
Taste of Love.

"I've had a taste of love, and now I never want to stop loving you." My smile faltered slightly, and a tear dropped from my eyes. "No, we can't be together. I can't put my baby in danger." ---------------------------- Kehlani is a 20-year-old woman from England. She finds out that the man she called dad wasn't who she thought he was but she doesn't let that deter her from loving her family with all her heart and letting people who she thought would not be in her life anymore back in. But what will she do when letting certain people in her life causes someone to hate her and their goal is to make Kehlani's life miserable? Liam is a 22-year-old man who lived in England most of his life but originated from Italy. To others, he seemed like a man who had to do what was necessary to get whatever he desired but he only wanted one person who he thought he couldn't get. Kehlani. She brought out the best in him but he made a mistake that caused them to part ways. However, Liam is determined to get her because she was the one who gave him a taste of love.

peentaker · Adolescente
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40 Chs

"That ogre is a piece of shit."

Chapter 5

Once I got home, all I wanted to do was get into bed and ignore all the feelings I had during the day. I knew it was not that simple though.

It was only 9:30 pm, so I checked up on my brother and his room was right next to mine so I didn't have to walk for long.


One foot in the club, everybody watch me

One pop on the booty, everybody love me

Ain't the reason I'm cocky

I make myself feel sexy

Fanning myself, I'm stanning myself

I love me so much I put my hands on myself

Fanning myself, I'm stanning myself

I love me so much I put my hands on myself


When I entered Kaiden's room while singing he threw a pillow at me and groaned loudly.

"For fuck's sake shut up Kehlani," he growled tiredly.

"Sorry, just came to check up on you little bro." I stopped the song whilst laughing.

"Shut up and leave now. And don't call me little bro I'm older than you." Kaiden turned away from me and closed his eyes.


Once I entered my room again, I stripped my clothes off, put an oversized shirt on, and slipped into my bed.


The next morning I rang my mother, and we talked for a while and she confirmed everything that Bailey had said last night and that we were moving into her house tonight and that she was staying with us for a while because she was on a break from Max.

So I spent the entire morning adding more stuff to my suitcase and when Bailey came over I gave her my phone number and she helped me pack.

"I'm starving Kehlani. What's your grandma making?"

"I'm not sure. Want to check?" I asked her. "Obviously" she rushed out of my room and entered the kitchen.

"Bev, what you making?" She asked happily.

"My famous jollof rice." Grandma took a sip of her water as she stirred the rice.

I didn't realise how hungry I was until my stomach rumbled quietly.

"How long grandma?"

"It'll only take about 15 more minutes Bailey." she smiled at her warmly

"Right okay then we're going to my mum's house," Bailey always called my grandmother grandma because she said it made her feel at home here. "call us when the food is ready grams."

We decided to not get changed as we were already dressed decently plus the walk was only about 10 minutes. So we grabbed 2 of my suitcases and left.

"So what's with you and Noah then?" I questioned curiously. I've always known that she liked him but yesterday she was being hostile to him.

"That ogre is a piece of shit now let's hurry to your mum's house" she picked up her pace slightly and grabbed my arm dragging me with her.

"Why is that ogre a piece of shit?"

"He-he.." she took a few deep breaths, so I changed the subject.

"You want to stay over tonight?"

"If that's okay with your mum." she answered quietly.

I definitely knew something was wrong with her now. She had never questioned if my mum would allow her to stay the night. I think something might've happened with her and Noah. I had to be patient and let her tell me because I knew my best friend and I knew that if I pried her to tell me, then she'd just get cross and she wouldn't tell me for a long time.

"Oh, look we're here!" She gave me a fake smile and knocked on the door.

Mum came to open the door, and she hugged me and Bailey.

"Kaiden is already here so Kehlani, go unpack and come straight downstairs." She admonished.

Bailey and I went to my room, and she helped me to unpack and then about 10 minutes later we head downstairs.

"All 3 of you sit down" My mum tried to hide something on her neck with her hair.

I let it go knowing that mum wouldn't appreciate me calling it out and putting her on the spot.


Bryley's POV

"I know you want to know why I'm here and not with Max so I'll just tell you why I'm here and what's happened."

I saw Kehlani leaning forward slightly which meant that she was listening intently while Kaiden and Bailey were just sat upright.

"I've left Max." as soon as those words left my mouth Kehlani gasped dramatically.

"What? Why?" I really didn't need them asking me all this, so I explained it to them.

"I'll tell you but don't interrupt, please. Just wait until the end to speak." When I said this a few tears escaped my eyes.

I felt like something transported me back in time and living everything that happened again.

"Why Bry? Kayleigh needs her mother. I can't give her everything she needs. She needs you, I need you. I need all of you." his voice cracked at the end.

"You know why James. And Kayleigh will have her mother. Just give me some time to tell Kaiden and Kehlani, you can't rush me on this. If they find out from someone other than me they wi-" My phone was ripped out of my hands and I swiveled around and was met with a fuming Max.

"What have I told you about talking to him?" He yelled in my face and some of his spit landed on my face.

I grimaced and wiped it off while staring at him in his blue eyes.

"Who I talk to is none of your business. What has gotten into you lately? Ever since my kids left you've changed so much." I tried to keep my voice calm, but I knew that soon it wouldn't be calm anymore. You'd be able to hear the anger in my voice.

"You bitch!" He lunged at me and grabbed my neck squeezing on my windpipe.

I scratched at his hand trying to get him off me.

"Max! Let go of me, please!" As I stared into his eyes trying to make him see sense he pushed me into the wall and made me bang my head.

As dark spots invaded my unsteady vision Max left our bedroom.

In the passaging of an hour, I had grabbed my belongings and called James to pick me up and take me home.

When I was about to step out of my room Max came in with a regretful look on his face.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'll do nothing like that again. Please, you can talk to whoever you want I won't ever try to intervene again." He sobbed.

"You won't ever intervene again. And that was the first and last time you'll ever do that again because I'm leaving you." I tried to get past him but he grabbed my wrist.

"And what about our kids? What are we going to tell Kaiden and Kehlani?" I don't know why he asked that because he was ecstatic when they had left.

"Our kids?" I laughed like a maniac "You mean my kids. You know who their dad is. That's why you've always hated them. Well, guess what baby? You hate my kids. You hate me. I don't know why I put my children in that hell with you for all their lives when you always preferred Grace over them." With that, I stormed out of his house and got into James' Rolls Royce and we started the journey to my house.

"I can't believe him." When Kehlani had said this, I zoned back to reality and saw Bailey and Kehlani wiping their eyes while Kaiden had an emotionless look on his face.

Obviously, I missed out on the parts where I said to Max that he knew the kids weren't his. I wanted to find the perfect time to tell the kids.

"I'm leaving. I'll be home soon mum." Lani stood up abruptly and left the house in her shorts and t-shirt.

"You guys go do what you want I need to call someone." I left them in the living room and headed to my bedroom.

I rang James and after 3 rings he picked up.

"Hey is everything all right?" He asked concernedly.

"I'm scared to tell them, James. Help me." I muttered quietly

"How about I come over to your house in a few days with Kayleigh so now you have time to tell them and then they can meet us?" I loved how he had a solution for everything. Well, most of the time.

We conversed for a while and then I left because my mother had called and told me to tell everyone else that we had to go to her house for dinner.


Kehlani's POV

I had to get away from home. I couldn't believe what Max had done to her. From now on he wasn't my dad. He was just a man I knew.

I went to the closest gym which was called 'Manny's Gym' and boxed for a while.

Once I had finished and was about to leave, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that my mum had sent me a message telling me to go to my Grandma's.

I was typing back a reply, so I was facing down when I walked into someone.

"Look where you're walking man!" I yelled. I wasn't in the mood for anyone's bullshit.

I slowly looked up and was met with the most beautiful grey eyes. But unfortunately, they were on a man I despised which made his eyes appear ugly to me.
