


Gia's POV

/"Welcome to my simple house, Sorry it's a bit messy here/"

I said as I was opening the front door wider with my free hand while my other hand helping him. Oh god, I swear my back's gonna be hurt a little after supporting his heavy and giant frame. I'm a 23-year-old woman but I'm short for my age. It's 5'3 and he's like 6'8 something. I don't know but he is way much taller than me.

He looked at the living room then his eyes travel around his surroundings. When we reached the couch, I slowly help him sit down not wanting to hurt him. His eyes still roaming around the living room probably feeling weird or new for him.

I went to the front to close it before locking it. I turn my back to look at him and smile warmly at him. I just want to make him feel less weird or uncomfortable at here. He gave me a small smile but in his eyes held relief and adoration?

/"I'm Gia. What is your name?/"

It's a lie if I said I'm not curious about his name.He shook his head, No.

/"Y-you don't know your name?/"

He replied it sadly /"Yes/"

I felt really bad for him. He doesn't even know his name. I tried to cheer him up by asking another question.

/"D-do you want a drink?/"

I asked while making my way towards my phone to check the time. I looked at him as I grab my phone. He nodded frantically.

/"Okay, I will get you a glass of water but just stay there. Don't worry I'll come back with your water/"

I said softly making him nodded in reply. I can't stop thinking when every time I looked into his eyes, it held Adoration and something else I can't really read it. I shrugged it off and went to the living room. His head snapped at me when I went into the living room.


I hand him the glass of water. He took it quickly with his large rough hand and my eyes widened when I saw him drinking that water in one gulp. Wow, I don't know he will be that thirsty.Thinking of him starving and thirsty makes my heart fills with sadness. I feel really bad for him, I want to know how he ended up like this. I look at him when He hands me back the empty glass. I smiled when I saw him looking satisfied when he drinks the water. I put the glass on the coffee table beside me.


I don't know what came over me but I blushed whenever he spoke.I looked at my lap trying to hide my face from him seeing me blush. I just melt when he speaks with his deep voice making me blush. Slowly look up to meet him. I realized that he needs to take a shower. I saw some part of his body was covered with dirt, he must be uncomfortable.

/" I didn't mean to be rude or anything but you can take a shower using my bathroom and I'm sure it will make you feel much better/"

Softly I let the words left out my mouth trying to make it sound polite. I don't want him to take it as a rude thing. He looked down at his lap and started to look at himself that is now in a ripped and dirty shirt. His eyes squinted when he looked at his long dirty nails.

He held up his head to look at me.

/"O-Okay ......ow?/"

/"Y-you mean How?/" I asked slightly confused but gulped in nervousness when he nodded shyly.

What do you expect Gia? Of course, he doesn't know how! Look at him! I sighed softly but slowly making my way towards him as my heart beating fast like Usain Bolt. He looked at me in confusion when I slowly took his large hands.

/"I-i umm could h-help you but some parts you will do b-by yourself, O-okay?/"

I said ignoring the sparks as our skin make contact. I'm trying so hard not to blush or stuttering but doing it! I failed it horribly. I swear My face is a tomato right now but I'm glad he doesn't mention anything.


With that, he slowly stood up with his hands still holding mines. I helped him to my bathroom that not too far from the living room. I switched on the lights in the bathroom. I pulled away from him with my hand motioning him to stay there but he doesn't understand what I mean. Instead of staying there just like what I told him to but following me closely into the bathroom like a lost puppy.

I lifted my head a little since he is towering me. I let out a small giggle when I saw him behind me closely.

/"No, stay outside for awhile. I will get the shampoo and conditioner ready. I will come back/"

He just shakes his head in dissatisfied. I sighed but take out his pinkie finger and intertwined it with mines.

/"Pinkie promise, I will come back/"

After saying that I push him outside the bathroom before getting all the things ready. I sighed in satisfied when I saw all the things that I will be needed is now ready. I went back to the bathroom door, I smile when I saw him still standing there.

I rub my palms nervously knowing what's gonna happen next.

/"Uh....Y-you can come in now/"