
Chapter 14: Battle In The Stadium 2

**In The Stadium**

At the corridor leading to the lower safe house,blood could be seen everywhere, blood of mystic city mages. The have been fighting the group of four for a while and the still haven't managed to injure one of them.

"Young master Nathan, this guys are ruthless killers" said a grey bearded man.

"It is not like we have any choice but to fight them off. Since when did the infamous Fitz known for his bravery become a coward?", Nathan replied.

Fitz chuckled. He wasn't afraid for himself but afraid for his men that were dying. He was a one star commander of mystic city so he wasn't weak in status and wealth although he was just at the peak of Terror level but rumour has it he has another element at Terror level.

"I might not be able to kill them all but I can handle three of them easily but the remaining two are Terror level mages so I can't just go all out without a plan. We couldn't even put a dent on their robes while they are a man down if the summoner wakes up,it would become even more difficult as he is the second Terror level mage,the first obviously being their boss and as we all saw,he is a summoner so he is like a small army of mages all by himself. All I am saying is that we need a plan if not we are fucked",Fitz analysed.

"You think I don't know that? We still need a little more time to complete the surprise attack. We have then surrounded from both sides but they just keep advancing slowly by slaughtering our men. Currently planning is useless cause we already have a plan,we just need to see it through. Tell everyone to give it everything they got",Nathan said.

"Hey 701,wake up",the huge built guy said while kicking the guy in the middle.

"Ahh,boss please spare me",701 groaned while getting back to his senses.

"Summon your basilisk now" the huge built guy commanded.

An orange glowing portal opened up in the ceiling and a chilly aura was coming out of it spreading into the corridor and rooms. Two large red eyes were seen watching from the darkness in the orange portal and a sense of death was in the air.

"And we are fucked young master Nathan" said Fitz with a smile".

**On the surface of the stadium**

The mages were pushing back the unknown terrorist group cause they had more numbers and more elites on the surface than below. They thought the enemy's main group would be here but they failed to realize that they might have sent some of their elite down to the safety rooms until they all felt the aura spreading throughout the stadium and their faces became grim. All their thoughts were the same. "What the heck is a sacred beast doing here?". It's aura alone was enough to suppress most Terror level mages but the fucker was not even alone. It brought along lots of lackeys in which most of them were giving of auras of intermediate beasts but there were also a few Mythical beasts auras.

Nathan frowned cause the situation was escalating. He has a forbidden mage could escape this incoming danger but the aura coming off of the beast wasn't just a sacred level beast,it was a peak sacred level beast. It was strong enough to threaten even his life and it wasn't alone. Even if he survived,what about the others?

**In an underground spring in Mystic City**

"Screech, a loud fiery screech was heard."

**In a volcano in Mystic City**

"A massive black dragon could be seen sleeping but suddenly it opened it's eye."

**On the sea lines on Mystic City border**

"A 7 headed hydra could be seen swimming at sound speed towards the shore."


In the Crimson House mansion,the ruler of the entire kingdom of wisteria,'Luther Crimson' could be seen sitting on a chair meditating when the door suddenly opened and in a butler came.

"My Lord,there has been an attack on Mystic city and it seems to be getting serious. Furthermore it is not the dark guild", Butler kane said.

"Challenging the noble families is indirectly challenging the authority of the royal family and we can't have that. Send an elite squad of the kingsmen to take control of the situation. If the situation is too perilous,they are to back down. They are to work hand in hand with the commander in charge at Mystic city. One more thing,they are not to return unless they capture at least one of the enemy's men alive." commanded the mage king Luther Crimson.

"Yes my Lord",Butler kane said and walked out.


**In all other cities,news of the situation at Mystic City had also been received**


**Back at the stadium**

In the safety rooms beneath the stadium's surface,a shadow emerged and transformed to a human. All the guards were quick to act especially the guards of young miss Lyria.

"I am not an enemy",Alex said quickly.

Just as he said that a spell grazed his neck leaving a little cut on his neck.

"Next is a clean cut so you have 10 seconds to prove to me that you are not a threat" a female guard standing in front of Lyria said.

Alex quickly sent the token carrying sigil of the Windward house to the female guard.

"I activated the token and you guys should also receive the help signal",Alex told the female guard.

The female guard took out her own sigil and saw that it was shining consistently. Only members of the Windward house could have this token. All nobles have one peculiar to their house with each ways of confirming it's affirmation. As for the Windward family,it blinks a shining glow consistently if activated by soul energy. The female mage signaled for the other guards to stand down.

"I have orders to get the young miss out of here from master Julius.", said Alex.

"Alright,I have felt your aura so if you try to act funny then just know that you won't even have twelve hours to live." replied the female mage.

Alex suddenly appeared in front of Lyria and held her hand and disappeared. At a point of the barrier at the 3rd entrance to the stadium two people could be seen moving out of the shadow of a cart selling snacks. Alex held Lyria's shoulder and pushed her down as to avoid being discovered.

He peeked over the cart to check for signs of enemy men but there was only two and luckily they were intermediate mages.

"Time to shine" Alex thought.

Alex suddenly appeared before them and said "hi". As they were about to make a move,they were shocked to find their body not moving.

"Good night boys" Alex said with a devilish smile.

Just after they fell unconscious.

Alex went to Lyria and suddenly hugged her and disappeared only to appear on the other side of the dome far away in the Windward mansion. Finally they were free.

"You are safe now" he said to Lyria with a smile

Alex was smiling but he was feeling pain all over. Chaotic energy was in him fighting his own. He coughed up a handful of blood and collapsed. Just as he was falling a delicate looking pair of hands drew him close thereby making him collapse on her.

**Back at the stadium**

Everybody that was a mage at the corridors of the rooms beneath the surface of the stadium were terrified but the basilisk wasn't satisfied with their fear. It was a monster that fed off fear so it broke through the ceiling causing a loud bang with shaking of the stadium.It rose up and it was so long only it's head and little but of it body was seen even though it's head had reached the dome like barrier covering the stadium.

Just then something unimaginable happened. Several basilisks snakes appeared out of numerous portals with auras varying from mythical level to intermediate level. It was like a scene from an horror movie. You could see their leader the huge glowing black scales basilisk smiling with it's red eyes looking as if it just saw it's favorite food.

Immediately the another barrier shot out in a dome like shape and covered the former barrier and the stadium and it went as far back as a few kilometers. and just in between the two barriers could be seen a black dragon, a lightning eagle and a seven headed hydra.

NOTE: Sorry for not uploading for a while, been busy with something but that's about to change and I will be releasing 4 chapters a week with the days being Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Please help with the voting too and comment,let me know how it is looking bad or good
