There are five things you should know: 1. My name's Gavin Daniels and I probably won't like you. It isn't your fault, probably, I'm just not a people person. 2. The government is kinda fucked. Not your fault either. The president and like, nineteen other world leaders were assassinated not too long ago. 3. NEVER go onto the Ohio University campus alone. There are weird creatures there that will not hesitate to make you their next meal. 4. Do not judge me for doing the above. 5. And lastly, somebody find me the man in the robe who knocked me out and left me for dead with a freaking med student and annoying chick on some desolate ship. 6. I lied. Sorry. I've been kidnapped and you need to help me get out. I cannot do it without you at my side. Trigger Warnings: Violence, Murder, Mental Illness
Hello, and welcome back to the innards of my mental labyrinth. The plots within a maze fit for all ages to invite themselves into. Here ye stumble onto the characters and plots that line from the earliest points of my career. The original version of the novel TELOS launched on March 19th 2013.
This I remember clearly as I had just finished celebrating my birthday the day before and saw the end in sight of the original manuscript. Back then, my novels were uploaded shortly after being completed without too harsh an editing process. Grammar would be checked, spelling corrected, but that was usually as far as it went. Now, nearly nine years later, I can say as much as my process has changed, portions remain the same.
I still sit in a comfortable seat, as though that seat itself may change, and the computer that which I type on has changed. Yet, still the ideas of my original novels cannot leave my brain alone. As I have rewritten and expanded the first and third novels of the original Promethean Trilogy, TELOS was always the scary one. It was the shortest of the original three novels, but it was the origin of my novel story. I have described the story in other forewords before, but I guess with repetition comes appreciation.
The first story that I finished from beginning to end was titled ZERO. The novel was in reality split into four novellas that acted similar to seasons on a television show—telling the beginning and end of each part of the story in full. It wasn't good, and has some exclusive characters that do not show up in the heavily revised and rewritten novel as it was—TELOS.
With all that aside, before we move onto that little treat, I would like to thank quite a few people. First and foremost and closest to my heart is my fiancee, Hannah. Without you, my motivation dries and dies. My ever loving support and with who I desire for the story to never end.
Next, my close friends and fine Patrons. Who through these past few years have offered their kind and generous support, they are listed below in no particular order, but know that your help is eternally appreciated:
Doctor C