
Chapter 1

Lucy's pov 






Roundhouse kick,

Left foot swipe.

2 minutes into the fight and my opponent was already down.

I had no time to play around today, Seth (my younger brother) had a doctors appointment that he had to go to after school, so I had to fight and quickly.

Ding! ding! ding!

The bell to finish the round rang out through the night.

"Lotus wins again!"

The crowd went mental, chanting my name.

I quickly jump out of the ring and headed to Ron my coach.

"Great work Lu!" Ron calls giving me a side hug, ever since the accident, he has been there for me and Seth like a dad.

"Thanks Ron" I reply hugging him back.

"So three fights, that equals to £600" Ron says handing me a wad of notes "great work kid".

I guess I should explain.

I'm Lucy, I am a 17 year old girl who does streetfighting.

Why aren't her parents doing anything? Well they died in a car crash 2 years ago.

I have a 6 year old brother and I look after him on my own, this is a reason to fight.

I get a decent amount of money and I love to fight, since my dad was a boxer.

"Thanks Ron, see you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah kid, see you tomorrow".

I get on my motorbike and head to Seth's school.

Once there I look around the playground, which was full of parents collecting their kids.

I spot Seth's dark hair which was similar to mine.

"Seth!" I shout.

He looks up with his hazel eyes which he got for my dad, I had mum's green eyes.

He grins once he saw me, he sprints as fast as his little legs can carry him.

"Lu lu!" Seth still calls me by my old nickname.

"Come on bubba, you have a doctors appointment" I say strapping his little helmet on and place him on the bike in front of me.

"No!! I don't wanna go!" He squeals.

"Seth come on, I'll get you ice cream if you do!" I try to bribe him.

"Okay, but I better get a flake with that!" He sulks.

I laugh "sure nugget".

After the appointment and getting the medication from the clinic, I took Seth to get some ice cream.

"Seth, please stop running!" I call out to Seth who was running to the ice cream shop.

Next thing I know I'm being knocked down.

"Hey! I'm so sorry!" Someone said.

"It's all good" I reply still looking for Seth who seemed to have disappeared into the shop.

I hear a gasp and look up too see a Greek god with sandy blonde hair, light blue eyes and a tan that even Barbie and Ken would be jealous of.

"Erm are you okay?" I ask after I get over my surprise of his looks.

"Ermm y..yeah I..I..I'm good" he stutters.

"Okay good well I have to go now" I say quickly as I was starting to panic about Seth.

"Wait!" He tries saying but I quickly run into the shop.

hastily looking around, not seeing Seth I start to freak out.

"Excuse me, did you see a young boy run through here?" I ask the cashier.

"Erm look around, there are loads of little boys!" She says.

"No need to be so god damn rude!" I say looking around again.

That's when I see a black haired kid that looked a lot like Seth.

But he was being surrounded by older boys.

I head over and see it is in fact Seth.

"Aw is the little boy going to cry?" One boy says.

"Are you going to call your Mommy?" A second one butts in.

"No his not, but if you don't leave you will be soon!" I say making them turn around.

When they saw me they started laughing.

"And what are you going to do, scratch me ?" The second boys says mocking me.

"Yeah, beat it princess!" The first boy waves his hands motioning me away.

"Not gonna happen, now move" I say.

"Nah I'm good" thing 1 replies.

I see red, not only were they bullying Seth, they were disrespecting me.

I grab an arm of each of them and drag them outside.

"Hey you can't touch us!" Thing two says.

"Oh but you could bully my brother!" I shout.

I was getting so angry Seth came out with me and held on to my leg.

"Listen princess..." thing one started but was cut off by a growl.

I turn a bit to the left and see it was the Greek god, I really need a new name for him or better yet, his actual name.

"What's going on here?" He asks.

"Nothing..." I start.

"This crazy lady and her cry baby of a brother, started harassing us!" Thing two says.

The Greek god looks at the two boys and laughs.

"That crazy lady is my girlfriend!" He states.

Oh really now !?!?

"Oh sorry dude? Erm can we go now?."

"Go and if I see you bulling any more kids I'll bully you! Understood?" He ask raising his voice a little.

Both boys muttered a quiet "understood" and ran off.

I saw the Greek god look at Seth a little angrily but then really sad and hurt.

The Greek god came up to me and crouched down, when I realized what he was doing I placed my body in front of Seth.

The Greek god looked up at me confused, then he must have clocked that I was protecting Seth, this made him even more upset.

"I'm not going to hurt him!" He says but I still do not move from my position in front of Seth.

"Lu Lu, I wanna go home now" Seth spoke up.

"Okay nugget, lets go" I say trying to calm my brother down.

"Here let me walk you to your car" the Greek god offered.

Seth scrunched his nose up at the word "car? When did Lu Lu get a car?" He asks.

"You don't have a car?" The god asks me.

"No I have a bike" I say and laugh when the Greek god surprised.

"Oh well you know bicycles are cool.." the Greek god says awkwardly.

Me and Seth burst into fits of laughter "yer they are but I have a motorbike" I state.

The Greek god pulls an 'o' face.

"What is your name, may I ask?" I say getting fed up of calling him the Greek god.

"It's Cody, and you are ?" He asks.

"Lucy, well thanks and all but I gotta get my brother home" I say towards Cody.

"Wait his your brother?" Cody.

"Yer?!" I reply.

"Okay cool, well see you around" he replied sounding really happy but also terribly reluctant to let us go.

"Bye" I say and after strapping Seth's helmet on I straddle the bike, with Seth pressed up against my front, I take off.

Once home, I give Seth his medication and his dinner, when his finished I clean his face and take him to bed.

"Lu Lu do you think Mummy and Daddy are watching over us right now and looking after us?" He asks me in a sleepy voice.

"Yes chicken I do, I think they're protecting you as much as they can" I say.

"But what about today?" He asks his eyes tearing up.

"Bubba you never need to worry about that ever again! If Mommy and Daddy can't protect you, I will!" I say but it was more like a promise.

"Okay, I love you Lu Lu" he says yawning before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you more nugget" I say.

Today was a long day.