
Technology Library (English)

Reincarnated with a bookstore full of high-tech information, his goal is the search for knowledge, exploring different universes to study their peculiarities.

BOZALTO · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Earnings and Games

"Don't move, raise your hands and kneel" The Nova Corps shout when they arrive, kneeling on the ground Red cooperates with what they ask.

The Nova Corps review the place, they also retain their partner who was still hiding in the ship, after checking the situation they proceed to interrogate them separately.

"Explain what happened here, don't say nonsense or it will be very bad for you, it's a crime to hinder the law" Demands the officer threatening.

Red takes the threat very seriously, in times of war the law of war applies, even more so if it is something as important as the information that the Kree stole, he does not doubt that they will use a heavy hand to get the information out of him if he does not speak.

He ends up clearly explaining to them what happened here and by the expression on his faces you can see his disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, check the cameras, everything must be recorded," Red says helplessly

The officer sends subordinates to check the cameras and also the surrounding area for any more surviving Ruul.

As he waits for them to finish, a scenario from Marvel lore comes to mind.

¨Wasn't it around these times that the Kree Empire was experimenting with the inhabitants of different planets to turn them into weapons through genetic modifications? Perhaps they were looking for that information on biotechnology to support their research¨ Think Red guessing.

"Reporting sir, the storage unit has been found, but it seems to be empty" a soldier arrives reporting on the information he took moments before, to which the officer asks again.

"It can't be empty, search the surroundings, they might have left it somewhere!" He orders the Officer before pulling out a communication device and using it to report the situation to his superiors.

"Thirteen, twenty, reporting to central, the disc has not been found, there was one but it was empty, perhaps it is a decoy, we will continue searching" The officer says clearly.

"Copied" Central responds

"Do you know something about this?" The officer turns around and asks suspiciously.

"No sir, as I told you before, after killing them and checking that they were all dead, the only thing I did was hide there to wait for your arrival" Red says pointing to where he was when they arrived.

"You better be telling the truth" Says the officer reiterating the seriousness of the situation and waiting for the video from the shipyard to make sure.

Soon the man who went to check the cameras returns.

"Reporting sir, everything the boy says is true" says the soldier and proceeds to show the video to the officer who confirms my testimony and is impressed that he really killed them all.

"You're very lucky you didn't end up full of holes like the others in this small shipyard" Officer

"The movement this time was quite big, for your merits in this situation you should be able to get a reward, the Nova Empire does not treat its people badly, you don't seem to be involved but still remember that you are forbidden from leaving the planet until the conclusion of the investigations" says the officer before ordering the handcuffs to be removed.

When Red hears that he can get a reward, he is happy, what he lacks the most at this moment is money, the more money he gets, the safer his situation will be when he becomes a mercenary.

Today's reward was not small, but he would not like to end up in a situation like this again, relying on luck to survive is not a good feeling.

He'll get a reward from the Nova Empire, he's got the chance to instantly relearn something from the Technology Library, and he's experienced actual combat firsthand.

"Thank you officer, can I go? I need to take care of my little sister so I can't be away for so long, besides I don't want anything else right now than to go home and rest" Red asks

"Okay, I'll ask my people to take you" The officer says, but Red is sure that they will not only take him but also stay close to watch him.

By the time he gets home it's starting to get dark and orders food for delivery for dinner time, he really doesn't feel like doing anything else today.

"Yellow, I'm not going to steal your food, don't eat so fast" Red says helplessly, the contrast between the situation he was in a few hours ago and this moment is incredible.

"humm" Yellow replies with a snort and proceeds to brutally ignore him.

¨Ughh, maybe I'm coddling her too much¨ Red thinks while he eats and begins to look through the Library for things that are available to learn for 100 credits.


Technology Library

-UNSC Biotech

-UNSC Materials Science

-UNSC Medicine



Basically it's all a bit rubbish, the technology you can learn with a hundred credits is inferior to Xandar's, it seems to belong to the UNSC from the early stages of the Spartan program, you can't learn anything from their adaptation of forerunner technology.

Something different happens in the biotechnology part of Marvel, what you can learn is very useful, the lost serum of Captain America's super soldier, extremis virus and other technology on the creation of super soldiers.

In more extreme circumstances he would choose one of them, but he has time and earth biotech is easier to learn than Xandar's super advanced technology so he rejects the idea.

Also the base of what you need to run armor and slipspace drive is energy, so you decide quickly.

*Ding* You have learned the technology of the UNSC micro-fusion reactor (Halo)

"Damn" Cursing as all the information from the technology related to the micro-fusion reactor enters his brain giving me a pounding headache.

"Did something happen Red?" Yellow asks, taken aback by the sudden expletive.

"It's not good, I just remembered something I forgot" Red says as he tries to hide the pain so his little sister doesn't worry.

"Still, you shouldn't swear, mom wouldn't like it" Yellow says giving him a scolding to which Red can only respond with a smile.

The pain feels eternal and when he finally finishes it begins to make him sleepy, it even seems to me that he begins to fall asleep and is forced to get up and go to rest.

"Red, aren't you going to finish your food?" Yellow asks seeing him leave.

"You can in the fridge or eat it if you still have room" Red replies to her joy, before continuing to the room.

In bed reviewing the information in his memory he is surprised, there are many branches of science involved in the operation of a mini-reactor, engineering, physics, computer science, mathematics, materials science, among many others.

Without also counting the other technologies that are part of the mini-reactor, microchips, circuits, welding, nanotechnology, etc.

Science complements the same knowledge that you use for something you can use it for other things too, constants apply everywhere, and everything you just learned has saved you a lot, a lot of study in other subjects as well.

He notices before falling asleep.

The next morning he decides to spend time with his little sister, although a little unreasonable she is still very cute and he loves her very much.

Well the main reason is that many people he knew died yesterday, even if he didn't have a friendship with them, they were still co-workers... he also killed several people and was about to die.

When you are alone it is much easier to fall into depression, but in the company of his cute little sister, he feels that his soul is healing and he believes that he is not the only one who needs it.

¨Yellow has separated from his parents and has not spoken to them in a little over four months, worse still, the day before yesterday he almost died in the explosion of a Ship. With his age, I have no doubt that he has some trauma¨ Red thinks while play with her in VR.

"The operation is going too well Yellow. So we have to plant the antimatter bomb to blow ourselves up!" Red tells her as he fires his gun at the enemies.

"The bomb is planted Red!" She answers as she throws grenades.

"Invaders Win!!!" Game

"Another win" Says Red high-fiving Yellow

"Brother let's play another one! Another one!!" Yellow begs enthusiastically. He had never won this game so easily, so he wanted to keep playing.

"Okay, don't rush, we have all day" Red says ruffling her hair in VR.

They continued playing in VR for several hours, switching to other games and ordering food for delivery to rest without having to cook, by the time it was late in the afternoon Yellow had no energy to continue playing.

Well even if she wanted to continue she couldn't, she has to go to class every day except for the days she has off and unlike me, she was forced to go to class when it's still bright, there are punishments if she skips class.

Later that same day the Foreman calls him to tell him that he does not need to come to work for the next few days, that he rest well and then come back.

So he has more time to spend with his little sister.

I've changed the format of the previous chapters and the ones I'll write next, for various reasons, the main one being that the first person limits what I can write to what the MC experiences.

Enter the webnovel app and all the text is linked... I've corrected it too (including too long paragraphs), that was unspeakable.

BOZALTOcreators' thoughts