
Tbate - knowledge is power

Kuuro_6988 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


Arthur Leywin POV

As Alea finally released me from her embrace and wiped away her tears, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for causing her worry. In the midst of my adventures over the past year, I had grown accustomed to the dangers and forgotten that there were people like her, who genuinely cared about my well-being.

"I'm sorry to have caused you trouble, and thank you for worrying about me," I expressed sincerely, my voice filled with gratitude.

Reflecting on the unique individuals that comprised our team, I realised the depth of their compassion and the strength of their bonds. They were more than mere colleagues or comrades—they were my family in this tumultuous world of adventure.

As Alea wiped her eyes and stepped back, the rest of the team approached, each expressing their gratitude for my assistance. Their words filled me with a sense of warmth and purpose, reaffirming the importance of our unity as a team.

"It's really no problem," I replied, my smile widening. "We're in this together, after all. We're a team."

Then, with a touch of hope, I asked, "And I suppose you wouldn't mind keeping my identity a secret?"

The aged dwarf in our group patted my back, his grizzled voice resonating with reassurance. "We won't say a word, you crazy kid," he affirmed.

The others behind him nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared understanding.

"We owe you far more than that," one of our team members chimed in. "Our lips are sealed, and if you ever need assistance, you can count on us."

Their unwavering support left me pleasantly surprised, and a genuine smile spread across my face.

"Thank you," I responded sincerely. "When we return, we can sell this core and split the money."

To my surprise, the team's reactions were not what I had anticipated. They looked at me as if I had said something outlandish. Confusion washed over me, and I quickly scanned my surroundings, half-expecting some unforeseen threat lurking behind me. However, there was nothing amiss.

"Um, did I say something wrong?" I questioned.

Diana, a sound deviant within our team, spoke up, her voice filled with conviction. "You're the one who practically single-handedly killed the Forest Queen. You should keep it!"

Perplexed by their reactions, I retorted, "Do you not realise how much this core is worth?"

"I think it's only fair," interjected a dwarven augmenter. "You saved all of us, so we are forever in your debt. Allowing you to keep this valuable prize is the least we can do."

Nods of agreement rippled through the team, their unwavering conviction cementing their decision.

Sighing in defeat, I raised my hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Thank you, all of you," I conceded, touched by their generosity and grateful for the unwavering support they had shown me.


As we finally emerged from the dark confines of the tunnel, the outside world greeted us with a vibrant atmosphere. The air was filled with a sense of triumph and relief after successfully clearing the treacherous dungeon. Alea, taking the lead, walked ahead of the group before turning around to face us. A wide grin spread across her face as she spoke up, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Alright, I'm sure you're all exhausted. Let's celebrate our victory in one week's time at the Xyrus bar. Food and drinks are on me!"

Cheers erupted from the members of our team, their excitement palpable. Thoughts of indulging in a well-deserved feast and refreshing beverages danced through my mind. However, a sense of apprehension followed soon after. The realisation hit me—I was underage, and a bar meant drinks. I couldn't partake in the festivities.

My head drooped, the disappointment evident on my face. A few observant team members noticed my change in demeanour and immediately inquired, their concerned gazes fixed upon me.

"Note, what's wrong?" one of them asked.

All eyes turned to me, awaiting an explanation. I mustered up the courage to voice my dilemma, revealing my vulnerability. "A bar means drinks," I replied with a hint of sorrow. "And I am underage."

An air of understanding washed over the group as they comprehended my predicament. Before anyone could respond, Thor, a dwarven magma augmenter known for his boisterous nature, spoke up, his voice filled with amusement. "Ehh, so what? Who cares? I'll get you some drinks. If you're old enough to fight alongside us, then you're old enough to drink." He erupted into laughter, his jovial spirit infectious.

My plan had worked. I had feigned disappointment, secretly longing for the opportunity to taste the renowned beverages of this world. However, I needed to maintain the act a little longer, relishing the anticipation.

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked, my eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, kid," Thor reassured me, his grin unwavering.

Some of the others, including Alea, seemed hesitant, ready to object to Thor's offer. However, upon witnessing the genuine joy on my face, they decided to let the matter rest, understanding that this was a rare moment of celebration for our team.

With the prospect of delicious food and the promise of experiencing the world's finest alcohol, my heart swelled with gratitude for my team's camaraderie and their willingness to accommodate my desires. I couldn't help but smile, eagerly looking forward to our upcoming gathering at the Xyrus bar.


Back at the guild, I bid farewell to my teammates and secured my mask back in its place. It was then that I encountered Jasmine and the rest of the Twin Horns.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them, catching their attention. They immediately rushed toward me, but this time I was prepared. Swiftly dodging Angela's attempt at a hug, I made my way to greet the other members of the Twin Horns.

We exchanged pleasantries and engaged in a brief conversation before they mentioned that their carriage had arrived.

"Do you want to join us? We're heading to your parents' house anyway," one of them suggested.

I nodded in agreement, appreciative of their company, and climbed into the carriage. Once inside, with no eyes other than those of the Twin Horns upon me, I removed my mask.

Curiosity got the better of them as Jasmine spoke up, her gaze fixed on me. "Arthur, was everything okay with your raid?"

I scratched the back of my head, feeling a hint of nervousness. "Well, everyone's alive and well, but we did encounter a few obstacles."

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips as Helen gripped my arm, her eyes demanding an explanation. "Hmm, so what were these 'problems' you faced?"

I swallowed hard, unease flowing through my body. Helen could be quite intimidating at times. "Well, I got separated from my team when we entered a strange room with a magic storm. Normally, I would have been fine, but there was an S-class mana beast blocking the way."

Jasmine grabbed my shoulders, her gaze piercing into me. "Wait a minute. You're saying it wasn't a problem? You didn't get hurt?"

They stared at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Let me get this straight," Adam interjected, his incredulity apparent. "You fought an S-class mana beast and emerged unscathed?"

I nodded in affirmation.

"Well, that wasn't really the main problem. At the end of the raid, when I finally reunited with my group, we encountered a Forest Queen. It had nearly defeated our entire party by the time I arrived."

Their eyes widened, momentarily forgetting about the earlier discussion of the S-class mana beast. Questions came pouring in, each member of the Twin Horns eager to grasp the details.

However, Helen interrupted, her voice laced with disbelief. "So, the mission was a failure, but you managed to get your team out safely?"

I shook my head, correcting her assumption. "No, I tapped into my beast will and killed it."

Laughter erupted from the Twin Horns, their amusement filling the carriage. "You almost had us there, Arthur. Didn't know you had jokes like that up your sleeve," Adam jested, still chuckling.

It seemed they didn't believe me. Yet, Jasmine, silent amidst the laughter, seemed to hold a different belief. Perhaps I could prove it to them.

"What are you talking about?" I retorted, pulling out the beast core from a dimension ring I had recently acquired. "This is the beast's core, so—"

"Wait, you weren't lying. Let me see that," Adam interrupted, snatching the beast core from my grasp.

"No way... You actually killed something like that. What kind of little monster are you?" Adam exclaimed, his astonishment evident.

I chuckled, relishing the validation. The beast core made its way around the carriage as the Twin Horns passed it amongst themselves, each expressing amazement at my feat. However, it seemed that I had become a little careless.

Jasmine's gaze shifted, her eyes fixating on something on my neck. "What's that?" she inquired.

Damn it, I thought I had concealed the runes.

Letting out a sigh of resignation, I offered a half-truth. "Well, I'm not entirely sure. When I was battling the Forest Queen, I utilised a spell that had only existed in theory within my mind. As I cast the spell, these markings appeared on my neck."

They exchanged uncertain glances, contemplating whether mana could truly manifest in such a manner. But then again, they were likely thinking that a ten-year-old shouldn't have the capability to slay an SS-class mana beast.

"Can we see the spell?" Durden questioned, his curiosity piqued.

I shook my head, regretfully declining his request. "Sorry, Durden, but the spell is specifically designed for mass destruction. If I were to cast it here, not only would it obliterate this carriage with all of us inside, but it would also wreak havoc on a significant portion of Xyrus."

His eyes widened at the realisation, but he seemed to grasp the gravity of my explanation.


We arrived back at my home, and I approached the door, raising my hand to knock. The door swung open, revealing the Helstea's maid. She greeted us with a warm smile and ushered us inside.

As we stepped into the living area, both my family and the Helstea's were gathered there. I cleared my throat and spoke up, addressing everyone in the room. "Hello, is everyone—"

Before I could finish my sentence, my sister launched herself at me, wrapping her arms tightly around me. My mother and father followed suit, engulfing me in a warm embrace.

For the next fifteen minutes, I went through a whirlwind of greetings, exchanging pleasantries, and expressing my joy at seeing everyone again. I made sure to convey how glad I was that they were all in good health.

Finally, the commotion settled down as my dad stomped his foot, bringing attention to himself. "Now that that's all over, tell us about your dungeon dive," he demanded, his voice filled with anticipation.

My mom, Ellie, and Aunt Tabitha sighed, perhaps thinking he was being childish. "What are you, a child?" my mother playfully chided him.

I inwardly groaned, knowing what was coming next. However, it seemed that Uncle Vincent, Lilia, and my father were eagerly awaiting my account of the adventure.

With a sigh, I began to recount the events. "Well–"