
Chapter 9: Taste of power

Alex was barely hanging on to life.These two were both above him in terms of raw strength and magical power.

The opponent with a huge sword was a swordsman [people who chose to study the art of swordmanship in the academy].He also an earth element user good for him cause swordsmen can infuse magic with their sword attacks while mages just casted spells but some also use weapons to fight but usually magically weapons to enhance magical powers.Moreover he was a five star swordsman.

The second person was a calamity lightning tier one mage.Yeah I know, right?I will literally be crushed to death in a fight with a anyone of this monsters talkless of the two of them.

"Yep,I am dead.So much for wanting to gain experience and where the fuck is the shadow master that was supposed to fight here tonight? Don't tell me he lost?well if I'm dying tonight,I wouldn't die without a fight"Alex thought with a smile

A thunderbolt struck the place Alex was.When the dust receded,a huge crater was found where Alex was standing before.The lightning mage easily sensed that something was in his shadow but before he could take action,the swordsman rushed at him with his huge sword.The lightning mage blocked the attack with a lightning spell then he fired a bolt of lightning at his shadow but he saw no movement.

The swordsman backed away,he initially wanted to test out the opposition but he sensed the aura of an intermediate mage from the kid so he wanted to take care of the ticking bomb in front of him first.But he needed a tactic cause he couldn't move close and he wasn't safe anywhere in the fighting cage.He smiled.It has been a while since I have let loose and felt so intrigued

He blasted off and coated himself in an armour made of rock.Sword art five earth breaker he shouted.The lightning mage wasn't familiar with the spell so he couldn't counter.He took the full damage of the attack head on and was blasted off several meters away from the swordsman.

"Get up.If it was that easy to kill a calamity mage people won't be so frightened by them."said the swordsman.

The arena was running wild with various bets been made with the odd favoring the swordsman now.The cashier in charge of the bet was grinning ear to ear cause all hesaw was huge profit for their arena tonight.

The lightning mage Zoro is up and lightning energy is being gathered but the swordsman Leon doesn't seem to be fazed at all.The third participant have been verified to be a shadow mage but he is no where to be found but no worries he is still inside the cage cause there's a powerful barrier that was forged by our formations master which are all top notch.The crowd cheered on.

"I will appreciate it kid if you get out of my shadow now.You are making me slow to respond to attacks.Sit back and see what true power looks like then when I am done with him,I will come for you."Zoro said

"Get away from this area now and go towards the edge of the cage far away from here"said Zoro with a sense of urgency.

Alex ran as fast as he could.He couldn't shadow travel as the lighting of the arena was top notch.Then the area he was with Zoro before experienced a rain of lightning.Zoro wrapped himself with a thick layer of sand and activated an artifact.The entire ground was burnt to crisps which terrain of the fighting cage.Alex wasn't safe from the aftershock.Ferocious lightning energy attacked him slamming him into the barrier.He coughed out blood.

Zoro wasn't unscathed from the attack but he had gone through worse as he went close to Leon under the protection of the defense artifact.He was very fast.Leon meet him head on with a lightning spear and they clashed several times all over the cage.There was dust everywhere and people's eyes couldn't see to keep up except a few.Alex was frightened.So this was true power felt like.

The magical barrier was shaking earth fighting lightning ferociously and sounds of clanging were ringing out in the arena.Suddenly a rock golem suddenly rised up from the earth and a lightning giant but the golem's size wouldn't lose out to the giant.

They charged at each other and engaged in battle while Zoro and Leon engaged in close combat once again.They were both bound to deplete their soul energy at this rate but these two battle maniac didn't care about that.They would go through the battle using brute strength if they had to.

The lightning giant was obviously at a disadvantage cause earth element was lightning's element foe but suprisingly they were equally matched.The lightning giant gave the golem a blow to the face but the golem got right back at it by body slamming it.They roared at each other fiercely.The ground also was shaking an earth quake was about to happen due to the fierce battle.The defense mages in the arena were going to reinforce the barrier.

The battle was a stalemate they were equally matched.Zoro and Leon stared at each other.They both knew that in order to win they both had to use their most powerful spell which was exactly what they were about to do.