
The 6 Notes

Kutaki · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"I love you Elijah, and this is goodbye until we meet again in heaven.

"How did it end up like this?" I thought to myself. It all started back in second grade I had no friends and didn't talk to anyone. I was a loner of sorts and ate lunch alone and was very quiet. Until one day a girl that was in my class decided to eat lunch with me. "Hello, my name is Lia what's yours"?

"Elijah." I responded. She sat down beside me and I was shocked. This was the first time anyone has sat with me at lunch. "She just probably needs something, just like everyone else that tries to start a conversation with me." I thought to myself. "What do you need from me."

"Nothing really" she replied.

I was confused. "So why are you over here then?" "

Am I not allowed to sit here?"

"Yes you are, but wouldn't you rather sit with your friends over there?" As I point to where she sits with her friends.

"No not really, they were making fun of you, so I told them to stop and quit, but they got mad at me and said that if I was going to be like that then I should just go be friends with you instead of them."

"Well you should go back and apologize and go along with them, I don't wanna be the reason you lose all your friends."

"No it's fine; it's no big deal."

"Yes it is, you're pretty popular so you shouldn't even be talking to someone like me."

"But you're always alone. I feel bad for you."

"Don't feel bad for me. It's always been like this; just go back to your friends." I got up and left, so she had to go back to her friends. "Jeez, what is she thinking?" She would have lost all her friends for hanging out with me. I don't wanna deal with all that drama." Lunch ended and we all went back to class. In class we had group work and I usually work by myself. When the teacher said we could pick our partners, I watched everyone rush to their friends and group up. I was alone as always, but I didn't mind it really. I saw someone ask Lia to be her partner, but she said no. She then walked over to me.

"Hey, Elijah you wanna be partners." I could see the look her friend gave me.

"No, you should be with your friend. She is gonna feel left out."

"But aren't you gonna feel left out, too?"

"I guess, but I'm used to it."

"Well fine, but next time we are going to be partners."

"Whatever you say," I replied. We did our group work then went into independent reading. During independent reading we were allowed to sit around the room. People would always fight over the beanbags, so I didn't bother trying. I usually sat near the corner of the room where no one was around. But today when I went there Lia was sitting there. I started to walk away to find another spot.

"Oh, sorry did I take your spot?"

"No, it's not like my names on it or anything."

"Yea but you usually sit here."

"No, trust me it's fine."

"There's room for two," she said . "Here just sit beside me." There was enough room for two but it would still be cramped.

"No, I'm fine, but thank you."

"Please, I want you to sit here. Would you please sit with me?"

"Fine," I sighed.


I sat down beside her and started to read. After a little bit she started talking to me. "What book are you reading?"

"We're not allowed to talk during independent reading."

"I know but she can't hear or see us."

"Captain Underpants."

"Oh I have heard of it, is it good?"

"I guess," I responded. I could tell she wasn't really interested in what I was reading; she was just trying to create small talk. We went back to reading, and I kept catching her staring at me. I just forgot it and kept reading. As I was reading I felt a little sleepy. I couldn't really sleep the night before because I was crying myself to sleep. Truth is I was a sad kid. I was lonely and hated myself. As I finished a chapter I fell asleep. When I woke up my head was leaning on Lia's shoulder. "I'm so sorry" I panicked, "You should have woke me up!"

"No no, it's fine really, you looked very tired."

"Still I am really sorry, you probably thought you caught the loser germs." The loser germs was a thing the kids in my class would say when a loser like me would touch them.

"No, I don't think stuff like that is nice; I know it's not real."

"Well ok, but if someone saw us then they would start saying you had them."

"It's fine I really don't care."

"Well I do, I don't wanna make you go through that 'cause of me."

"Trust me it's fine, I think Emma saw us but I don't think she'll say anything."


Independent reading ended and we were packing up because we were about to be dismissed. When we finished packing up I was waiting for the bell to ring. The bell rang and the bus riders would go to the cafeteria and wait for their bus to be called. I rode bus 395. The kids who rode the same buses would sit together. As I was walking I noticed Lia was following me. "Why is she following me?" I asked myself. As I went to sit down where I usually sit Lia followed and sat down right beside me. I was confused but just went along with it.

"Aren't you gonna ask why i'm here."


"Meanie." She replied with a pouty face."Fine, What are you doing here?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh I started riding this bus. My parents can't pick me up anymore because of work."

"Cool." I replied. I went back to reading my book.

"Why don't you talk to people."

"I don't know, ever since I came here I was left out, so I was alone for a bit then people established me as the loser who doesn't have any friends. Once people have a certain attitude towards you it's almost impossible to change it."

"Wow, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be I don't mind it really" but I knew I was lying to myself.

"Oh ok."

Our bus was called. We walked outside to the bus circle and got on the bus. I usually sit in the back by myself. I walked to the back and sat down. Lia wasn't behind me and I was honestly surprised. But I could finally go back to being alone. As the bus started going I saw a girl raise her hand to ask the bus driver a question.

"What is it?" The bus driver asked.

"Can I move seats?" The girl replied.

"Yea go ahead but be quick."

As I went back to reading my book I heard footsteps approaching and sighed. As I looked up it was Lia and she sat down beside me.

"Hey." She said.

I just sighed and went back to reading. I could tell she was annoyed, but I kept reading.

"So what do you usually like to do."

I put down my book. "Uh, nothing really, I just go home and do my homework, then I cry myself to sleep." "Wait, why did I just tell her that." I thought to myself.

"That was a good joke." She said laughing. I went back to reading my book.

"Wait were you being serious?"

I ignored her and kept reading.

"Well I like to go to Carowinds, watch movies, go out to eat, oh and I love doing this stuff with my friends."

"Sounds nice." I replied.

"Do you have any friends?" She asked

"No" I replied.

"Well I will be your friend."

"Nah, I'm good. You're just saying that because you feel bad for me."

"No I'm not, I have always wanted to talk to you. So can we be friends?"

"I guess.¨ I replied. When my stop came I got off and went home. When I got home I did my homework and went to sleep.