

Autor: PenWitch
Contemporary Romance
Contínuo · 236 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is THE ALPHA’s pet

Leia o romance THE ALPHA’s pet escrito pelo autor PenWitch publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Billonaire system

It's about young adult man named Lucas Mayor. Lucas is a family man, who recent married a woman of his dreams, working in a slave company to treat his new wife as best he could to make her happy. On his pay day he asked his boss to get of work early so he could surprised his wife and go on date, on his way home stop on the florist shop to buy bouquet of red roses than took a taxi to home. Upon his arrival at his house he finds out there is a visitor but what strange is he sees clothes on the flour all the way up to his bedroom as he got closer he can hear strange moaning noises coming from his bedroom as he rushes to see what is happening only to find out his wife on top of another man. discover how Lucas handled the situation his facing and a new world he will be in to ------------------------------------------------ WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ------------------------------------------------ [Genre]: | Adult| Romance |Sliceoflife | Transmigration | Tragedy | Faceaslapping| [Addition] | Poor to Rich | System | Handsome male lead | Modern world | Gang | Calm Protagonist | Wealth| Beautiful women | Love affair | Milf | -------------------------------------------------- Cover Photo isn't not mine, that beautiful art belong to it rightful owner. Generated by an AI i don't have copy right Please do tell me if you want me to remove it. AUTHOR : MY FIRST NOVEL PLEASE DO COMMENT ON MY SHORT COMINGS AND ANY MISTAKE I MIGHT MAKE SPELLING WISE OR ANYTHING THAT I DIDN'T NOTICE AS I DO ACCEPT CRITICISM SO I CAN BETTER MYSELF TO DELIVER SOMETHING BETTER FOR READERS

Andy_Lee_4383 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


      国际上的顶尖杀手因意外重生在一个高中生身上,前世种种已经过去。这一世她没有手染鲜血,这一世,她要重新来过。却没想到,为救心爱之人再一次含恨九泉之时,才明白她的重生并非偶然。 为了与爱人重逢,她与阎君做交易,从此穿越各个平行空间,体会各种悲催命运,为那些不甘的生命活出她们想要的人生。   而这一切只为集齐时间碎片扭转时空,与爱人重逢。   当一切尘埃落定,她才知道,他与她的缘分要追溯到万年前。   待她集齐碎片,合而为一之日,就是她重回巅峰,凤临天下之时。   精彩片段:   一人飞升天界,一人永坠地狱。   看着奄奄一息躺在冰冷石床上的人,阎君不赞同的说:“您这是何苦?”   晏崇:“我大限将至,能够拼上最后一口力气助她成神,已是功德圆满。”   话音刚落,另一个声音响起:“你功德圆满,我呢?让我在无尽的生命里独自忍受孤独,这就是你所谓的功德圆满吗?”   晏崇一惊:“你......”   白轻羽叹了口气,上前把人轻轻搂在怀里:“没了你,上天入地又能如何?”      一句话简介,这就是一个痴情男人为了心爱之人从上古追到现代并且助她重新封神的故事。   简介无能,请各位看官移驾正文,点开第一页,看不了吃亏看不了上当,不信就点开试试!      

燕回 · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

The Cold Stone CEO'S

A story of two CEO'S Both Of them are Cold Stone. They both can only match each other. Mahek Edward - The CEO of Edward Groups of Hotel and above that all a great Chef .Taken over her dad Position at a age of 18 and then made the company number one in all over the world. But some thing happened that caused her to become Cold hearted. A past incident to uncover Noah Jones - The CEO of the Jones Company. A cold person he is just that way or the company managing made him that. Nothing Changed him only her can make him a melt and pervert ?? LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT (For Male Lead) AN ARRANGE MARRIAGE (For Female Lead) Let's see where it go's A SMALL INTRO "Why did you go on a date with James Smith!" he shouted right into my ears. damn this monster.. I guess am going to need a hearing aid. "What's the problem with that! why do you care!" He stepped a little closer to me, and I was pushedback to a wall. "Am your husband! do you get that we are married! or do I need to spell it out for you huh" I rolled my eyes. "It's a Contracted marriage and if you can go out with that stupid Ex-girlfriend but I can't go out with a boy Which is my Friend? It's so unfair! anyway, we are going to get divorced within a few months. isn't that what you always wanted". He smacked his hand on the wall. Making My bodyto confide within the wall and his body. "Don't show that attitude to me". "I will What will you do". I proved Him. "Let me show you". He rebuded forward I try too push him aside but no he didn't move he wasthe rock. "Let me go". I pushed him little and try to escaped but he caught me by waist. "Let me go you Fucking Asshole" I told him "No never In this life remember" He said and the left me and went away Let's start the Journey. My first story was dropped because I cannot come up any idea to start. I will Try to not do that to this story ***The Characters in story having relation to real world is pure coincidence.*****

mahekmehta104 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


In ancient times, humans mastered magic and had superhuman strength, they could communicate with supernatural beings, while demons could freely roam the earth and use their powers to tempt humans. After the disappearance of the Messiah, knowledge of magic, demons and supernatural beings also disappeared without a trace along with ancient civilization and leaving only the remnants of their heritage buildings and evidence of their greatness, this age is called the zero century and the beginning of the year. One and a half millennia later, the world was almost destroyed by a meteor collision and flattened almost the entire surface of the world, storms like deadly strokes and flashes of light snatched from the dark clouds, the sky seemed to collapse, a giant tsunami storm swept across the entire coast on earth, all creatures suffered and dying. When the last sound on earth resounded, the noise of ruins and the cries of living things ended and a real emptiness followed. Suddenly the atmosphere of the world returned to normal, the sky was clear as before, the breeze was gentle. The earth returned but in a different form, all humans who still lived on earth without exception gained knowledge about magic. The memory of the destruction remains. The geographical shape of the earth changes completely with various remnants of meteor fragments that are trapped like rocks that are firmly attached to the sand at the bottom of the ocean. What really happened? What terrible things await us? I just want a better ending!

LeonXIV · Fantasia
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15 Chs
Latest Update
Volume 1


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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