
Chapter 15- The indecent proposal

The resumption of studies always brings excitement and disappointment at the same time. For some, bored at home, going back to school is akin to breaking the boring routine of having nothing to do at home while for some, a long and nice holidays of waking up late, going to visit places had just come to an end. But for Deejay and Meeji, this announced something totally different. They had both broken a barrier, the barrier of formality. They were now intimate with each other. The problem was how to keep a relationship going in an environment where people always observe and criticise? Now that Deejay had gone further in that relationship, kissing Meeji, they both knew that things would not be as they used to be. They had to make that relationship work, if not, they had to stop talking altogether anything else would sound a little bit too awkward. It was not possible to kiss someone and pretend to be friends after that.

After that episode in the gym, they had been texting each other more than regularly. Initially, Meeji was not really happy about what happened. Girl's decorum. Afterwards, she began to accept it and she could not deny the happiness and pleasure she derived from it. It had to happen and Deejay made sure that it happened. Deejay on his side successfully convinced her that one day or the other, this was bound to occur. He persuaded her that they were both attracted and since it was strong, then why keep it at bay? As things were, they had known each other for a while and it was the right time for a progress. Meeji came to realise that what Deejay was saying was true and on top of all, Deejay never forced himself on her, he did everything in a gentlemanly manner apart from the kissing in the gym. There also, he had found Meeji too attractive to resist and it really showed in the manner he kissed. She also entered the game during the kiss too. He wanted to show that warmth, attraction and love he had for her. The way he held her cheeks in the palm of his hands said it all. It was like treasuring something.

When both met, going towards the staffroom that day, nothing changed. There was no uneasiness between them as would normally in be a relationship that would not work. Usually the uneasiness gave way to a certain awkwardness and after that the people would avoid each other till the relationship died. But everything was normal between them. What happened just happened and it happened for the best. Deejay and Meeji walked together towards the staffroom both smiling and talking. When they entered, the place was empty as usual but they knew that it was only a brief moment of intimacy.

'Let's kiss,' Deejay suggested jokingly. He knew very well that was not the place to do it.

'Yea sure, and let's make love as well while you are at it,' Meeji also replied jokingly. She was familiar with Deejay's style and mannerisms now.

'Talking of that, don't you think we should go one step further,' Deejay quizzed.

'What is …'

Meeji could not complete her question when a colleague entered into the staffroom smiling to both of them. The moment of intimacy was over and the conversation shifted to the routine basics between colleagues. Soon, the area became packed and shortly after, the bell rang. Deejay knew that this conversation could not be carried on while they were at school. There were too many people around observing. All he could do was to wait for the night when they would chat with each other. The whole day passed rather impatiently for him. He was grateful that something like Live Messenger existed. 'It must be a great invention for lovers,' he thought.

Night came and with it, the opportunity to revive the conversation. Deejay wanted Meeji in his arms now. It was what man's wanted most after a kiss. A male who satisfied himself with only a kiss had to be abnormal. It was a man's urge getting stronger and stronger. Not that Meeji's urge was not. She knew what Deejay meant by 'going one step further' in the morning. Yet, as is usually the case, she pretended not to understand anything. She wanted him to say in detail, what he wanted and expected from her. She wanted Deejay to open up to her.

'What did you mean by going one step further?' she asked.

Deejay was surprised by this directness of hers and only replied, 'What do you mean?'

'In the staffroom, you told me you wanted to go one step further, I hope you still remember. What did you mean by that?' Meeji wanted things to be clear and she was being very direct to Deejay indeed. She was making him taste his own medicine.

'Oh! You didn't forget,' Deejay replied obviously taken short by Meeji. He was indirectly happy too. At least, he would not have start the conversation all over again.

'Nope. I didn't. So you better tell me what you meant?' she pressed on impatiently.

'Look Meeji. We are attracted to each other. We confided many times, we kissed and am sure both of us wanted it and enjoyed it. Don't you think that now we must go beyond that? Don't take offense, but I think we must be a bit more physical as well,' Deejay said crossing fingers at the same time.

'I still don't get what you are trying to say,' a confuse Meeji asked.

'I think we must start making love to each other,' was Deejay's reply and as he said that he could hear his heartbeat in his ears, as it pounded in eager expectation of an answer.

'Oh really!' Meeji exclaimed.

'Look dear, I kissed you the other day and you felt nice. It's normally the first step towards making love. Attraction gives way ultimately to love making. We can't just keep starring at each other in the staffroom and contain our feelings. Let's do it instead,' Deejay pressed on.

'What you are asking is petty awkward for me?' Meeji replied perplexed.

'We've kissed. What can be awkward now if we make love,' Deejay replied and proceeded, 'Meeji dear, we can start with some intimate caresses. I won't push it or pressure yourself into doing it but we just cannot go on containing ourselves and keep wanting each other doing nothing for it. It drives me crazy for god sake.'

'Suppose we do it? What next?' Meeji replied back. It was a woman asking for some safety after that.

'We cannot know about the future. But we sure can know what we want for now and what we want right now is some intimate moments together,' Deejay said.

In fact, he really did not know what he wanted after that. There were so many ifs into the equation that nobody could know. Moreover, who could predict what one's feelings and emotions will be in the days or years to come. As a literature teacher, he has learnt to follow his instincts. The heart is more sensitive and nice while logic is more insensitive and cold. With the heart there was always excitement around but with logic, it was always a touch of the prudence. For him, life should be lived with excitement.

Meeji bid him good night and both went to sleep, thinking about what to do next. If something was to happen, they were the ones to make it happen. Meeji kept on thinking about Deejay's proposal while on his part, Deejay knew he was following his instinct and had no control or say over what the future holds. The next day awaits them. They were both eager to discuss the matter further. Things were moving forward.