
Chapter 1 : The Rise of Asgard (Part 1)

(3rd Point Of View)

Time: In A realm Beyond Time And Space

Location: Beyond The End, Beyound The Nothing

All the thunder across the skies of Creation fell silent as King Thor floated in an endless abyss of nothingness, in a realm beyond Eternity, outside the outside, past the farthest ends of the far shore and the depth of the white-hot room.

Beyond the farthest point of existence lies an endless abyss beyond the eyes of even the most ancient, abstract, primordial gods.

A place so remote and far that there is no way of calculating its distance.

A place where cosmic laws hold no meaning

Where even the bravest of gods dare not venture.

For untold ages, Thor lay in this realm as the forever sleep took deep hold of him.

For while the awesome might of the Thor-Force may be endless, that same might was not without a price.

Thus, for an eternity, everything was silent until laughter that shook the very foundations of this realm echoed.

"You did it, you really did, Alex—no, you forsake that name long ago... To think you'd actually manage to kill five of my avatars. Even more amazing, you actually managed to reach the beyond realm once more.

You really are the best, but still... I can't send you back. Various cosmic entities are tearing the cosmos upside down looking for you even as we speak... It's gotten so bad that even the Living Tribunal has finally decided to actively interfere with the destiny of this iteration of the Multiverse to, quote, 'restore the cosmic order,' which brings the question: what to do with you?"

For a long time, the being stared at Thor with nothing but hesitation. For all his omnipotence and omniscience, he simply failed when it came to that strange soul that he encountered millennia ago.

He could still remember that strange little soul that somehow managed to venture into his realm. Something that shouldn't have been possible in the first place. Was it out of curiosity or boredom? He couldn't quite remember.

But he decided to help that little soul, and that led to him making quite the amusing deal, one that he did not regret even to this day, despite being tricked by that soul.

"Alex... no, Thor, you once asked me what it means to be a god, or at least what it means to be a cosmic being on my level. What you see is boredom.

You've had your own taste of godhood, though it's nothing more than a grain of sand compared to me. You should realize how boring it is to be a god—an all-knowing, all-seeing, omnipotent being."

"You're not a person anymore, just a personification of creation itself. You're a concept, an abstraction. Neatly defined boundaries and borders doesn't exist; none of the blurring lines or gray areas that come from being born a mortal exist anymore."

"You can never change now, never grow or evolve, forever stagnant with no true room for intelligence or space for imagination. And the worst case is that the thing you embody now might not even be your best trait."

"I've seen hell, and believe me, a life like this is worse than hell. So when a blind spot in my vision was born, I could not let it go. Even now, as you wish for death, I cannot grant it to you... I'm sorry, old friend. I can't do this..."

"Do you remember the first time we made our deal? I promised you, for better or worse, that I wouldn't interfere directly with your life, and I have honored my word. But now you're in a realm beyond life and death; the terms of our agreement are null. But don't worry, I'm not just going to keep you here forever... I remember when we made our deal. In exchange for granting you whatever body you desired, I would choose which realm you get to be reborn in.

Though the Marvel Multiverse was the closest, so I kind of got a bit lazy. But you always wanted to visit that particular reality , did you? So as a gift for entertaining me for so long, I will grant you that I will send you to that world that you desired so long ago. Thus spoke the Beyonder."

With a mere thought, the Beyonder summoned forth the raw essence of cosmic energy, swirling and crackling around him like a tempest of light and power. His form seemed to blur at the edges as he tapped into the fundamental forces of creation itself.

As Thor floated in the void, suspended in the timeless expanse beyond existence, he felt a subtle shift in the fabric of reality around him. Colors bled and merged, forming new patterns and shapes that defied mortal comprehension. Reality itself seemed to warp and twist under the weight of the Beyonder's will.

With a gesture of his hand, the Beyonder reached out across the vast expanse of the Multiverse, his touch transcending the boundaries of space and time.

Threads of cosmic energy extended from his fingertips, weaving a tapestry of existence that stretched beyond the limits of mortal understanding.

In a blaze of light and energy, Thor felt himself being drawn into the swirling vortex of the Beyonder's power. Waves of energy washed over him, suffusing every fiber of his being with the raw essence of creation.

It was as if he were being torn apart and reassembled anew, his very essence melding with the infinite expanse of the Multiverse.

Through the haze of cosmic energy, Thor caught glimpses of countless worlds and realities, each one teeming with life and possibility. Stars burned bright against the velvet backdrop of space, while strange and wondrous beings roamed across alien landscapes.

And then, in an instant, it was done.

















Somewhere in the cosmos, Starwhales beached themselves on asteroids and died, their massive forms lying still against the cold void of space, hundreds of them succumbing to a mysterious fate.

A deformed Spirit of Time was born, its visage twisted into a grotesque semblance of a child screaming in terror, its existence fleeting and filled with anguish.

Within the Cardinal World, the World Tree bled at its roots, sap dripping like crimson tears, a harbinger of ominous times ahead.

In the broken remnant of Asgard, the statue of the Fallen Old Kings began to weep with joy, their stony faces softened by tears that spoke of both sorrow and redemption.

And within the Daemon Realm, a small Lesser Daemon gazed up at the black sky and beheld a cosmic storm, its magnitude beyond anything it had ever dared to imagine.

On the Cardinal World, thunder rumbled with a power that shook the very foundations of countless worlds, heralding an otherworldly storm.

then It rained crimson drops, each one a testament to the divine, mingling with the echoes of gods long forgotten.

Among the downpour of celestial tears, weapons fell from the heavens—a hammer and a blade, symbols of ancient power, and finally it rained Thor himself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts
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