
The First Great Weaver War(summary)

The War that scarred the universe and ripped the balance of power…the first great weaver war. In the year of 2001, The weaver known as Iyami was subdued by a group of evil weavers that were plotting to use her thread to spread chaos but instead a mistake was made and whilst mind controlled, the command to kill was spoken and Iyami was sent on a rampage. Her rampage lasted for a few weeks and in that span of time, countless cities were destroyed, making her global enemy one in the public eyes and the government sent the Weaver Extraction Team to subdue her. The fight was long and lasted quite a while with her dominating the opposing side but as they were on the brink of winning, the 'mind control' was dispersed and she regained conscious and quickly tried to explain what happened but it fell on deaf ears.

The women grew angry that her words were not getting through and so she called upon the other 3 weavers and revealed that she was kidnapped by the government and forced to do unspeakable things and when they was done with her, they attempted to kill her which was why they was in the situation now. The other 3 weavers believed this and joined her side to fight against the government and officially crumble them to the ground to create a world of weavers. This was the start of the First Great Weaver War.

It was brutal. Humans of all kinds that opposed the guardians were dealt with swiftly and violently as they continued their fight, spreading it across the globe. Humanity fought with their all but eventually the overpowering weavers won and a new age of humanity was born. The War was still in effect as a few groups of humans survived and planned for years a way to birth a being that could weave and so by combining the dead weavers of the extraction team DNA, they injected in a women and soon a successful child was born out of 317 failed experiments and this was soon to be known as the leader of the Yaka Clan, the weaver of Time.

They trained this child in various arts of combat, assassination techniques, and more. They were aiming to Make this child a weapon of war to turn the tides of the battle and that's what they did. Once they felt that the teen was good enough to be sent out, they gave away their location and hopes everything worked out. The fight between the teen and the 4 weavers was of epic proportions that shook the very cosmological structure and altered the state of history and flipped the balance of threads, allowing for more powerful threads to span into creation. The fight lasted for years and Earth became a wasteland until the fight came to a conclusion and through his effort, the teen came out victorious by just a bit. The weavers congratulated him on his victory and allowed him to reshape the world as he see's fit, explaining to him that during the fight they reached a state of power that surpassed him and now governed the entire universe, giving them a duty that could not be taken lightly and with that, they left.

The Aftermath was no joke, everything that was once beautiful about earth was no longer and the weaver of time stood in isolation as he began thinking, plucking the thread of time and merging parts of the past, present and former future to create a world of all weavers though with low capacity to reach the state similar to him and the four guardians. He revealed to the new humanity that he was the sole survivor of a war between 4 vicious fighters that transcended and became the watchers of the universe and he, becoming the governer of time. Many praised him as he guided the new first born generations of weavers and gave them the option to create clans or join one, opting him to create the Yaka clan.

As years went by, the Earth began to retake its once beautiful landscape and scenery, regaining its magnetic field as the balance of power became fix. The teen knew how humans/weavers were and restricted his power for the safety of the new weavers.

Every 100 years, a celebration was held for the teen for his sacrifices and his victory along with the reconstruction of a new and better civilization. He grew fond of the first generation until the new ones came along and with that, the power balance shifted as a child who presence defied fate itself was born…a child that wasn't meant to be born… child that could weave the very essence of sound…the child that would scratch his name from the book of destiny…The Weaver Of Divine Sound.