
Chapter 72 Intrigued Cellmates

[Holy Magi Empire—> Holy Magus Empire]


Two weeks later...

Kurai's POV

So it's been two weeks now since i've been arrested by the winter highlands, it was pretty normal actually

("We can't leave our cells but there are people who come to our cells to give us food, on the daily me and Corbin Baal get into a verbal dispute because the f*cker always claiming that i'm just a "bloodbag" for him to devour, like can you even try mate" said Kurai

"You're also locked in a cell with guards watching you 24/7, and you have the audacity to underestimate my abilities for the simple fact that i got arrested for trespassing"

"Well other than Corbin Baal, i am able to make small talk with Victor Baltazar the corrupt mage, turns out he was caught being bribed so he ran out of the Holy Magus Empire and fled north only to be arrested by winter highlands because of the same reason as mine, trespassing"

"Now i'm wondering how many people they got here in this prison because of trespassing, you never know it could either be a few of them or most of them"

"I cannot make conversation with Bianca Sylph and Akai Calex because of the cromsteel mask and with Serena Maldigoad….well let's just say she's kind of an introvert or something like that")

Prison is incredibly boring, there's so little things to do other than eat, sleep, and wait until your sentence ends

Kurai cannot access his inventory temporarily because his items would get confiscated by the guards

He can't practice his wand spells, he can't train with his sword nor his gun skills, yes he does have Planetary Level Mastery in all weapon masteries on earth but he only has knowledge not experience

The only thing he could do is either practice his hand-to-hand skills or gather energy from the surroundings to fill up his energy core and reach the next minor realm

Kurai decides to practice his hand-to-hand combat skills, the special thing about his hand-to-hand mastery is that it's a combination of all earth martial arts like karete, taekwondo, muay thai, etc

He can't use all of them at once but he can make a system based on their uses

A period of time passed and Kurai decides on using muay thai as his normal form of combat, taekwondo for kick attacks, boxing for close combat, and brazilian jiu-jitsu for grappling and putting enemies into submission

(Author: Let me put a disclaimer, i'm not well versed in any martial arts so this is probably gonna half-a**ed)

("I only practiced in arnis for one time and now i'm a starwars lightsaber fighting style addict HAAHHAHAAHAH")

Kurai's practice in hand-to-hand combat does not go unnoticed by his cellmates, they're simple observing him, analyzing him, estimating his combat prowess

Corbin Baal stares at Kurai from his cell, with his fingers on his chin and his head slightly tilted

("I have never seen such combat techniques" said Corbin Baal "....it seems like i have underestimated him a bit but it won't matter, my power and abilties can endure great battles of attrition, he may have techniques but what use does it have when it's user is too exhausted to fight")....

Victor Baltazar looks at Kurai with intrigue, he fix his glasses and puts his hands behind his back

("He looks incredibly skilled in the martial arts he is practicing, however, combat skill cannot compare to the absolute power of magic")....

Serena Maldigoad looks at Kurai with great interest, she's looking at him like he's some kind of test subject, she secretly smiles

("His punching techniques are heavy and fast, his kicking techniques are fast and has good range" said Serena Maldigoad "with my speed i can't use heavy attacks that much but i can utilize those kicking techniques of his, i'll do my best to memorize that particular technique to further improve my combat prowess")

Kurai happily practices his hand-to-hand skills not noticing his cellmate's stares, even if do notice does he even care?, hell no

They can try to imitate his techniques but they won't be at the same level as his, almost everybody he has seen has a level of mastery only at the initial level, the gap between initial and planetary is extremely large, like an ant compared to an entire planet.....

End of Chapter

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