
The Academic Dunce

In a world where mages dominate, those who are bereft of the holy gift can only suffer.

TheCodex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

2. The Hulking Man

A young boy was running across the streets of Pardo, carrying two loafs of bread. His forehead was glistening with sweat, he was running for a long time.

"Stop!" , the boy went head first into someone, he fell onto the ground both loafs thoroughly dirtied with the mud on the old path.

The boy looked up, they had caught him. His eye were quivering with fear as he knew what happened to those who get caught.

What he saw was a monster. A Hulking man, his large frame was casting a dark shadow over the child. His shoulders ached with power as they strained against the seams of his rather bright uniform, as his biceps bulged like coiled steel, his massive shoulders went up and down with his calm breathing. His broad chest pulsed. aching with power. His mighty legs were twitching, ready to jump into action at a moments notice.

He was wielding a razor sharp halberd with his right hand. His grip was tight, as he was ready to unleash this killing weapon on whatever soul crossed his path.

The street became dead silent, the tension was palpable. The boy started sweating buckets. He tried to speak but no voice came from his vocal cords, he felt a primordial fear lock his mouth.

The man took a slow glance down.

His dark green eyes matched with his light blue ones. "What are you doing here kid?", came a glass shattering voice, its high frequency rend open the ears of the few gawkers.

The child once fearing of the green eyed man, now stifled a laugh.

"Hey kid why are you laughing at me, do you know what you just did!", he continued.

"You stole food, in Terrar that is a crime come with me.", his squeaky voice echoed down the streets as he dragged the poor soul to the local station.

What a twist, my first time trying to describe a character in detail, do not worry we will learn about our mc in the next chapter.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

All critic is welcome.

TheCodexcreators' thoughts