being part phoenix, they see her as a threat." According to Richard.

"But still, we must not tell her about this. " Rebecca stated.


 "And why is that? She needs to be able to use and control her powers. She needs to be able to protect herself from jeopardy. " Richard stated as he sat on the bed.

"That's why I'm her mother. I'll protect her." Rebecca's words made Richard laugh.

"You think you can fight the whole army of ravens that would be sent after her?"

"I'm a phoenix, and phoenixes happen to be the strongest avian. " She stated.

"Don't underestimate the ravens, Rebecca. Phoenixes could be strong, but one phoenix cannot take down an army of ravens. And you're aware that the phoenixes will come after her too, right?"


Rebecca didn't reply to his question. The situation was deteriorating. She was baffled. She sat on the bed, her face buried in her palm.

"The best thing to do now is to tell her everything, including the peril that awaits her. She deserves to know the truth. " Richard said as he moved closer to her.

"Emily's life is already pretzelled. Growing up without a father wasn't easy. She couldn't go to father-daughter camping, She would hide and cry secretly whenever we went out to fun parks and she saw other kids playing games with their fathers. She had few friends... we couldn't add to the complications. " Rebecca responded and rose to her feet. "We are not telling her anything!" Rebecca walked out and slammed the door really hard.


She came downstairs and didn't find Emily; she had gone up to her room.


She didn't even bother to eavesdrop; her ears were already filled with things her mouth couldn't verbalize. Only her eyes were free, so she decided to fill them with the sight of the beautiful dark blue sky filled with thousands of tiny twinkling stars.


She looked over her shoulder when she heard a soft knock on the door. Her mother opened the door halfway and peeped. Her eyes were searching the room. She gave a faint smile when her gaze fell on Emily before stepping in fully.


Rebecca walked to the window and stood next to her daughter. She patted Emily's back and looked up at the sky.


She thought of many ways to start the conversation, but none appeared to be good enough.

"The sky is lovely, isn't it?" She finally spoke, smiling up at the sky. Emily didn't respond, which kind of made her feel discouraged.

"I'll be downstairs, preparing dinner." She wanted to give Emily some time alone, so she patted her on the back and left the room.

Emily remained static, her eyes never leaving the sky.


Rebecca went to the living room and found Richard sitting on the couch with the television remote in his hands. He was watching a movie.


She snatched the remote from his hands and switched off the television.

"Common Rebecca, that was the interesting part." According to Richard.

"You have the time to watch TV, but have you tried talking to your daughter? Knowing how she feels? You need to go..." Rebecca said as she turned away from him.

"But I just came," Richard said. As Rebecca walked towards the door, she flung it open.

"Leave!" she yelled.


He stood up quietly and went out, and she slammed the door right behind him.