
The Author's Trip to His Own World

Alan is a simple man that is obsessed with the world that he created in his head. He wrote about it constantly. After a decade his creation was finally complete. That was the night everything changed. A chance meeting and Alan was no more he was now Novum, a character in the very world that he created. Now he has to figure out how to survive in this world that he created. A world of magic and adventure. The system in his head does not help as he hears random notifications about the world around him. Is the world that he created to harsh? Alan is about to find out.

Brian_Hendrickson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

88. The Winter Final

Novum and Melissa led the nobles all around the property, even taking them all to the lake so that they could have a look at everything. Several of the other Barons were immediately concerned with the leadership and prosperity that he was showing and knew that without their family name he would be way ahead of them and even their family name was not enough to make it to the next level and they were all sure that he would make it.

The duke and his entourage were very impressed with the promise that Novum was showing and knew that he would do great things for the region. They also knew not to mess with him or they could easily lose their standings. He had already taken out two nobles and a high ranking member of the church. It was not going to far to say that right now next to the duke he had the most going for him.

Novum showed them around and only did enough that someone would not think that he was ignoring them but his attention was split as he was thinking of the next weapon that he wanted to make would be. He wanted to make sure that every one could have a weapon close at hand in the event that something bad had happened. Even a young kid could make a big difference.

The duke specifically asked about the orphanage and the barracks for the guards that had showed up over the last week. Novum showed him the barracks first and the guards that were escorting the duke were surprised by the quality and size of the barracks. These rooms were on par with the squad leaders in the capitol now. "Baron the barracks here are amazing. Is there going to be a space issue when or if you get more soldiers?"

"Sir, there is no issue of space even if you doubled the number. Triple it and they might have to double up for a while but I can take care of that as well. They are putting their life on the line for me and my people so I will make sure that they are comfortable."

"Thank you for that consideration Baron. I am sure that once word reaches the capitol the next time you expand your guards you will not have any shortage of volunteers. But given the environment and the dangers they would be earning it. The training grounds here are top notch as well."

"Thank you for that. I am also working on some new training techniques that I have picked up here and there. They should be in really good shape after the winter is over."

"Would you be so kind as to send that to the capitol as well?"

"Once I see how they soldiers here react to a new training and if it effective I will being a guide or provide a soldier to teach your instructors."

The man gave him a deep bow. "That would be most appreciated Baron."

"Now for the orphanage that is going to be a little tougher to do. Melissa did you send word to everyone?"

"Of course Baron but there is no guarantee that they will all be back yet."

"That is fine. We will just show them the ones that are here."

The Duke stepped up beside him. "Is there an issue with the orphanage Baron?"

"No your Grace. It is that it mostly empty right now since the younger ones are in school and the older ones that have basic reading and writing abilities are out as apprentices to other in the city."

"Oh, that is good to hear. I forgot that you told me that you were doing a school. I heard that you had all the adults in the area going a little bit as well."

"They all need to be able to read, write and do basic math. There are several of them who have been ripped off by vendors in the area by not knowing things like that and I will not let someone take advantage of my people for something that is so easy to fix."

"You are right. I would like to see the building at least so that I can make sure that they are living the right way since it was such an issue and oversight on my people last time. If the kids are here, happy and healthy then that is more than I can ask for after the last situation."

Novum led the group to the orphanage and when they walked in the kids all did as they practiced and greeted the Duke. Most of the kids were dirty but not the dirt that came from neglect but the dirt that came from hard work. A few of the girls were as dirty or dirtier than the boys. One of the boys was so clean except the tips of his fingers were stained with ink.

Duke Ikers walked forward. He stopped in front of one of the dirtier girls. "Young Lady who are you training with to be in this state?"

"I apologize for my appearance your Grace but it was hand to hand combat day with the guards and I did not have time to clean up."

One of the young barons, a lady that was close to Novum's physical age. "You are allowing girls to train with the guards?"

"Of course. I am a firm believer that what is between you legs or on your chest have little to nothing to do with your abilities and we as leaders are bound to miss out on young people that can do things beyond our imagination. I base my judgement of a person on who they are and what they do not what they look, or who they love, or what they were born. Simon here,' he reached out and grabbed the boy with ink stained fingers, 'was beaten often for asking questions but after his first week here he can already speak another language and do complex mathematics."

The girl glared at her father. "See, I told you that I could be a great fighter and even beat my brothers in fights but no I had to be a proper girl and be prepared for marriage. That is the old way of thinking. Once I have some say then I am going to follow the lead of Baron Novum and teach them that girls are not limited by others but by themselves."

The nobles all glared at Novum but he simply stood there smiling. This was not something that he would change for a bunch of stuffed shirted nobles. He hoped more than anything that the next generation of leaders would follow his example. The Duke could read the room and quickly motioned for Novum to lead the way out of the orphanage.

The group headed to the portal that the head mage opened and all of them went through with a nod. The duke was the last one. "Baron, you are doing some amazing things here. You keep this up and you will be an Earl in no time."

"What can I do to mess up being an Earl without hurting my people? Nothing bad enough to go to prison or anything but enough to get the title removed."

"Sorry Baron but you are stuck with it now. I would like to come and visit on occasion. Honestly not to check up just to get away from everyone else."

"You are welcome anytime. Get with Aureus and have her use the portal hidden at the house she is watching for me and they will never no. But next time you bring the wine."

"I might just take you up on that offer. I will see you around Baron."

The duke stepped through the opening and Novum blew out a long breath. "Melissa bring me a drink of the stuff that Rurik just finished and tell everyone I died."

"Of course Baron." She gave him a bow of her head and went to take care of everything that he should be the one taking care and sent in one of the cooks with the drink. Novum took the drink back in one quick shot and shook his head to clear it.

Novum was about to run and hide in the mine when he figured that he should finish out the day down here and then go back to the mines in the morning. With a sigh he got up and headed out to check on the places that he only visited today. he wanted to make sure that the animals and stores were good since he could smell snow in the air and based on the way Old Jeb was limping around this snow storm was going to be a bad one. He also went and talked to Jeb about his plans for the spring as well as the crop rotation.

Noctis took him out to see Madame Pine. He wanted to see how the glass building that he built for her was working and if it was hold temperature the way she wanted it. "Novum, I would like your permission to send the design and plans for the building to a few of my sisters in the northern climates to help them keep things fresh and new."

"I will have someone draw them up for you, or you can have one of your new apprentices draw them and you can make any personal notes that you want as well."

"Thanks young man. I will have them do that during the bad weather."

Novum stopped by everywhere and talked to everyone about near and long term goals. He set up a plan to train with the guards and soldiers every morning and he would he to the mine right after. By the end of the day he sat down with Melissa and they planned out a schedule for the week that he would follow every week and that made he so happy she almost cried.

This schedule was the way that he spent his winter and before he realized it spring was right around the corner.