
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs

Chapter 8 The First Adventure

Issei is now 15 years old in the two years of training that he went through under Axis to harden his body, he has achieved great results, and now he is able to withstand S-class magic without consequences

In two years, his relationship with Kuroka and the Office became so close that they slept in the same bed as Issei and he didn't mind, but they couldn't do anything serious, and after Kuroka started growing in certain places, the Office decided not to break away from her, and also started growing in some places.

The Spiritual Realm

In the Arena created by Axis, there was a sparring between Kuroka and Issei in hand-to-hand combat using magic and spiritual techniques

"Spiritual Spear of THUNDER," Kuroka said, and created a dark-colored spiritual spear of electricity, as it turned out, Kuroka has a Purple-colored Magic Core, which contains branches of various forms of dark and thunder magic

Kuroka threw her spear at Issei

"A black hole," Issei said, and a fist - sized black ball flew out of his hands, engulfing everything within a 10-centimeter radius of his area of darkness.

The Spirit Spear was absorbed, but Kuroka was already to Issei's left, who was distracted

"Cocoon of Darkness," Kuroka said, waving her hand up, the entire area around Issei was covered in darkness and engulfed him, creating a cocoon of dark energy.

Kuroka jumped 10 meters away from the cocoon and began to collect the Energy of Darkness in her left hand and the energy of lightning in her right

"Dark Thunder Fang," Kuroka said, and with her hands clasped in front of her, she shot a beam of dark energy covered in lightning directly into the cocoon where Issei was sealed.


There was an explosion and in the place where the cocoon was located everything was covered with the remnants of electricity and dust that had risen

Kuroka asked herself worriedly," I didn't hurt him, did I?"

"You're already at the level of a middle-class demon," a voice rang out from the cloud of dust in front of Kuroko, and the entire side of her face collapsed under the pressure that Issei was exerting

"Yes, I have made quite a lot of progress, but to stand next to you, I need to become even stronger," said Kuroko, who was already tired.

"No, this is a very good result for you, my training program was very effective for you," Issei said, recalling how Axsis said that he would only train Issei and no one else, after which Issei decided to train Kuroki himself, according to her request, and this was the result they got

Kuroka could use Class B magic and some Class A magic without consequences, but she hasn't yet managed to erase the boundary between magic and spiritual power like Issei did, and Axis says that breaking that boundary takes you to a whole new level, which is why it's so hard to achieve, but Kuroka already has such good control over both magic and spiritual energy.

"Let's continue, Master," Kuroka said, and stood up.

"Let's go," Issei said, and assumed the pose of a martial artist.

"FA JIN FULL RELEASE," Kuroka said, and her hair turned gray, as well as her ears and ponytails in this form, all the spiritual potential of the wearer is released in the spiritual aspect

"Then if you want to fight seriously, I won't hold back," Issei said, and took up a new position.

"Overdrive," Issei said, and his hair also turned gray, his eyes turned purple with a white tinge, and white sparks flashed across his body.

Overdrive Full Release of Magical and Spiritual Energy This is a technique that Axsis taught Issei when he trained his body, in this form, he can use S+ class magic without any consequences, but after completing this technique, it will take quite a long time for the body to fully recover

"Lunar Conquest," Kuroka said, and 70 balls of White-colored energy appeared around her body, all of them flying towards Issei.

"Full reflection" said Issei and waved his hand, but the balls did not reach the reflection boundary and gathered into one large ball of 30 balls, while 5 balls flew at the reflection and reflected with a vengeance flying at a huge ball of 30 pieces

"You were caught by the Moon Song," Kuroka said, and the huge ball released a huge amount of energy, and the entire arena was covered in a huge explosion

Issei didn't expect it to be a distraction, because Kuroka had already done it not too long ago, and he didn't think it would happen again now that he was hovering over the crater

A lot of shrapnel flew in front of Issei from the huge ball that blew up Kuroka, and then Kuroka herself appeared right above Issei's head and hit Issei on the head, this blow Issei blocked with his hand, and the next moment Kuroka's fist appeared right in front of Issei's stomach, which he immediately hit, and then he realized

"You're replacing all these shards with yourself as a substitute, am I right?" Issei asked, waiting for an answer from the Kuroki he was holding

"That's your truth," she said, and then a barrage of blows came down on Issei from all sides, filled with spiritual energy

"I haven't made you give it your all yet," Kuroka shouted, continuing to strike straight at Issei.

A wave of blue energy suddenly erupted, pushing Kuroka away, and she looked at Issei, who only waved his hand

"Words can't express how proud I am of your achievements," Issei said with a dazzling smile that made Kuroki's heart skip a beat and she began to sink to the bottom from the loss of energy

Issei caught it quickly and carefully and looked at the already sleeping Kuroka in his arms

"She spent all her energy," said Ophis, which was already flying alongside them

"Yes, she needs a rest, you can take care of her, I need to talk to the teachers," Issei said, to which Ophis nodded with a smile and left with Kuroka in the real world

Issei walked through the ruined arena, which was being rebuilt before his eyes, and stood in front of the teacher, who was already waiting for his student

"You're 15 years old, and you're already coaching others," Axsis said

"Well, there's not much," Issei said, scratching his cheek and looking at the teacher, who was nothing like what he had seen all his life since he had met him

"Is everything okay ?Issei asked, worried about his teacher.

"You're moving very slowly," Axis said seriously.

"It's all my fault," Axis said, and turned to Issei.

"Issei, you need to quickly reach a level that will allow you to fight on an equal footing with the super class in a year," Axsis said seriously and udevil Issei

"But if I use all my strength, I can be equal to a super class," Issei said

"For the future of this world, which may soon disappear, this is not enough, so I have a way out," he said, and opened a portal from which you can see a huge tree on a planetary scale.

"Now we are looking into another universe that is not so unrelated to this universe," Axis said, and through the portal you can see a huge, planetary-sized tree

"There are other laws in this universe, look through clairvoyance"

Issei, looking at the portal, changed his clairvoyance and saw something incredible

The earth was in ruins, as if the apocalypse had passed all over the planet, and there was a war on earth with angels and demons fighting for supremacy over others

And in the midst of all this, there is a side that maintains order, it was the Charred Council, whose power was fixed over all the races of this universe, because absolutely everyone in the world was afraid of the power of those they could send to sulch disobedience, they were the horsemen of the apocalypse

War man 3 meters with a sword of his height

Discord 2.5 meters with two guns

Fury of a 2.3 meter woman with a whip

Death 2.7 meters with 2 scythes

Each of these 4 carries what is contained in their name, and it is them that everyone is afraid of

On this vedinie prekroschaetsya and have Issey nachenaet ache head

"You only saw a fraction of what you needed to see, but your dream has already reached the S+ class level," Axis said, looking at the portal.

"What do you want me to do?" Issei asked

"Your power is huge for this world, and in this world you can gain even more power, now go and become stronger in this universe," Axis pointed to the portal Issei was looking at.

And so here I am and now the Darksiders arc begins

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