
I will be your successor!

"I am sure that i died, where am i?"

"I wander around the forest looking for clues on where i am."


I heard a sound near the bush, i followed the sound and accidentally bump into someone, at this moment i recognise his voice, but it seems i cannot remember who's voice it is.

The cloud leaves, moonlight revealed that the person who i bumped was Alucard.

"Boy, what are you doing here?! Stay there near that tree, i am chasing a demon."

However alucard couldn't leave the child alone in the forest.

"Boy, why are you here? Don't you know that the forest is dangerous at night? Where do you live?, i'll escort you there."

"I don't know where i came from, as soon as i gained consciousness i am already in this forest."

"I see"

Alucard thought that his memories was eaten by a demon lurking in the forest.

"I'll bring you to my village, temple of light."

I rarely used alucard in my previous life because he is out of meta, so i know very little about him.

"Hey alucard, once we reach temple of light can you train me to become stronger? I can be your successor if you wanted."

"To become a demon hunter you must overcome your fear to death, also it will take long time to master the arts of demon slaying. There are many profession in the empire that may suits to you. Also base on your appearance you are only about 16 years old, you're too young to be a demon slayer."

"I already died once, in fact this is my second life already, thats why i want to do what i want and what i want is to be YOUR SUCCESSOR! Because its quite cool to be called demon hunter you know."

"Okay, i see. If that is your determination then i'll take you as my disciple. I wont bring you to temple anymore, were going to the empire, choose your equipments after that we'll resume to my mission. And that is to hunt the demon that eats memories."

"By the way i am hungry"

"Bear it, were still far away from the empire. What is your name?"

Name huh? I didn't think about that, lets borrow name from cool anime

"My name is, shiki"

(Its the name of the main character of lunar legends tsukihime, also he is from a demon hunter clan)

"That sounds like from the eastern landers"

"Don't mind the small details"