
Terror & Joy Marvel/DC

Reporter: October 28th is a time when most civilised cities would enjoy the festivities that is Halloween but this is Gotham. Our not-so-beloved city is more than terrifying when it comes to Halloween, no it's record-breaking when it comes to the sheer number of crimes committed in a single night and these only count the ones reported. But on this terrifying night miracle happened in East End. Last night Park Row was safe, yes the crime alley for one night was crime free. And it wasn't Batman who did it, no it was something else. A pack of mutant-like dogs stormed the streets. What we are about to show is a video taken from an apartment window. Viewer discretion is advised. "Fetch Me Their Souls!!" {AN: This is my first time writing. I wanted to take the gamer system and make it more solid. The system is based on cod games. using perks, skins with abilities, zombies, perk cola and other items.

The_Angle · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

Bumpy Start

It had been a week since Thomas got his system. The Internet cafe has yet to be opened as the truck meant to deliver his orders was hijacked. And no one had yet to show interest in the work he had advertised.

The only good thing to come out of the building was the roof garden that now has a few fishes and birds. He added a bird bath, bird feeder and some more

He woke up to the chilling October wind hitting his skin.

"Ah, It's a new week! Daily sign-in"

In the last 4 days, Thomas has mostly got IVM Items and cash.

Things he got in the last 4 days.

{Day 3: £100, IVM Black Jeans, IVM Camo Bucket Hat, IVM Snickers}

{Day 4: Industrial Generator, IVM 50,000A Power Bank, €70, IVM Tinned Tuna, IVM Compact Radio}

{Day 5: $90, £700, ¢275, ¥500, Machete}

{Day 6: IVM Pepper Spray, IVM Extendable Baton, IVM Yellow High Vis Vest, IVM Waterproof Matches}

{Daily Sign In: Shield Plate, IVM Toothpaste, IVM Toothbrush multipack, IVM Light Grey Towel, IVM Lemon N Mint shower gel}

"Finally got another shield plate. Okay, weekly sign-in give me something good"

[Weekly Sign In Skin - Dark Shepard Soul Reaper, Satellite, Perk - Ghosts Incog]

"Cough, a Satellite!? The system, you can't expect me to launch a satellite. Even if I manage to get it into space It won't be long before someone either shoots it down or shoots me down. Then again why has no one noticed that the theatre is now renovated"

{Atlas Satellite: Stuck in a fold in space, it hides while monitoring earth. Impossible to hack. Incredible wifi and telecommunication. Map POV can now be changed to suit the host's needs}

[The reason for the Headquarters not garnering any attention is due to the illusion that it is under construction. Currently, the Headquarters is beginning to take shape and would be seen finished in one more week]

"Urgh, you should have said that before"

{Ghosts Incog perk: Comes from the notoriously hated C.O.D Ghosts. Resistant to Thermal Scope, Tracker Sight, Motion Sensor and other targeting devices}

"other targeting devices? Does this make me invisible to technology?"

[Note the word "resistant" is used. You are not invisible but intelligent systems are unable to recognise your movement, body structure, body temperature and audio. Congratulations on getting your first perk. You can equip and unequip perks]

{Skin - Dark Shepard Soul Reaper: Originates from Cod mobile. Rebound soul attacks. Make the user capable of seeing a soul's karma whether it is in flesh or not. Fight enemies for at least 1 minute in close combat for the left eye to show the enemy's physical weaknesses. Death's Grasp an area attack with a range of 100 meters may induce danger that not only stuns the body but also the soul}

[Image here]

[Note: Skins conceal the user's identity from X-ray, mind-reading and other forms of perception and don't come with weapons.]

"Scared face with a weird left eye? Is this not just me in costume? What do I do with this?"

[Does the host, not like Gotham?]

"It's a crime-filled dump...but I've grown to love it"

[Does the host not want to save Gotham?]

Shaking his head he replied "Gotham is too big for me to save"

[Then just start with Park Row you are not the only hero in Gotham. Once it becomes safe you'll have more customers]

"So be a hero to grow my business. Yes, I like that excuse. Okay how does this work"

He clicked on the skin causing a hideous mask to appear in his hand. It was mostly just a skull with no facial fat revealing the teeth, no nose, the only skin was hiding the left eye that looked to be mangled skin overlapping each other while the right eye was a camera lens with a yellow light, along the cheekbone were canisters with pipes attached going into the chin.

[Image Here]

He raised the mask to his face before it started oozing skin like slime that quickly encased his body and transformed.

On his torso was a thick dark grey leather hood poncho with his arms exposed revealing it to be wrapped in dirty barbed wire while his skin looked to have been burnt.

He willed the skin off and immediately the flesh and clothes rushed up his body and towards his face before the mask popped off.

He then activated the satellite. 15 black smartphones with a neon green outline around the screen and back camera appear in a metallic box. He booted one up and immediately

He then looked at the time and noted that he still had 9 hours before he met with Zintendo at noon.

. . . . . . .

~New York City Chelsea 11:59 am~

Thomas in his usual clothes made up of black cargo pants, a black leather jacket, a grey turtle neck that covered his lower face and his wild hair covering his left eye.

Thomas had taken multiple trains to get to the agreed meeting spot. He even turned up an hour early just to be sure. Of course, he wasn't willing to just sit and wait so he went around trying out the local food.

A brown pizza box with a bucket full of cheese steak sandwiches in his left hand. In his left hand was his half-eaten heart-stopper creation made up of a Philly Cheese steak sandwich with two slices of spicy meat feast pizza inside.

From the perspective of others that caught sight of him, they saw a scary-looking man somewhat moving with a spring in steps while making satisfied noises.

"Ah hmm. . ." 'This is the life. Using 3 breaths I can eat as much as I want without any consequences. So around this corner should be Starbucks'

He then walked into the fairly busy Starbucks. His eyes darted around looking to see Nintendo's representative. In the back, an excited middle-aged man was waving at him.

Thomas waved back before hearing a loud crash behind him. Looking over his shoulder he sees a beaten-up car that crashed into a fire hydrant with a group of police cars coming to a stop as they surrounded it.

The man in the car looked to have bloodshot eyes, and white lips while his body shook constantly. The man held a pistol in his right hand as he stumbled out of the car before running at Thomas.

"Hey, you! don't move!" Said the criminal while pointing his weapon

Everyone in the cafe was startled by the situation as they duck for cover.

Thomas on the other hand raised his hands above his head while facing the groggy criminal. The criminal smiled seeing such a cooperative hostage as he shakingly pointed his gun at Thomas while running to use him as a shield.

As the criminal approached him Thomas watched the finger that hovered over the trigger. Thomas kept his arms up and showed a scared expression hoping to make him feel comfortable by giving the impression of an easy and compliant hostage.

When the criminal got within reaching distance he finally relaxed and removed his index finger from the trigger. Thomas saw his chance and took it. Thomas's arms quickly fell as he moved to disarm him. His right hand grabbed the wrist holding the gun as his left hand slapped the barrel to the right causing the gun to slip through the fingers of the criminal.

Stepping forward he yanked the wrist causing the man to stumble as he had his back towards Thomas. Then he brought the hand up to the centre of the spine as the criminal groaned in pain before being pushed to his knees.

"Ahgh fock, stop! It's gonna break, stop!"

The police and the witnesses were watched with their mouths gaped before the silence turned into cheering.

"Yo officers can you guys take over I'm actually very busy"

The police quickly arrested the criminal before Thomas give a statement. The crowd was once again shocked when he showed his scarred face.

After giving his statement he joined Nintendo's representative, Henry McCain. Henry had an average build, short black hair and wore a simple grey suit.

They went through the basic formalities before finally signing the exclusivity contract. Henry then searched through his satchel and pulled out his Hollow Knight plushy, Hollow Knight Mask and sword.

"Please sign these too"

Thomas complied with the request.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr Blair. My colleagues were envious when they heard who I was meeting today. As a fan can you answer a question"

"For a fan, sure"

"Will you ever make a big multiplayer game? Not that I don't love the current games you make I just want to see your take on a certain genre like FPS games are mostly reskinned Crossfire and CSGO"

"Minecraft is sometimes forgotten when people talk about the game I've created but it's one of the greatest online multiplayer games. If we're talking about FPS hasn't the recent PUBG and Fortnight taken the industry by storm?"

Shaking his head Henry quickly explained "It's not so much about a genre's death but more about seeing your creativity. I particularly would like to see a sequel to hollow Knight. And please do not take offence but Minecraft art style seems to target a younger audience"

"It was our first game so to play it safe we went with an art style that we could easily play with. I have also prepared a big update for Halloween"

"A different art style?"

"There are skins to apply if you don't like how it looks. The update will breathe some new life into the game"

Minecraft was currently still in its infancy. If comparing it to his past life it would be the last 1.7 updates in 2014.