
That Idol was a Gangster

A former gangster struggling to become an idol. Presenting: Our little tuna! 3 years had passed since young Geon ran away from home and joined a shady organization. The self-centered brat died; replaced by a young gangster with plenty of experiences. A lot of absurd things happened and now, he's back home with a goal: Ding! [Restarting system...] Ding! [Good day, Geon! You have been granted the main quest [Was it Worth It?]. Get ready to step into the world of stars-- find out if your best friend's dream was worth dying for. Become an idol.] Oh, come on, [System Window]! He just turned 17. (7 new chapters a week)

Pr0copio · Fantasia
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25 Chs

Chapter 8: The Amateur with an Advanced Mind

Our little tuna was born into a rich family.

He was adorable but his personality was far from being one.

He thought he was the king of the world.

He was given everything except the people he needed: a mother and a friend.

He experienced every luxuries there is except a normal life.

Choi Sua, his mother, kept him from the outside world due to his personality-- "You would only stain our family's reputaion.''

Young Geon lived an isolated life inside the mansion he would call 'home' for 14 years.

He was homeschooled.

His mother hired a professional tutor to teach him how to read, write, and solve mathematical equations.

He was even forced to learn the 'proper etiquette' in order to become the 'perfect son' of the Choi's.

Young Geon only wanted freedom.

The feelings were long gone but the memories from that night was still fresh in his mind.

"I was told that you were hanging out with this one, particular girl for a month now." Choi Sua.


"Are you dating her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me the truth. Are you dating her?"

"What?! Why would I--"

"Choi Geon."

The 14-year-old boy felt his blood run cold at his mother's sharp tone.

"... No."

"If freedom is what you want, I'll give it to you--"

"She's my rival! Why won't you listen to me?! I'm your son!"

"No. Right now, you're no one but a liar in my eyes."

14-year-old Geon's world shook that night.

And that was the same night his world turned up-side-down.

He ran away from home right after the 'drama' finished.

Choi Sua ordered her people to let Geon leave the mansion-- it was midnight.

The young Geon wandered the streets for about two days.

No one came.

No fucking one came to take him back home.

He only wanted freedom.

He wanted to hate his mother for the rest of his life.

But oh, shit.

He started missing home after joining [Family].

'Why am I remembering this now?'

Oh, yeah.

Geon couldn't imagine surviving in [Family] without the [System Window].


[Would you like to use the reward [Shining on the Stage!] you got from the side-quest [Go Home]?

<Yes > <No >]

[<Yes >]

But Geon became [Family]'s elite for a different reason; his brain.

The trainees and the judges eyes-- including Kang Sejin's, widened in surprise.

Geon raised his body from the stage on a seductive manner, making it seem like falling on his butt was part of the choreo.

He was targetting the image of a young professional performer who never stopped performing despite making a mistake on stage.

Everyone was amazed.

Geon shined more.

It was the effect of [Shining on the Stage!], the reward Geon got for completing the side-quest [Go Home].

[~The city you ruined

The city that had sunken

It was me~]

The trainees were speechless.

The judges were silent.

Kang Sejin rubbed his eyes.

'What was that?' Everyone thought.

Geon's dancing, singing, and rapping skills were not exceptional or something.

He was only a beginner, after all.

But he shined.

His performance stood out among the exceptional trainees'.

He stood out among the experienced trainees.

And he will continue to do so.


[Side-Quest: The Rise of an Amateur

The judges-- including some trainees, took an interest in you. Continue piquing other people's interest by raising your skills! Complete the following goals:

-Practice your vocals for 730 hours

-Dance [Cap-Teen-Vating's signal song 730 times without making any mistakes

-Turn 30 ballad songs into rap

Failure to reach the goals before [Cap-Teen-Vating]'s final episode comes out will result to death.

Tip: Complete hidden side-quests to shorten the terms of the goals.]

'What the fuck?"


"And that concludes our introduction!" Kang Sejin wiped the imaginary sweat on his forehead.

The judges left in a hurry after evaluating all the trainees' performances.

'Shit. How many hours have passed?' Geon stared absent-mindedly at his lap.

"Everyone must be tired since this day was particularly long. So--"

A male staff climbed the stage.


"Another box?"

"It's bigger this time."

"I can see that."


He was carrying box.

It was bigger than the previous one.

"Blue, my favorite color!" Kang Sejin exclaimed.

The staff handed him the box.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The staff saluted and did an unexpected back flip, earning gasps from many trainees.

"Okay, everyone! You will be staying in this campsite for 3 days. But since the theme of the first and second episode of [Cap-Teen-Vating] is camping, you have to sleep in tents!"


"I used to go camping with my parents."

"Me and my friends went camping just a while ago."

"They might really make us crawl in the mud!"

"There will be 3 trainees sleeping in one tent!" The trainees groaned at Kang Sejin's words.

"Don't worry, everyone! Because the tents we have are big."


The sun was setting.

"Park Suho." Kang Sejin took out a paper from the box.

A trainee stood up from the grass.

"You may proceed to the [Tents' Area] and take some rest." Kang Sejin's smile never faltered despite standing on the stage for a few hours now.

Even the trainees left sitting on the grass were either groaning or changing sitting positions once in a while.

Kang Sejin was truly a veteran actor.

"Your number is 25."

"Wow! When will I get called?"


"Gunnar Sigríðursson."

A ginger-head boy raised his hand.

"Wow! His name is really unique!"

"Who's more attractive, me or him?"

"Him, of course."

"Wahhh, I'm so jelous..."

"Your number is 25." Kang Sejin informed the ginger-head trainee.

"Thank you!" He bowed 90° before leaving.

"Next up is..." Kang Sejin shook the box before taking out a piece of paper from it.

"Choi Geon."


Our little tuna calmly walked towards the [Tents' Area].

His number was 25.

That means, he'll be sharing the same tent with the energetic ginger-head.

The Gunnar kid piqued his interested.




"... Hi." Geon greeted his 'roommates'.

'Camping' is incomplete without the 'tents' so, [Arkhe Entertainment] took the fucking 'initiative' to sponsor 29 tents-- one for every 3 trainees to share.

Geon was fine with becoming a tuna for 3 nights.


'What the hell did I just saw?' The 17-year-old boy thought as he shivered, remembering the moment he entered the tent.

He saw his 'roommates' kissing.