
The Another Life Of The Princess

The coup carried out by the husband of princess Elizabeth made the Emperor and the empress die in a gripping night. Including, Princess Elizabeth. The Lagarda royal empire was thrown into chaos in just one night. Luckily the crown princess, Cathrine, survived after going through a series of self-rescue that left her exhausted all night. With the help of George, son of the Duke and Duchess of Landed, Catherine manages to escape the terrifying palace. Even so in fact she could not walk any further. The morning sun had risen and was slowly burning her cursed body. In the midst of her pain, the princess was very angry at the God who played with her life. She was very annoyed because for eighteen years she had only lived in the room and did not dare to leave the room because of her mysterious illness. She begs the Gods to give her another chance to get revenge on her husband instead of her sister who destroyed the kingdom of Lagarda. Who would have thought that her prayer was granted, but she instead became Elizabeth's Princess and Kate never lived in the next life.

AnisaSwedia_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter Two

"What is this?" Kate asked with a panicked face.

"Oh, Your Highness, nice to meet you," Lucas said as he saluted Kate by bowing. Kate squinted her eyes, watching closely what was going on. Moreover the sound of screams outside her reach was getting louder and louder.

"Let go of that maid, Baron! It's an order!" Kate said to the Baron. The man even chuckled at the princess' order.

"You know? You are very beautiful. It's just, why do you have a cursed disease?" said Lucas. "Even though I will purpose you," he said again in a mocking tone.

"Watch your speech! Who do you think you're talking to?!" cried Mary in an annoyed tone.

"Ahh, the maid is clueless." Lucas sneered at Mary again with a serious look.

Not long after, a loud scream echoed for help. Then another scream was heard for help.

"Actually, what is this?" Kate asked with a panicked face. The sound of swords, the sound of horses, the sound of explosions and smoke billowing in the main palace made Kate startled. "Your Majesty the Emperor!" she cried with a little shortness of breath. Her gaze could not leave the palace that housed the emperor and empress. Kate felt very panicked when the black cloud saw lots of thicker smoke. Then when her gaze fell down, she saw flames.

Immediately Kate ran to the palace, "Your highness princess, don't!" cried Mary anxiously. Baron and Lucas just smiled mockingly.

"Apparently she came to death," Lucas said with a laugh that was loud enough to be heard. Mary stared with hatred, then the next second she followed Kate's lost footsteps and ran to her parents' residence.

Because Kate almost never exercised, her breath became ragged. In addition, she is physically very weak. She regrets being born with a strange disease curse that accompanies her throughout hers life.

Kate is almost there. She saw with her own eyes several royal soldiers were betting with soldiers who Kate never knew. The other soldiers were wearing brown clothes and their bodies looked different. They look like thugs. Or convicts?

"Your Highness princess, we have to run," said Mary with a worried face after she pulled Kate's hand in a corner to hide from anyone.

"But what about the king and queen?" Kate asked anxiously. Her face looks very frantic. She felt fear too when her eyes found many of her palace guards who had died in the war.

"His Imperial Majesty must be furious when he saw the princess enter the palace!" said Mary. Mary was afraid that their hideout would be exposed. Their hiding place won't be safe if things continue as they are now.

"No Mary, I don't want to live without trying to save my parents," Kate said, shaking her head at Mary. Kate then released Mary's hand and immediately entered the Emperor's palace through a quiet side door. Kate kept running in and luckily everyone who was fighting didn't care at all about Kate's arrival being chased by Mary.

"Go Mary! Save your life!" Kate shouted at Mary who was still trying to chase after her. Mary didn't listen to Kate's orders, she just kept running to follow her master.

"Tringg!" the sound of two swords colliding very close to Kate's shoulder. Kate froze in place when she saw two very sharp swords very close to her face. Kate's face was sweating from both exhaustion and shock. then when she looked at the owner of the sword, she was surprised to realize that George's sword was blocking Louis' sword that was pointing at her.

"Your Highness, please continue your journey!" cried George who was struggling to hold his sword so that Loius' sword would not touch Kate's body.

What really happened?

Why is the son of the Duke of Landed betting with my sister Elizabeth's husband?

"Your Highness! Listen to me! Please leave here immediatelyThis is an order from the late emperor!" said George, which immediately made Kate turn around in surprise. In contrast to Louis, who smiled mockingly.

"From the king? What do you mean, George?" Kate asked in a trembling voice. George couldn't answer, while Louis smiled even more strangely.

"Ohh, the noble princess must know about a typical plant from the north. What is it called? Ah, yes! The Arkhur plant, a magical plant that can make people healthy," said Louis.

"But not with people who have a history of skin disease!" said Kate with anger in her chest. louis chuckled at the angry Kate.

"Ah, Your Highness is a smart princess. I shouldn't be allowed to suggest that drug to the Emperor. But what can I do? I am the duke he trusts the most," said Louis with a small smile.

"Louis, please stop!" Elizabeth came in a dress full of blood. "Why did you stage this coup? I told you I don't want the throne!" said Elizabeth with a troubled look. Elizabeth's dress was covered in blood and her hair was messy. Kate was surprised, how could her sister, who always looks so fragrant and beautiful, now.... like that?

"Cout d'etat?" Kate asked in disbelief.

"I'm tired of the behavior of the noble emperor, I apologize, the noble princess," said Louis with a face that pretended to be sorry towards Kate.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked again.

"How should I put it? You remember who my grandfather was prince Charles who should have ascended the throne but he was slandered by your emperor's grandfather," said Louis. "So I took what should have been mine," he continued.

The blood in Kate's body was boiling hearing what Louis had just said. Because of the struggle for the throne, Louis staged a coup. Immediately Kate drew George's sword which was starting to weaken and aimed it at Louis' neck. Everyone there was shocked, as well as Louis who smiled mockingly at her.

"You won't be able to kill me, princess," said Louis confidently.

"Where did that confidence come from?" Kate asked annoyed. The fact that the emperor had died at the hands of Louis made him angry and his body trembled.

Louis swiftly dropped the sword in Kate's hand and was about to attack her but was blocked by Mary's body. As a result, Mary was stabbed by Louis' sword.

"No! Mary!" she shouted.

"Run! Save yourself, Kate ! All our brothers are dead!" said Elizabeth with a broken heart. "Quickly take my brother away, George!" Elizabeth ordered back.

Kate's body weakened. She felt helpless and afraid. The fact that all of her siblings had died, along with the emperor and empress, made Kate not want to live much longer.

"Hurry and go! I'll drive Louis out!" Elizabeth shouted while attacking Louis who was about to take his sword from Mary who was defending so that Louis would not come to Kate and kill her.

George grabbed Kate's hand to run. The weak Kate could only surrender and cry. Actually she was reluctant to leave Elizabeth alone, but George convinced her that it was impossible for Louis to kill his own wife.

However, when Kate turned around, she saw her cousin Roseline come and stab a dagger in Elizabeth's stomach.

"No!" Kate screamed as she saw her sister fall. What was even more fun for Kate was Louis' reaction, which was normal and didn't care about what was happening to Elizabeth, worse, she hugged Roseline instead.

George who was fighting against Louis' army also did not think that Louis would participate in killing his own wife. Now, only Kate is left to save. George tried his best to fight against the mercenaries and pulled Kate to run outside the palace.

How could all this happen in just one night?

Kate felt annoyed. George's hand did not let go of Kate's hand and kept asking her to run.

"Your Highness, please promise me, whatever happens to me, Your Highness must try to save yourself!" said George. Kate could only remain silent and listen carefully to George's request. She did not answer because she felt that her life was meaningless without the presence of his parents. "Your Highness...." before George could answer, an arrow shot into his body. Kate who was surprised to see George could only be silent and confused. G) George then spewed blood from his mouth, his eyes turned red and he cried because he couldn't protect Kate after this. "Please run," said George before his body collapsed in front of Kate.

Kate cried uncontrollably and she also fell to the ground. The arrow that pierced George's back made Kate's heart ache and ache.

"Hold on, George," Kate called. George shook heehead weakly. With what strength she had left, she thrust her hands in the air and motioned for Kate to leave.

Kate's heart is broken. She looked at the palace and the fire grew bigger accompanied by the sound of crying and screaming. When Kate looked back at George who was dying from the poisoned arrow, George nodded at her, as if to say that leaving her was no big deal. Kate got up and started running into the forest while crying.