
Test Purpose. Nothing Inside.

Autor: Velv
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What is Test Purpose. Nothing Inside.

Leia o romance Test Purpose. Nothing Inside. escrito pelo autor Velv publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Alex mengguyur Naura dengan air putih yang ada di tangannya. “Lo itu cuman cewek murahan yang sama sekali ngak ada harga dirinya Naura. Lo sadar ngak sih kalau lo ini cewek?” Tanya Alex yang masih berdiri tegak di hadapan Naura. “Gue sadar kok kalau gue cewek.” Balas Naura santai, sambil berusaha menahan air matanya. “Kalau lo sadar, harusnya lo punya otak buat ngak ngelakuin ini bego. Lo itu cewek murahan yang dengan sok jagoannya lo, lo berani ngejar ngejar gue. Lo pikir dong, pantes ngak seorang cewek ngejar ngejar cowok? Apalagi cewek yang modelnya kayak lo gini, pantes ngak ngejar cowok kayak gue? Mikir ngak sih lo hah?” “Oh gue sampe lupa, gue denger denger nyokap lo udah meninggal dan bokap lo nikah lagi, kasian banget sih hidup lo. Pantes lo kayak cewek ngak punya didikan. Pantes sikap lo kayak P-E-LA-C-U-R.” Ucap Alex sambil menekan kata pelacur. Plak.... Naura menampar Alex. Cukup. Hati Naura terlalu sakit saat mendengar perkataan Alex. “Lo bisa ngehina gue sepuasnya, lo bisa nyebut gue sebagai cewek murahan tapi jangan pernah bahas mengenai orang tua gue, apalagi ngomong hal hal yang ngak pantas tentang mereka. Walaupun gue suka sama lo, bukan berarti lo bisa ngomong sesuka hati lo. Gue ngak akan biarin siapapun ngomong hal yang ngak pantas tentang orang tua gue, termasuk lo Lex.” Naura menangis sesenggukan, dia berhenti sejenak sebelum melanjutkan ucapanya. “Dan ya, lo bener Lex. Selamat lo bener karena bilang gue sebagai cewek murahan. Gue emang murahan, dan hari ini gue bakal janji sama lo, kalau cewek yang lo sebut dengan cewek murahan ini, ngak akan ngejar ngejar lo lagi, gue ngak akan ganggu hidup lo lagi lex. I’M STOP HERE.” Ucap Naura dan langsung berlari meninggalkan Alex. “Lo bener bener ngak punya otak ya Lex. Gue pastiin lo bakal nyesel karena udah ngelakuin ini sama Naura.” Ucap Icha lalu berlari menyusul Naura.

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President Gu, Your Wife Is Wild and Sweet

# littlepetitewife # marriagestand-ins Rumor had it that the Gu family’s fourth master, Gu Minghuai, had disabled legs, wasn’t interested in women, and was a ruthless man who wouldn’t bat an eyelid when killing someone. No woman in S City wanted to marry him because that would mean endless suffering and oppression after marriage. “Two million to sleep with him once,” Ning Yun coldly demanded of the girl who looked just like her. “Don’t let him know who you are.” Ning Yun and Ning Shan were twins, but since their parents separated when they were young, the older sister Ning Yun followed their mother who married into a rich family, while the younger sister Ning Shan stayed with their father in the countryside. Now that their father was gravely ill, Ning Yun threatened her sister instead, knowing that Ning Shan had no choice. The latter was bound to accept! On the promised night, Ning Shan learned that her sister wanted to marry into the Gu family, but due to fear of Gu Minghuai’s brutality, she had Ning Shan replace her instead! Gu Minghuai was indeed brutal, and Ning Shan could barely get out of bed the next day. Ning Shan was thinking that once she had the money to treat her father, she would return to the countryside immediately and never meet this man again. Yet, who knew that the notorious Fourth Master Gu had exceptional stamina. Before Ning Shan could leave, she was pressed into the bed again. “Trying to run after sleeping with me? Doesn’t seem so appropriate, does it?” Ning Shan was speechless. Just who was sleeping with who now?! She tried to explain and resist, but it was all in vain. Not only did she fail to get her sister’s money, but she was even taken home by the man and desired of every night! This was a losing deal! She wanted to resist! And so, S City had a new little witch, but Fourth Master Gu doted on her so much that she was almost the apple of his eye. Ning Yun almost went mad with envy. Relying on the fact that she looked exactly like Ning Shan, she tried to seduce Gu Minghuai. Gu Minghuai said, “Who’s this ugly woman? Scram!” Having said that, he hugged his wife tight. Ning Yun was speechless.

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