
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7: Playing With Flames.

'Third person POV:'

In the middle of the grassland, two individuals stand facing each other, their gazes locked in a tense exchange. They are none other than Scorch Empress Velgrynd and The Silver Primordial Rimuru Tempest.

The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as they prepare to engage in battle.

'Rimuru POV:'

"Let's fight," Velgrynd said to me.

Again, why am I in this situation?


"Rimuru, Rimuru, save me, save me! The devil is coming!" Veldora came at me, shouting loudly.

It has been nearly one year since I met Veldora, and it turns out he is a very good friend that I can count on, well, not anytime, but from time to time.

All this time, we've stayed together, and I've realized that Veldora is like a child at heart, even though he looks like a man. Compared to when we first met, he has matured a lot.

Initially, he was like a wild beast who would do what he wants. After my evolution, I decided to visit the human country because I was bored of sitting in the forest for so long.

But when I told Veldora about our plans, he said, "What is there to see? They are like ants. We can just crush them when we want; they can do nothing at all. They are not strong either."

I mean, he is right about some things, like they are weak and can do nothing like that, but still, they have their own value.

I had to give him a lecture on how life is important to humans compared to us. They have a short lifespan, which is why they are so greedy, but that's their nature, and it makes them who they are.

I know that survival of the fittest is the law in this world, but as a former human, I still have sympathy for them. But I am not naive to think that humans are good people. I know that they have some bad people too because I was killed by a human in my past life, and if the need ever arises, I will not hesitate to kill humans.

But after that, I taught a lot of things to Veldora, and now he has become a mature person, but still acts like a child. I guess it's natural for him to act like this because being the manifestation of a storm, his nature is like a storm—raging and chaotic. But if someone guides him properly, he will become a great person and strong too. And he has a lot of potential in him to become strong.

In this short amount of time, we became good friends, and we fight a lot, and he has grown a lot too. A lot means he can beat his previous self pretty easily. And with me and Raphael, he is perfectly mastering his two unique skills too.

And now he is coming here, shouting like someone is after his life. I can sense that his sisters are coming here, and I know that he is so scared of his sisters, but jeez, why can't this guy keep his voice down? Doesn't he see that I am reading something?

"What is it, Veldora? What do you want? And if this is about your sister, then don't worry, I am here, and I'm pretty sure that I can defeat at least one of your sisters," I said to him. Actually, I can defeat both of his sisters if I use my full power and all my skills at the same time, but the aftereffects will be too much for this world to bear.

"Well, if you say so. It's not like I'm scared of my sister or anything; it's just that I was worried she might do something to you. That's it, nothing more," Veldora said to me.

And here it is, the typical Veldora that I know. He's obviously scared of his sister, but he will never admit it. What a guy. Well, it doesn't matter now, I guess. He's my friend, and I have to look after him.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself, and it seems that our guest has arrived." As I said that, the temperature around us started to increase, but it doesn't affect us.

And here she comes, a beautiful big red dragon with some white color on its belly side, big gold draconic eyes, and two giant wings. Honestly, she is beautiful in her dragon form as well as her human form, with azure blue hair tied in two buns and golden draconic eyes, breasts which are bigger than D-cup, and well-toned thighs. All in all, she is a hot MILF.

She looks intimidating, but if it weren't for me being strong, she'd probably scare the hell out of me. But I'm a different case because I can easily beat her without much difficulty. So that's why to every other weaker person, she looks downright terrifying, but for me, she is beautiful.

Well, aside from that, she looks rather angry at Veldora because as she spotted him, she is glaring at him with full murderous intent. I guess I have to help him for this once. But I won't do this for free.

'"Hey Veldora, I'll save you for this once, but you owe me for this,". (Rimuru)

"I knew that I can count on you, Rimuru. And don't worry about it; I'll have your back," (Veldora)

Says the one who is trying to hide behind me. Well, I guess I have to start the conversation first.

"So, what brings you here, Miss Scorch Empress Velgrynd?" I asked, showing respect, as I didn't want to get involved in a fight.

My time in this body was limited, and I didn't want to waste it on unnecessary battles.

"I just wanted to see my little brother and teach him some skills. And who might you be?" she asked me.

"Oh, how rude of me to not introduce myself first. Let me introduce myself; I am the True Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest, also known as the Primordial Silver Argent. But that was in the past; now you can call me Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest," I introduced myself, releasing some of my aura cautiously due to its destructive nature.

"You... you are the one, if I remember correctly. We met one year ago, and you told me that you didn't know about Veldora. Does that mean you lied to me? Also, you are the one that the Voice Of The World announced as a new Demon Lord, huh. You seem strong too. Tell me, what kind of relationship do you have with my cute little brother?" Velgrynd asked me.

Why did the Voice Of The World announce my evolution? And why is she smiling like she found her prey? I don't know what to do.

>> Hey Raphael, do you know why the Voice Of The World announced my Demon Lord evolution to the world? <<

<< I don't know why, Master, but I am able to hide it from everyone except the Primordial Demons and True Dragons. >>

>> Thanks for doing that. And why does it seem like Velzard is not showing herself? <<

<< Answer: It is most likely that individual Velzard wants to see what you can do if Master were to fight a True Dragon. >>

>> I see, but she will be disappointed because I am not planning to fight today. <<

After finishing talking with Raphael, I was going to answer her question, but Veldora beat me to it.

"Yes, sister, me and Rimuru are sworn friends," he said to Velgrynd.

Why does it seem like I am going to get in a fight with someone?

"I see... Well, then, Veldora, let's come with me. I'll help you in getting a unique skill," Velgrynd said to Veldora in a sweet voice, a smile on her face, though it didn't reach her eyes.

Now I understand why Veldora is scared of his sisters. But there is no problem since Veldora has acquired new Unique skills; she will probably leave us alone. I don't want to ruin my time in the material world.

"T-there is no need to worry yourself, sister. I have acquired unique skills with the help of Rimuru here," Veldora said in a panicked and hurried tone.

Jeez, how much is he scared of his sisters to talk like they are going to kill him?

<< Probably >>

>> Hm... Raphael, did you say something? <<

<< No, it's just your imagination >>

Yeah, you are right, I guess.

"Really? That's good to know, and it seems you and Rimuru have a very good friendship too," Velgrynd said in a sickly sweet tone.

Shit, now why do I seem scared of her?

"Yes, you are right, sister. Rimuru is really strong. He has already defeated me multiple times, and I bet that he can take both of us together and still be able to win. Right, Rimuru?" Before I can utter a word Veldora opened his mouth.

Curse you, Veldora. You and your damn mouth. Why do you have to say that in front of her? Can't you see that I am trying to avoid a fight here? Oh, god, please, Velgrynd, say no.

"Well, if you are saying so, then it must be true. But still, I would like to test myself," Velgrynd said to us.

It seems luck is not on my side today as well. Why is it that every time I meet a new dragon, I have to fight them? What's next? Veldanava wants to fight me?

Did I jinx myself? Screw you, True Dragons!!!!

"What... What do you mean, Miss Velgrynd?" I asked her with as much politeness as I could muster. Because as of right now, I don't want to fight her, even if it means I will win.

"I mean what I exactly said... " She said and what's with this pause

"Let's fight," she completed her sentence.

*Flashback End*

"Hey, didn't I have a choice to decide if I want to fight or not?" I asked her because if it's possible, then I would still like to avoid fighting.

"No, and if you don't fight, then I will force you to fight me," she said to me.

It seems I don't have any choice here. Damn you, Veldora. I'll show you why I am a primordial demon. But first, I need to fight her. So much for enjoying the day. Enjoying my ass.

>> Hey Raphael, if I don't use my ultimate skill [Void King: Ghidorah], then what are my chances of winning this fight? <<

<< If Master doesn't use his ultimate skill [Void King: Ghidorah], then Master's total chances of winning will be 90%. >>

>> Well then, I won't use that skill, and you make sure that I won't use that skill. <<

<< Understood. >>

"Fine then, it seems I don't have any choice here, but what will you give me if I win?" I asked her because if there is something I can take in return from her, then I will take it.

"I don't have anything specific in mind, so tell me, what do you want?" She asked me.

She seems rather confident that she will win this fight. Don't worry; I'll show you that you should never underestimate your enemy, especially me.

"Then how about this: if I win, then I will take your True Dragon Factor. If you agree, then I will fight, and if you don't, then we will go our separate ways," I said to her.

'Velgrynd POV:'

What is he thinking, that he will be able to defeat me, a True Dragon? Calm down, Velgrynd.

Veldora is still a child; he doesn't know about the full power of a True Dragon, and he himself is not matured yet. He only has magicules but doesn't know how to use them. That's probably why he lost to this demon lord.

But if I were to fight him, I am sure that I can easily beat him. I am a True Dragon, after all. And how is he able to help Veldora acquire a unique skill? I'll have to see that.





What is he talking about, Dragon Factor, and who told him? Well, that's not important right now. I need to think whether I should accept it or not.

No, there is no need to worry; I will never lose to a lowly demon lord, right? Never. I am a True Dragon, after all. Then there is no need to worry; I'll accept his offer and show him his place.

"Fine, then. I will accept the deal. If you win, you can keep my True Dragon Factor, and if I win, then you will become my loyal servant. Are you willing to accept it?" In this way, I can show him his place and get a powerful servant as well.

Two birds in one stone. Ain't I a genius? And now I can show my sister that I am superior to her.

'Rimuru's POV:'

What is she saying? Well, it's not like I am going to lose. I mean, if it looks like I am going to lose, then I can just use my ultimate skill, [Ghidorah], and win in an instant. So it's a win-win situation for me.

"I accept it," I said to her.

'Third Person POV:'

Just as Rimuru said, the Scorch Dragon sent a powerful fire attack that could easily kill any monster lower than Special A rank.

But to Rimuru, it was nothing because he has Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, and in addition to that, he has a skill, [Beelzebub], which has the sole purpose of absorbing energy and converting it into magicules for its owner. Combined with [Raphael], absorbed energy turning into magicules is just child's play for Rimuru.

And he just did that. Right now, Velgrynd is utterly shocked because according to her, there are only three people who are able to withstand her attack, and they are other True Dragons.

(A.N. It's because other than True Dragons she didn't fight anyone, and Rouge is still in the underworld, Rudra is not born yet, and Feldway is in the other dimension watching over Ivaraj. So there are not many strong people in this world yet.)

No matter how shocked Velgrynd was, she calmed herself, saying that her opponent is a Demon Lord that is also a primordial demon as well. After composing herself, she let loose her aura a little, hoping to scare Rimuru, but Rimuru just shrugged it off as if nothing. Seeing this, Velgrynd is so angry because up until now, all she wants she gets it in an instant, and in some rare conditions, her wish is not completed. In short, a pampered child.

And now, her opponent is just shrugging her aura off, which ticked her off. If only when he was introducing himself she noticed that he was holding quite a bit of his aura and letting go only a portion of it, then she would understand how strong Rimuru is. He did that only because he didn't want to destroy the surroundings.

In a flow of rage, she threw multiple heat-based projectiles towards Rimuru, but Rimuru just used his other ultimate skill, [Covenant King: Uriel], barrier to block her attacks. And now Velgrynd can see a smirking Rimuru, clearly telling her that these types of attacks won't work on him, like mocking her.

Seeing her attacks not working, Velgrynd created a sword using her magicules. The sword she was using right now is a red-colored single-edge mythical-grade sword with a temperature around 3400⁰C, which can easily kill most monsters, but to Velgrynd, it is nothing. Being a manifestation of the concept of heat, she is immune to heat.

Drawing this sword, she dashed towards Rimuru.

Seeing Velgrynd coming in his direction with the sword in hand, Rimuru also drew his sword. He also created a sword using magicules; his sword is a normal-looking Katana, which was mid-high legendary-grade sword.

The difference between their sword qualities is only because of their quality of magicules. Velgrynd is a True Dragon, a manifestation of a natural phenomenon, a natural disaster, so naturally, her quality of magicules is quite high.

And on the other hand, Rimuru is a primordial demon, a demon whose rank is highest among demons, and in addition to that, a True Demon Lord, but still, he is a demon, and his magicules are not of that high quality compared to a true dragon. So that's why there is so much difference between their swords.

As they were closing the distance between them, Rimuru realized that his sword will not be able to compete against Velgrynd's sword. So, in order to make his sword more durable, he reinforced his sword with his aura and made it stronger. And then, they finally clashed with great force that one-fourth of the forest was destroyed, and they started to exchange blows at a faster pace.

In a matter of seconds, they already have exchanged thousands of blows. After some time, they separated. And now we can see that Rimuru has slight scratches here and there and one or two blows, while on the other hand, Velgrynd has multiple cuts and injuries all over her body, which were healing at a fast pace.

In reality, both of them are not good in sword skills, but Rimuru has some experience fighting with other primordials in hell using the sword, while on the other hand, Velgrynd didn't use the sword often.

Even though Rimuru was a human in his past life, after reincarnating into a demon, Rimuru has taken a liking to fighting, and he always appreciates a good fight. But seeing no challenge in this battle, Rimuru is so disappointed.

"Hey Velgrynd, is that all you've got? I'm so disappointed in this battle. I shouldn't have accepted your offer," Rimuru mocked her.

Feeling disappointed, he decided to provoke Velgrynd, hoping to make her angry and the battle more exciting.

Because no matter what, Velgrynd, being a True Dragon, has more magicules than him, which means she can do big attacks with more power, and he wanted to see what a True Dragon can do at full power.

In his and Veldora's matches, they never go all out for two reasons: first, they don't want to destroy the surroundings too much, and second, if Veldora releases too many magicules at one time, there is a chance that his sisters may find him, and Veldora would rather be careful than get caught.

The result was instantaneous because now Velgrynd has transformed into her dragon form and is preparing for a big attack, which is her trump card.

An attack that she has never shown anyone except Veldanava, and that is the [Cardinal Acceleration]. An art that combines Velgrynd's ultimate skill, [Charity King: Raguel], and her intrinsic ability Acceleration powers, with the result being an inescapable and unblockable attack. Preparing this attack, she shouted at Rimuru,

"Prepare to die, Demon. Take this and die: [Cardinal Acceleration]!!!!!!!"

She shouted at the top of her lungs and fired her attack towards Rimuru. In response to her attack, he just held his hand in front of him and said,

"Swallow it up, [Beelzebub]!!!!!" In Rimuru's command, a purple vortex came out of his hand, which completely devoured Velgrynd's attack.

Seeing this, Velgrynd was completely shocked because she had reserved this attack for her sister in hopes of defeating her.

"You... you! What did you do?!" She asked him, shock clearly visible on her face.

Up until now, Velgrynd has fought only a handful of individuals like her sister and brothers who are able to give her a fight. And all the other people she knows are weaker than her; only a True Dragon can defeat her, or that's what she thought. And because of this, she has so much pride in it.

But now, out of nowhere, a demon comes and takes her attack head-on and doesn't even take damage. It makes her so angry and damages her pride.

"That attack, huh... That attack is indeed dangerous, but wouldn't a simple attack like that be easy to counter? It's so simple; I just ate it, and now it's your turn," Rimuru said to her.

Velgrynd, who was first shocked that her strongest attack didn't have any effect on Rimuru, is now angry. Her pride was already damaged too much, and after hearing what Rimuru had said, all her emotions exploded, and she let out an ear-defining roar, which can be heard by several countries, and she started to release all her aura and magicules at the same time, making the place near them a barren land and killing every monster in the area.

'Rimuru's POV:'

Whoa... that's so much power. I didn't think that a True Dragon has that much power. How am I supposed to devour that thing?

>>Raphael, do you think that [Beelzebub] can consume her and store her in [Stomach]?<<

<<Answer: If [Beelzebub] can be used at full power while simultaneously using [Raphael]'s of [analysis and appraisal] on individual Velgrynd, then it is possible to devour Velgrynd store her in [Stomach].>>

>>Ok, then let's do it. I am counting on you, partner.<<


And the end that's all in this chapter. Please tell me how is the Chapter in comments.

Rimuru's magicules, existence value Before devouring Velgrynd: 50,030,050 (50 M)

his magicules increased in short amount of time because his body started to absorb Turn Null energy.

Word Count: 3.6k