
Ch. 20 What's up danger?!

"I don't know what you're all thinking, but to bring the Aliens to Earth? Even if I don't belong to this world, even if I can live for a few more years, I can't allow myself to do this. I can't…"

That's what Kris heard when he to... and blacked out again.

The rest didn't notice Kris condition and continued with their descussion...

"I also think we should choose the one that we have control of. Even though it's dangerous, we will have control over the situation and not depend on luck to survive." said Jie

The others nodded silently. Xuan sighed. "Fine then. We will vote. I think that will be the most fair."

The results were unexpected, even though the first choice won, only four people voted for it: Zero, Kampa, Zheng, and Jie. Aside from Xuan choosing the second plan, even Lan chose it. Not including Kris since he still passed out.

Xuan exhaled. "Since we've decided to fight, then I will respect your decision. Let's face the Aliens together. First of all, please have Zheng take out the food and water. I think everyone is hungry by now right?"

Zheng laughed then focused his Qi. He had recovered some Qi from the resting, though it's not enough for a fight.

A few seconds later, there were boxes of biscuits, bread, cheese, dried meat and water. After taking all the food out, Xuan was the first one to crouch beside it. He opened some boxes then counted the number of bottled water. "There is an adequate amount of food, if we limit our portions, it can last seven people about a week. But I suggest we split this into portions for three days. Then we can stay full and have the energy to fight."

"Why not split the food for seven days? If we can wait for the Aliens to get trapped and isolated, then we can clear a safe path to the kitchen. By that time we might not even have to fight them and just starve them." said Lan.

The others also looked at Xuan with confusion. He smiled bitterly. "I also thought about this hypothesis, but a few reasons made me abandon a dragged out fight. First, we don't know the biological structure of Aliens, what if they are similar to some desert creatures in Earth and can hibernate days without food and water? Then we can't compete with them by lasting longer. It may even be that once we finish all the food and water, we will be the ones that are trapped."

"Second, how many people do we have here? Seven, yes, I remembered when we first woke up, we had fifteen people. Then where did the other eight go? To be more accurate, where did the flesh of the other eight go? Then add in the bodies of the movie characters, this is enough for the Aliens to maintain low level activities."

"Third, this is the most important one, I don't want to push the Aliens to desperation. If we actually trapped them and got to the kitchen, then when they are extremely hungry, can you be certain that they won't use their blood to corrode the wall and come to eat us? Therefore I'd rather get well rested and fight the Aliens within a shorter period of time. This is the best strategy I can come up."

Zheng exhaled. "If we can survive this movie… then you will get the most credit. What else do you have in mind? Just say it all out. Since we are comrades, we will trust you with everything."

Everyone else nodded silently and looked towards Xuan. Even though they didn't want to admit it, but his wisdom surpassed everyone. They knew his importance in a situation like this.

Xuan smiled. "To be honest, I heard Jie say that there will be new people in every movie and the qualities of these people are not guaranteed. The power of a single person is limited in many horror movies. If we can survive through this one, and enter more dangerous movies, I hope my team can at least have the courage and strength to live on. Then I will contribute my brain, otherwise everything will be meaningless. In the seven of us, at least six people are elites. I am very satisfied with this team, I hope we can all survive… at least the six of us can survive."

Then Xuan continued, "So, my isolating plan is… bait! Open up a section of the walls, then lure the Aliens into our plan. This bait will be Kris!" pointing at the knocked out Kris...

Unknown to them Kris, was already awoke for sometime; after the constant blackouts he had...

(What made Xuan decide to use Kris this way? wella while ago when Xuan, Zero, Kampa and Jie were racing towards the control room, they stumbled upon Kris passed out in one to the hall ways they used to reach room 27. Xuan checked his condition and found a large bruise along his chest, pressing certain spots he concluded Kris had a broken rib and some fractures in some other places but he is slowly healing. So Xuan ever the advocate of mad science, found a very intresting puzzle his dying to solve...)

Everyone looked toward Kris in shock. This young man had a quirky personality sure but he was able to kill a 3rd stage alien and able to survive a direct hit from another of said alien, with barely any power ups from god's dimention... dispite his more obvious flaws he sure has some good qualities. He seemingly looks like a good-for-nothing normal young man. But If Xuan didn't mention him, no one would had thought about him deliberately. He was just like air when he wants to be.

"So not even a day you've met me, you're already planning tragic end? that's cold Xuan... I thought we were best buds?" Kris said in a flat tone, while slowly standing up.

Xuan looked at him in silence. "No, I don't have the intention to kill you. Even though the risk for being the bait is high, you are the most suitable choice. Everyone else here had agreed for it to be you. Jie, Lan, and Zheng are veterans like you but you're the only one without a role to play; Zheng's the strongest; Jie has the most experience; Lan's good at planning and you know the rest. I can plan our next moves. Zero's close combat and sniping skills are exceptional. Kampa is skilled at various guns, which may include those in the arsenal. Tell me, of what use can you be to us?"

"Okey, I'll play; but watch me closely; 'cause I'll show you it's not me, who needs to this little audition to join your ultra cool team but the other way around!" Kris said in a rarely heard serious tone, and added "So how do you wanna do this Danger?!"

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