
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 7/ crossroads dragon

While Hiroshi and Kiyan are preparing to leave a nun walks in. "Heading out gentlemen?" the nun asked. "Yes, there has been a disturbance that needs our attention" Kiyan replies while he packs his bags. "Do you think it has something to do with an old prophecy?" as the nun tilts her head thinking. "Old prophecy?" Hiroshi asks confused. "it is a tale about two people, who are siblings, who are to become strong and powerful entities. But one is distended for hell and the other heaven. One of the siblings grows jealous of the other and frames them to be the other goes to hell." the nun tells them the prophecy. "Is there a way to know if it has happened? "Kiyan questioned with interest. "Sadly, only the two siblings would know and whoever they speak to" the nun answers with an uncertain look. "Maybe my father would know. He is the crossroads dragon with the wisdom of the ancients. that could help us find and defeat the sin lady" Kiyan says hopefully. "He may Kiyan, we should pay him a visit then. But it could just be a tale to teach siblings not to hate each other" Hiroshi replies dismissively. "That is possible but what if it has happened and it's the calm before the storm type of event?" Kiyan says with a concerned tone.

"Well, we won't find out if we stay here" Hiroshi says as he pulls out his mother's angel feather "this will get us to your fathers in no time." Hiroshi shows Kiyan the feather he gives a nod "it is a special gift from your mother Hiroshi" they both stand close together Hiroshi actives the feather to teleport them to the gates of the crossroads temple in the mountains. Kiyan and Hiroshi walk into the temple seeing monks walking around performing their daily routines. They make their way to a special altar and place gifts at the altar. The door next to the altar opens "enter" a firm voice calls out to them. Kiyan and Hiroshi walk through the door entering the room. They walk forward approaching Ryuji crossroads dragon and give him a small bow out of respect. "What brings you here on this visit?" Ryuji asks in a serious dark tone. Hiroshi replies "we are wanting to see if we can have help to find-" " the sin lady of Wrath? well hell is a good starting point; I can send you there if you like" Ryuji replies in a sassy tone as Hiroshi and Kiyan look mortified at the idea of being sent to hell.

A deep chuckle could be herd coming from Ryuji "relax you both the sin lady is on earth, and she is on the move." Kiyan asked his father "where can we find her?" Ryuji stretches out his draconic hand over a small pound in front of him revealing the town of Alcina with Wrath in her daemon form walking to the town. As Hiroshi sees Wrath and gets the odd feeling like he should know her somehow. "Hiroshi are you all right you seem lost" Kiyan asked him with concern. "I am not sure. Ryuji what is the best way to find out that she is in Alcina?" Hiroshi asks Ryuji. "With each sin lord they are different each time a new one takes its place or is rarely known as Wrath would be" Ryuji responds. "Okay, thank you again for your help" Hiroshi says. "Get going you standing here won't stop her" Ryuji says in a serious tone. Hiroshi and Kiyan nod heading out to Alcina from the mountain. "Hiroshi did the sin looked familiar to you?" Kiyan asks as they walk down the mountain path. "I'm not sure I feel like I should, but I can't place where" Hiroshi admits puzzled by the feeling. The day moves to dusk Hiroshi and Kiyan set up camp for the night.