
The Ancestral Power

Arthur is an orphan living in the countryside. He lives in an orphanage with many other kids just like him. He isn't very popular among the other kids and usually gets bullied. Until one day, the bullies take it too far. Arthur goes through a change that will change his future. For better or worse? Only time will tell... Prepare yourself for the most unsightly release schedule you've ever witnessed.

Sir_Shamu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The Power of Gluttony

Arthur gazes intently at Bill, who returns the favor with a casual grin while sipping his drink. Finally, Arthur asks, "How much stronger can you make me?" Bill's smile widens as he places his glass of liquor on the table and leans forward. "I can bestow upon you the strength you cannot even fathom," he says, showing his teeth. Arthur feels a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead as he locks eyes with Bill. Bill finishes his drink and extends his hand. "All you have to do is shake my hand," he says. Arthur clenches his teeth and shakes Bill's hand.


Foreign power is entering the system.

Warning: cannot halt.



The power of Gluttony is forcibly accepted.


Arthur feels his eyes sing with pain as they turn from blood red into a deep orange. His stomach bubbles with pain, and he writhes on the floor, screaming. In his misery, Arthur shrieks in pain. He sits there and groans in pain. Bill is already gone, and the cage is open. Arthur sits up, clutching his stomach with one hand and his eyes with the other. When he opens his eyes, everything looks the same, but if someone else were to look at him, they would not see the same man as before. His eyes were a deep orange. He also seemed taller and a bit fatter than he was previously.

Groaning, the now orange-eyed boy clutched his stomach as it rumbled. Looking around for something to eat, he finds a note on the floor. On the paper, there was tidy writing. After reading the contents, Arthur assumed Bill had written it.

"I'm allowing you to explore your power for the first time without me. There is a creature in this prison that I've released. If you want strength, prove it."

On the other side of the paper, there was a word. It read: "Consume." Arthur's stomach growled again. He clutched it as he heard scratching. After stepping out of the cell, he looks to his right to see a wolf with teeth too big for its mouth coming towards him. Drool was dripping from its mouth, and its bright purple eyes stared him down with hunger. Unbeknownst to the beast, A far more dangerous ravenousness was bubbling within Arthur at this very moment.

Arthur looked around and found a dagger, presumably left behind by Bill, stabbed into the ground right next to his cell. Pulling it out, he jumps toward the wolf, slams it in its eye, and before the wolf can even blink. Arthur is on top of it, biting chunks off its neck like a rabid dog. The wolf flinches and throws Arthur off, biting down in his throat. Arthur punches the dagger further into the head of the wolf, and it flinches once more before it falls to the dirt floor of the prison. Bleeding violently from his throat, Arthur ignores it and starts eating the wolf's body while it's still barely alive.

Hearing its whimpers, he chomps down on the guts of the wolf. Letting the hunger overtake his senses as Arthur indulges himself. He only feels sated after consuming every last part of the wolf, including the bones, eyes, and organs. After swallowing the last bite, a sense of satisfaction settles in his stomach as he realizes he doesn't feel the burning hunger that was there prior anymore.

Standing up, he relaxes before two messages pop up in front of him.


Arachnid Quest completed 1kg of meat consumed.

20 exp received

60/100 exp


Beast consumed, The Power of Gluttony has activated.

The system is allocating stat points.

3 Agility

2 Perception.


Shocked at the revelation that he had discovered, he opens his stats.


Name{Arthur Martinson

Age{17 years and 11 months

Species{50% Arachnid, 50%Immortal,

Titles{Son of a God, Bearer of Gluttony

Abilities{Absorption, Evolutionary Hibernation, Arachnid Web, Beast Form, Mild Healing

Passives{Adaptive Digestion, Regeneration, Arachnid Climbing, Night Vision, Sickness Immunity, Insect Strength.

Curses{Gluttony's curse: Ravenous hunger



Strength: 21(2x)

Agility: 28

Precision: 18

Perception: 30

Charisma: 8

Defense: 10


His mouth agape at the new abilities and passives he had gained, he checks the descriptions of the new ones.


Regeneration; As Arthur consumes creatures, he gains the ability to regenerate lost limbs and heal wounds at an accelerated rate.


Absorption; Arthur gains the ability to absorb the stats and powers of the creatures he consumes, allowing him to gain new powers and improve upon his existing ones.


Adaptive digestion; Arthur's digestive system becomes incredibly versatile, allowing him to consume and process nearly anything. This ability makes him resistant to some poisons and can give him temporary boosts in stats by consuming certain creatures.


His mouth still agape, he stares at the amazing abilities he has acquired. Lastly, his eyes looked over the "Curse" section, now a new thing to worry about had arrived, he checked the description of it...


Gluttony's curse: As with all of the Seven Deadly Sins, the power of Gluttony comes with a curse...

Ravenous hunger: As Arthur's hunger grows, his need to consume becomes more and more insatiable. Be careful not to eat too much...
