
The Adventures of a Powerless Mage

In a world where magic is the core of society and demonic beasts roam wild, an aspiring mage who has no affinity for magic struggles to fulfill his dreams of becoming the greatest magician of all time.

Sandwhichkarp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Prologue 2

A blonde man in his late 20s walked up to a giant glass panel. He had a glass of red wine in his right hand, which he held up in celebration.

"Long time no see, everyone. It's been an adventure, hasn't it. Our little friend group has gotten pretty successful, hasn't it. I mean, Mr. Hotshot actually got a girlfriend, 2 of you are married, one of the is the most successful inventor in the multiverse, and 3 of you are magician on the 7-Point Hunting Team. Doesn't it all feel like a dream?"

Hidden under his left pocket was a ring on his middle finger, glittering even though there was no light exposed to it. And on it, a single white gem, pure, and white, as snow. Yet deep within, there was a danger that no one could have foreseen. Unless they already did.

Brennan (Last Name ?)

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