
That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

You should know how it goes, I died, met a ROB, got some wishes, before getting reincarnated in a world of my choosing. Let's get started shall we? ----- In case you didn't realise, this is a Tensura Slime fanfic. I don't consider myself a veteran writer, so if you have any feedback I would be glad to read them. Don't expect a flawless plot line. I don't mind you guys making a bad review but at least let me know what I did wrong. I own nothing except my own characters. The cover pic is something I found off google, if you want me to take it down just drop a comment. https://discord.gg/ephtQTTdxt

DJDAN · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
256 Chs

Chapter 61 Mikoto wants a training montage

Right, I don't know what the fuck just happened, but let's move on shall we? Ranga, Mikoto and Shizu also don't seem to realise what just happened…

Meh. Must've been my imagination.

My skills gained a little addition. After I gained the [Gluttony] skill, I received a bunch of other random skills from my subordinates. [Gluttony] lets me receive many skills that my subordinates have while also distributing skills to them if they have an affinity for it.

[Control Wind] and [Dark Flame] fused with a bunch of other random skills gained through [Gluttony] and evolved into [Control Natural Elements] which lets me control the basic elements like lightning, fire, water, wind, earth, and so on.

More advanced and complex elements like time, cosmic, void, and such other random elements I have no clue about are out of reach, but [Rune Master] can make up for that.

As for the other miscellaneous skills that weren't fused into [Control Natural Elements], they were fused with [Creation] and [Rune Master] courtesy of [Raphael].

I swear both of you WILL evolve. One day…

(A/N: SoonTM)

Anyway, [Control Natural Elements] is a higher levelled skill, so my control over elements has also improved compared to the individual skills like [Control Wind] and things like that, so even without my runes, it's possible to fly and do a whole lot more things.

Like for example…

Rimuru- "Death Storm."

Winds howl around us, the sky darkens as near-pitch-black clouds cover the sun and a large portion of the sky. Black coloured destructive lightning can be seen flickering between the clouds and you can physically see and sense the wind storm going on up there.

If an ordinary human were trapped there, their body would be riddled with cuts from just the wind alone and would die from blood loss. As for getting hit by the lightning itself… hehehe… you'd better start praying.

Yes, this is an AOE attack inspired by Ranga, or rather, OG canon Ranga. He used an attack like this except much more destructive to take out large areas of orcs during the Orc Lord incident.

Of course, mine is a bit inferior. For one, neither Ranga nor I have any Storm Crests due to the absence of Veldora. Therefore the storm is not very destructive in nature. But the biggest reason why it's not as strong… well, I'm just not trying much. I'm containing everything in the area above us to make sure it doesn't affect us down here on the ground.

Ranga- 'As expected of Master…'

Ranga speaks out in awe as he looks to the skies above us in awe. I feel a bit bad since this was his original skill…

And so, to make up for it, I walk up to him and pat and scratch him all over his body.

Ranga is incredibly confused at the sudden pampering, but he discards his concerns almost immediately and just enjoys it as he gets scratched behind the ear. His white fur ended up getting messed up a bit though, I ended up putting my [Control Natural Elements] skill to good use and use the wind to blow it down.

Mikoto- "Hah… as expected of you, Rimuru…"

I turn to look at Mikoto, who is staring up into the sky staring at the black thundering clouds with a wry smile on her face.

My eyebrows furrow a bit as I look at her expression. It seems I need to have a little talk with her.

Finishing up playing around, we all head back home. As we walk through the front door, I turn to Mikoto.

Rimuru- "Can we talk for a bit?"

Mikoto looks confused but accepts. Ranga, who shrunk his size, and Shizu look at each other and shrug. Then, they head to the living room.

They're probably gonna play Smash Bros. Their rivalry even extends to video games.

How can a cat and a wolf use the controller? I don't know. One of the mysteries of the world, I guess.

No, seriously. I was playing Smash Bros right next to them, but when I tried looking at how their paws were using the controller, it was all censored.

The fuck!?

Anyway, finding ourselves alone, I turn back to Mikoto and ask her a question.

Rimuru- "Are you ok?"

Mikoto, growing even more confused, answers me.

Mikoto- "Hmm? Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Rimuru- "Well, you looked a little… off. Like something was bothering you."

Mikoto then reveals an expression of realisation, before she nervously laughs.

Mikoto- "Ahaha… that, huh…"

I look at her expression a bit more, before I walk forward and place my hand on her shoulder.

Rimuru- "Hey, I know something's wrong. I don't want to push you or anything, but seeing you like this is making me uncomfortable. You can talk to me, you know? If not me, then Ranga or Shizu. Maybe even Shuna or Shion? Hell, even Hakurou would work. He's got TONS of life experience under his belt."

Meanwhile, Hakurou suddenly sneezes while in the middle of training Gobuta and the other goblins.

Hakurou- "*Sniff* I feel like someone is asking for some special training."

Oblivious to the absolute beatdown awaiting Rimuru, he continues to look into Mikoto's eyes. Mikoto, however, avoids his eyes and just looks down.

Mikoto- "… I'm… just a little frustrated…"

I don't say anything and just continue to listen.

Mikoto- "You know, you keep getting stronger and stronger… I mean, I am too, but…"

But she's just not satisfied with her growth speed, huh…

True, my growth speed could be called tremendous. Even now, I can make some of the older True Demon Lords wary of my presence, and I've barely been in this world for 4 months by now.

(A/N: I've lost track of how old MC is at this point lol. Let's just say he's 4 months old.)

Even though Mikoto's growth rate is enough to make some prodigies cry, she still yearns to get even stronger…

Seriously, I really love this woman.

I unconsciously smile warmly at Mikoto while still patting her head. As if the warmth from my smile is affecting her, Mikoto's face becomes even redder, and she finally looks up to meet my eyes.

Rimuru- "Can't help it then. I guess I can give you a boost!"

I take my hand off her head and point my thumb towards myself while closing an eye.

Mikoto- "You will?"

Rimuru- "Yeah. Well, I'll just give you a little help, everything else is up to you."

Mikoto- "That's good enough!"

She smiles and I hold out my hand with my palm facing upwards


Appearing out of thin air floating above my palm is a large thick book. It's completely black with silver highlights on the cover and spine. Furthermore, it has a large yellow crystal embedded in the centre of the cover.

Mikoto- "What's this?"

RImuru- "This, my dear Mikoto, is your way to get stronger."

Specifically, this is a book with details on all ways espers can get stronger. I had a theory about my [Creation] skill. If I can make things that I barely have a clue about, like an arc reactor, couldn't I make things containing knowledge I'm unaware of with that skill too?

I have no idea what makes something like an arc reactor tick. Yet, I can still make it. So if I make a book that contains shit on things I have no clue about…

And so, I put it to the test. The result?

Well, there's a new fancy book in my stomach with complete knowledge on how to cook rice.

It's a godsend.

I tried making a book for knowledge on meat buns, but nothing came out. I would assume [Creation] isn't a high enough rank to make something like that. Maybe when it becomes an Ultimate Skill?

Anyway, this book in my hands is a book detailing methods espers can use to grow stronger. Things like special meditation techniques, calculation formulas that increase effectiveness, and things like that.

I explained everything to Mikoto while also giving the gekota accessory on her bracelet an upgrade. Specifically, I made it so if you give it some magicules it can now spit out special coins that Mikoto can use for her Railgun. This coin is an alloy with a bunch of metals, mainly containing Magisteel, Orichalcum, Hihiirokane, Mithril and a few others.

In the end, a pitch-black metal coin with silver lines resembling cracks running through it will pop out. Engraved in the centre of each one is a meat bun. Why? Just because.

Needless to say, Mikoto was VERY happy.

Mikoto- "Rimuru!"

Without thinking much, she jumped at me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I unconsciously wrap my arms around her back.

She feels so soft. Her recently washed hair also smells nice too… Maybe this is my chance!

Rimuru- "So can I get in the hot spring with you?"



Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel] [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom] [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Unique Skills: [Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Dominate Space] [Control Natural Elements]

Tolerances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe


A/N: *Smacc!* Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this...

MC: Oof.

AN: But still, you got a new versatile skill, huh... are you even gonna use it?

MC: Lol no, I'll probably forget about it. I mean, [Rune Master] can do things like that too. Granted, I would always have to write the runes down whenever I want something, but I can just use temporary runes for easy casting.

AN: Huh... But still, you didn't know how to cook rice?

MC: Not before I made the rice cooking book, no.

AN: You are a failure to our Asian heritage.

MC: Nani!?

AN: *Throws salt at MC* Begone! Leave my sight!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!