
Tales of the Kingslayer

The lights inside the train flickered, and Heon was suddenly alone, saved from a dead body missing an arm and a mysterious cloaked man. He was trapped in the train running circle. A loop without a stop. The mysterious cloaked man proposed a deal. He would stop the train for Heon, but only after retrieving a missing key in the other realm. Accepting it, Heon woke up with a newly-attached black hand formerly belonged to the dead body on the train. He was teleported to a world of magic and sword. One where the most powerful king was murdered, and the blood-thirsty queen hunted for the assassin. Unfortunately, he found drawings of his face plastered all over the city. Wanted: Dead or Alive. Heon Lightwalker - the Kingslayer. At least, he got Sunny; an alleged murderer slash healer mage, and Azran; a bounty hunter who now stuck by his side due to unwanted association with him. Hopefully, they could survive the kingdom-wide manhunt. But, how would he find the key to fulfill his deal, when the key was going to be used to release the Great End? Was exchanging a key to his own real world equal to ending this parallel one?

Aliast · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Four Burning Horns

A shadowed figure suddenly appeared in their peripheral vision. A strong blow of wind coming from its mouth. Then, four pairs of horns lit up as if they were made from fire. Molten red on its soles, the imprint burned the rocky ground of the volcano's peak.


It was the four-horned mountain goat.

"What are we going to do?" Heon breathed, legs lodged on the spot, he was too afraid to move.

"Why are you asking?" The confused gaze instantly turned into a manic glee on Sunny's face. "Kill it, of course!"



Azran grabbed the back of Sunny's cloak, forcing the blond healer mage to cease his spontaneous attack. She gestured at the way the mountain goat held their gaze, then lowered before them. It bowed to them.

No, that wasn't quite right.

The goat bowed to Heon.

The Kingslayer looked at his left hand. It wasn't discolored, but the white seams were visible on his fair skin. "Stand," he gave a tentative order.