2 chapter 2: The 5 warriors

The weird thing about recess that day is that we hear one of the popular kids talking about her dream she keeps having, it is just like me and my friends dream and also we see the shy girl in our class drawing a picture of her dream the same one we had. So first we go talk to the shy girl."

   "U-um, hi we say you are drawing a picture of dream…"Gina stutters. But before she could finish. 

   "How do you know that it is about me dream?" Yells the shy girl. 

   "We all have been having the same dream and it tells use to find the other warriors," Anderson cut in.

   "So that means you are the other three, but who is the fifth," the shy girl exclaims. 

   "We think it is the lead of the popular girls," Sheila answers. 


 Then we tell the popular girl. Which was pretty hard, she kept trying to fight us and make us go away. But finally listened and agreed to talk about it tomorrow. After that we told the shy girl (lily) and the popular girl (briana) that we would meet up at the climbing dome tomorrow at recess. For the rest of the day we all did not talk to each other. It is not like we were mad at each other. We were just a little confused. But finally at the end of the day…

   "H-hey guys do you think the dream is real," Gina stutters.

   "I don't know, we will find out," Sheila replies "But tomorrow is the last be before spring break, so we only have tomorrow at recess to figure out a little more."

   "We will have to figure out more when we come back," Anderson adds.

   Then we all go to sleep. In the morning we are worried about what will happen at recess. But we all continued our day normally. The only thing that was not normal is all the popular kids left us alone. It is finally recess.   

   "Anderson, Gina come on we need to go to the dome they are waiting for us," Sheila shouts.

   "We're coming," yells Gina and Anderson at the same time

   "Then hurry up," Sheila screams already halfway across the playground. 

They finally reach the dome excited, worried, and eager.

   "What took you so long I have important things to do," Briana screeches.

   "What do you mean, like bullying people till they pass out or are rushed to the hospital," Lily says sarcastically.

   "Don't make it sound that mean, it is not that bad," Briana argues. 

   "Yah shur" Lily mutters

   "What did you say you little…," Briana starts to yell.

   "Come on stop bickering, we are not here to fight we are trying to figure out if the dreams are true or just a coincidence," Sheila cuts in. "Let's get started, we are going to say our dreams in high detail. I will go first. In my dream I am in a bright white room and there was a pick black figure. The figure says, you are one of the FIVE warriors find the others, that is mine. Who is going next."

   "I will go next," Briana says egur, "the room in my dream is gray, the figure is an off white, and it says the same things as in the blind ones dream (Sheila)."                      

   "STOP CALLING ME THAT,"Sheila screamed.

   "Come on we need to get along," Anderson resins

   "Ya," Gina and Lily agree.

   "FINE," Sheila and Briana say.

   "I will go next," Lily says egurly, " the room was a pastel pink, the figure was a dark blue, and it said the same thing as in your dreams."

   "Ok I will go next," Anderson saysegur to get his over with, "the room was a pastel purple…" 

   "WWWHHHAAATTT," all the four others scream.                                                 


  "Can I continue," Anderson says, "the figure was black...NEXT."

   "I will go now," Gina says, "the room was green and the figure blue."

   "Ok so we all are having the same dream with different colored," Sheila resins,       

   "So that means that it could be…"

   "It is true, you all are the five warrior, now you will start your quest after a horrible event," a mysterious voice whispers in the wind. 

   "What was that," Sheila worries.

   "It was the figure," lily insists.

   "What does it mean after a horrible event?," Anderson worries.

   "I don't know," Gina and Briana worry.

(Wisile, it is time to go in.) No one spoke about recess for the rest of the day. At the end of the day their parents would be there to pick them up for spring break. That worried them because of what the figure told them. After the hours past it was finally time to leave.

   "I hope you will be ok," Gina and Anderson says to Sheila because she lives in a busy city. 

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