
Taming The General's Daughter

Yohan Lim was demoted from his position for insubordination and it led him astray. He quit the army and left everything behind in the barren country of Iraq. Where life and death was like a passing wind. He returned to his roots and maybe to find something that interests him. When the plane safely landed at the airport, authorities came in and detained him. “What? Is there some kind of misunderstanding here? Hey! I’m a law abiding citizen in this country! I’ve done nothing but for the good of our country!! At least I deserve some kind of explanation!” he said as he tried to reason out to the officers that detained him. *** “Lt. Yohan Lim of Special Operations!” said the angry voice behind him. “Sir! Yes sir! Lt. Yohan Lim reporting. The young madam skipped classes again today by jumping off from the fence. She went to her ‘club’ and after that she has beaten this subordinate until this subordinate passed out. This subordinate woke up in her bed... U-un.. der her... N-na...ked... Young madam slapped this subordinate hard enough for this subordinate to pass out. End of report sir.” it was the very first report in his entire life that was in shortcut because he was utterly embarrassed. *** “I want him.” she said while pointing her fingers on the screen. The man who was in military uniform, but he had that carefree profile. Messy hair like of birds nest, prominent but lifeless eyes, that nose that she wanted to nuzzle and those slutty lips that she wanted to nibble. His face like of ideal men in romance novels. She can’t believe that she will be instantly find her fated! Wait, how come the roles are reversed?

Army_21704 · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

First Day of Duty

The next day, Yohan woke up from his deep slumber at five in the morning even though he had used to wake up earlier than that time. Maybe it was due to fatigue that he overslept this time. None the less, he does not care. He took this time to jog around the room to perspire. He did not want to neglect his daily routine.

Sharply, six in the morning, someone from General Jin's men escorted him out from the room to bring him to the dining.

Upon his arrival, he noticed the woman who was sitting across where he stood and stared at him with a gaping mouth.

The spoiled rotten daughter of General Jin, Jin Lei.

That morning, he wore a black tee and the camouflaged pant like those of the military men in Empire.

"Sit down. Let's have breakfast first before we begin to business." said General Jin while reading news at the dining table.

On the other hand, Lei keep stuffing her mouth with rice but will fall off because she seemed to dislocate her jaw and it kept dropping. She was still staring at him without even blinking. Yohan sat down and began digging his share.

It sent him chills so, he focused his attention to the food in front of him and disregarded the woman across him.

"Jin Lei, table manners." General Jin reminded his daughter who sat beside him.

"Sorry dad." she said as she shrank back to her seat. She picked up the scattered rice from the table and placed it unto General Jin's bowl while he's not looking. But, Yohan saw her and gave her a furrowed brows look.

'Man! How childish!' he thought upon seeing this.

Lei motioned a hushed sign to him and then winked at him which made his hair stood at its ends.

Yohan did not say anything to General Jin when he started to dig in his food, Yohan wrinkled his brows and looked at Lei that was just across him.


After the breakfast, Yohan got back to his room and think over the things.. He really could not comprehend General Jin's thoughts and gave up eventually. He lie down on the bed when he heard someone knocked at his front door.

"Who is it?" he asked but there was no reply on the other side.

Spooked, he opened the door suddenly and grabbed his gun and pointed it to the person who knocked at his front door but he has seen no one. He abruptly closed the door and slid behind it. One thing that he's scared of are ghosts but the ghost he thought is snickering up above the ceiling.

Lei watched him from the ceiling as he paled because of the sudden surge of his emotion. She got down from there and walked away like nothing happened. She proceeded to the general's office to process her reenrollment.

She knocked the door and when the general signaled that she could come in, she walked briskly like a true soldier to the inside.

"Lei, is there something you need?" General Jin asked her with tenderness and care.

"I will process my reenrollment." Lei answered him. With that, the old man showed happiness on his face. Finally, she's willing to finish the military course!

"Okay, just leave it to me." the general said and she immediately left the room without any thanks to her father. Her attitude towards the man shifted 180 degrees. She's cold and indifferent as to what's the reason, the old man did not know.

Lei rode off with her bike away from the military base, leaving Yohan behind.

Speaking of Yohan, when Lei left, he was called to the general's office and they talked about his job description.

"I'll assign you to follow Lei." Jin Han said straight to the point.

'F**k! Why am I so unlucky to be that woman's bodyguard?' he thought angrily. "Sir, may I know if I could show myself or I'll work in the shadows?" he asked.

"You can interact with the target however you want. I don't want her to hunt you down. She don't like stalkers." Jin Han said while placing his hands over the table.

"Is that all sir?" Yohan wanted to leave the office to proceed to his job immediately.

"Also, this." Jin Han nudged a black folder to him. Yohan picked it up and flip the contents of the black folder.

"Sir... This..." he wanted to say things but he cannot find words to say. He was shocked to the core. It was just, mind blowing and he could not believe that the crazy woman had a talent that's beyond genius.

"It's a confidential matter. That's why I'm assigning you to watch over her." Jin Han said and got up from his seat. He walked towards the side table where he placed the hot tea and poured himself and Yohan a cup for each other.

After finishing the tea, Yohan got back to his room once again and studied the file of Jin Lei. She's an outstanding officer in the military school. She had 99% markmanship in the shooting class and 98% in martial arts.

Indeed, she's a genius.

He pondered over the things about Jin Lei and drafted a thorough plan for his taming.

'I wanted her to mellow down and think about her future.' is what Jin Han said to him before he left. With the tone of the man, its evident that he cherishes Jin Lei dearly.

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