
The Alpha Twins (B1)

Updates on Saturdays The Alpha Twins ~ Book 1 in the Wolf Trials ~ In a world like none other, there lives a boy named Kai and he is a very special guy. For one, Kai is an Omega boy which it’s not rare, but it’s very uncommon. But for whatever reason, Kai has been unable to find an Alpha to mate with. It was sad but Kai went on with life, not letting it bother him. But when not one, but two Alpha brothers come into his life, will Kai be prepared for everything that will happen next? The Hunters of the Moon ~ Book 2 in the Wolf Trials ~ After his parents were murdered, Jace was sold into the sex-trade where he was tortured for months – thankfully only beaten – and a specific hunter takes special interest in Jace. After Jace kills him, the hunter’s brother decides to make Jace’s life a living hell. After Jace is thrown back into the sex-trade as punishment, Jace loses hope that he was ever going to be able to get out of this life. That is until the bidder who wins him ends up being someone who turned over a new leaf, and is trying to do the right thing. Jace finally has a new family, someone he can count on, but he should’ve known that life doesn’t work that way and he is forced to flee once more. But this time, he isn’t afraid, and he will do whatever it takes to be happy again. Even if that means loving two wolves.

NovelsStudio · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Surprise 1.3

Giovanni Walker

In my rage, I lunged at my brother.

"I told you something was wrong!" I yelled, slamming him into the side of the wall, teeth bared, "I knew something was wrong and I allowed you to convince me otherwise. There is blood on that wall, Christian, KAI's blood, and no doubt that crack in the wall was from him being thrown against it. How come you didn't feel the same way I did? Why didn't you want to leave to come check on him when I wanted to? We could've-"

"I thought it was just since he had been in the hospital and we were just naturally worried about him!" Kit snapped, pushing me away but I could see the guilt clearly written on his face, "I- I tried to mindlink him a few times but he didn't answer. I figured he was just sleeping. I'm not a saint, Gio! As the Alphas, it was our duty to make sure that feral rogue was taken care of so he didn't hurt anybody. You know that better than I do!"

"And what about our mate?!" I snarled back, "he is just as important, and now he's hurt and who knows who has him! The little fucker masked his scent, so we won't be able to track him down! He could be doing who knows what to Kai, Christian! Don't you realize that? We should have come back when those uneasy feelings started. You-"

"I know." Kit admitted, his head bowed slightly, "but there's not much we can do now besides find him. We won't make that mistake again. It has to have been somebody in the pack to have taken him. This was a planned attack. They knew we were going to be gone and knew exactly when to strike and take Kai. But who would wanna do that?"

"Where's my son?" Jordan demanded as he marched up the steps, "I can practically hear you two screaming at each other miles away. The scent of blood-"

Jordan cut himself off as he saw the blood and the crack in the wall, and a mask of fury crossed his expression. Christian stood over there, trying to calm him down so we could think straight and try to come up with some sort of solution that would make all of this make sense.

But I couldn't help but feel ridden with guilt.

First, Kai was in the hospital because he had received wounds because of Kit and I, and now he is missing and hurt, taken by goddess knows who, and we have no way of finding him. Even if we follow the blood scent, that doesn't mean it won't disappear either.

Silas and Kody arrived next, and listened to the situation. I saw the fury cross Kody's expression, and he practically punched a hole in the wall as he asked why nobody had stayed behind to make sure Kai would be okay. As pissed as I was, I don't believe the blame could be put on anyone except for the rat bastard who had taken Kai. None of us could've known this would happen, since it was highly unlikely that anyone would take the chance considering they would be executed for treason since they had attacked the Luna of the pack.

But who would even want to?

That question racked through my mind, trying to come up with a plausible answer that would make all of this make sense. Who would want to get Kai to hurt Christian and I, I wondered to myself, before it finally clicked in my head and I could hardly suppress the growl that escaped me, shaking the whole house.

"It was Erik." I concluded, announcing it to everyone, "he did this."

And when I find him, I'm going to kill him!