

Under the basement reveals a long staircase, and there were cobwebs and dusts from the corners of the ceiling. The staircase does not have any torches against the wall, but fortunately, they brand flashlights.

Oliver was the first in line to climb down the staircase. He is quite a courageous fella, he does not fear anything at all.

Behind him was Samantha, she is quite nervous and panicked. Rose behind her was quivering, her arms and legs were shaking. She was really scared as well.

The most surprising one is Richard, who is a little behind Rose. He is visibly shaking intensely, he closed his eyes with his hands while Maxon helped him climb down the stairs.

Only Oliver and Maxon are unaffected by the scary vibes of the long staircase, while the others are nervous to horrified.

The group spent more than two minutes to climb down the staircase, the group's mood is getting grimmer the more time passed, they were quite worried and nervous if the long stairs have an end. Maxon was perturbed and frowned, "Oliver, don't you think this staircase is really that long? It's getting hotter in here, not too mention most of us are scared."

"I do think so as well, what are your opinions Richard?" Oliver was the most calm in the group and answered unhurriedly, the group's complexion is not that good, other than most of them were panicked and scared, they are also sweating profusely. The temperature underground is getting hotter and hotter.

"M-m-me?" Richard was suddenly called and he stuttered, he is still so scared right now that he should have not answered properly in normal circumstances, but tried his best since he is the most knowledgeable of the group. "I-I think it's.. uhh.. ma-made to look sc-scary."

Maxon was enlightened but also worried about the length of the staircase, logically, no one should be bothered to build stairs that long right? But alas they finally found the end, the surprising thing is that there were lights beyond the staircase, presumably it was lit with torch, but who would have lit this?

Maxon was shocked by a exaggerated possibility, alerted and talked with a voice that is audible for them. "Everyone quiet down and don't talk, let me look out for what's inside." He signaled the group to make way for him.

The group had no other choice but to follow Maxon mostly because they were really tired and in need of rest. They are also scared if there is something over there, like a ghost, etc.. All in their wild imaginations.

Maxon then reached the end of the staircase and before him was a door with a window inside, he slowly approached through the door and heard someone bellowed loudly. "Where is it, where is it?!" The unknown person is in need to find for something, he is clearly impatient.

He was shocked by a sudden voice beyond the door, but looking on the clean door at the opening of the basement, he thinks it all made sense someone is actually in here recently, if not, now. He turned to his group and found their expressions more exaggerated than his. Fortunately no one made a sound since they were likely prepared. Maxon is deeply worried that someone would make a sound so he made a signal with his hand to be silent. The group nodded repeatedly at the same time.

"Felix... How dare you trick me!!" The person yelled in fury, he was clearly angry and had to vent his emotions, albeit not knowing someone is actually eavesdropping him.

"Agghhhh!!!!" That person shouted with all his might. The group of kids were increasingly worried and some of them are trying to climb back up the stairs. Maxon didn't stop them.

"I swear I will kill everyone in your village, innocents? HAH, I shall make hem into my sacrificial lambs."

Maxon turned his head up show the person going through another room, it had a big figure. It should be a male, Maxon thought.

Knowing there was nothing good in this "Ghost Hunting Exploration." He mouthed the words to the ones left, Oliver and Samantha to "go back up," they nodded and went back up directly.

Ten seconds later, it is only Maxon and that person left in the vicinity, although they were not in sight, but it is easily detectable if Maxon moved because of the sound of his footsteps. Maxon does not dare take a deep breathe in fear of the person hearing him.

"I will make sure to find you and behead you if I have the chance." That person bickered for a few more minutes before he suddenly heard a small sound, it was feeble but hearable. It stopped conversing with itself instantly and went to run a few rooms before opening the door to the staircase.

No one was there, it may be mistaken but it's eyes widely shook when he saw a mark before his feet. It was a footprint, a child's footprint to be exact. "Someone shameless has been eavesdropping me for quite a while now, huh." He commented, "Interesting."

It slowly walked over the staircase and turned its head upwards, facing the darkness. Its glare then broke through the night mist and found a figure rushing to climb up the stairs, he climbed inaudibly, it makes sense since he's far from that person. If not for its sharp eyes and it's perception, it would never know people were recently here.

"KID, COME BACK HERE." That person shouted at the dark staircase, but he was sure Maxon would hear it.

Clearly Maxon was shocked that he was discovered, and saw through him instantly. But he was really suspicious, he did not turn on the flashlight and should be unseeable with naked eyes, how did he do it?

Maxon sped up and his adrenaline rushed, his steps becoming more louder but his figure became more faster. He made his presence known as his response to that person.

"Hehe kid, you better not let me catch you." That person taunted, it incited a physiological ware fare against Maxon, hoping he would fall over the stairs in panic.

Yes, Maxon is in panic and was gasping for breathe, he dare not stop himself in fear of getting caught in hand by an unknown person.

That person then ran and sped up, he was clearly and visibly much more faster than an adult if compared, how much more if its just a kid. Unfortunately they were on stairs, if not Maxon will be subdued in a few seconds.

Both of them ran, and ran. For thirty seconds, Maxon is maintaining his speed of climbing up the stairs, and so was that person, he was catching up to Maxon clearly and may catch him in an estimated time of fifteen seconds.

Maxon was very exhausted and felt his eyes were blackening. He can't feel his legs and arms, his muscles went stiff from running up he stairs, his body wanted to rest, but his will turned against the idea. He have to survive, he had to. Maxon once again sped up a little more before maintaining his new peak speed.

He saw light beyond the staircase, he figured it's almost time to run in rooms. He tried to think of various places to hide in the castle, while running. That man on the other hand was impatient and was slightly moved by the kids perseverance but figured out he should not play with him anymore, even if it had the best chance to capture him outside the basement.

"Save your last breaths to witness the last moments of your life kid, it's the moment of your death."

Maxon was no idea, he ran the fastest he could go before he reached outside the basement, there were no more stairs to run on to so he had to hide fast, Maxon thought. Unfortunately his body cannot respond to his thoughts anymore. He faltered at the air and became unconscious. His eyes are now closed as he fainted by exhaustion.

His arms subconsciously moved and closed the door to the basement. It locked by itself and the upcoming person came, and it was too late to stop his speed before bumping its head to the wood. It's head went through the thick wood and pieces of wood broke and the iron holding the door stopped him from going further.

That person's body is much more tougher than the body of steel, but even so with its physique, the impact from its frightening speed caused him to lose consciousness immediately. If it was a normal adult, it may not survive and may directly die from internal bleeding, along with its fractured head and brain damage, there should be no saving it, unfortunately it is not one of those category. He survived but only fell unconscious.

Before it became unconscious, that person muttered weakly. "Just who is this kid..." and fell to the basement. It was a long stairs, should it be a miracle if it survived.