
Tales of Izuna

SI-OC Naruto Fanfic, no system. This is my first time writing so please do forgive for some errors I make Also, the cover does not belong to me.

Godrune · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Why bother?

Waking up the bright sun rays hit me blinding my eyes. My arm reflexively covered my vision.


So it's not a dream?

It has not even been a minute till I woke up and the depressing thoughts have started bubbling up again.

Fuck it. I don't care anymore. Why bother? I want to die. If I just stay like this I would eventually die. Just gotta hold on till then.

I felt comfort blossom around me. Yeah. Why bother?


Time slowly passed. I don't know how long I've been here. My posture has never changed since the day I woke up. I've been lying flat watching the sky for a long time. The hunger devil has visited me a long time ago. The corpses have long since been rotten and the smell has been wafting around for an eternity. How beautiful.

There is nothing left to even puke. Been through that phase a while ago.

The urge to ravish the rotten corpses keeps increasing exponentially.


Who knew dying was this hard?


"Haah. The kid has lost his spirit." Kareyama muttered. He had an inkling that someone had survived this bloody battle and decided to look through for any survivors. Seeing all the corpses left his heart bitter.

Still he was elated to see someone had still survived. Anger burst inside of him seeing the lost look on the kid's eyes.

'They shouldn't suffer. There was no need to. The war shouldn't have happened.'

Just when he thought the world was through with the cycle of death. It resumed again. There was no stopping all this mindless killing. Even with all his strength he couldn't save everyone.

Memories of his late wife flashed past him. The last breath she took in his arms took away his soul with it.

Looking back at this kid. He hoped the kid wouldn't seek revenge. He didn't want another one to fall victim to this cycle of hatred. Activating his sharingan. Kareyama scanned through the kid's body to asses his condition. Looking at the kid's eyes Kareyama had a shock.

"How could it be? The Mangekyou!?"

Tears of blood flowed through the kid's face. The Mangekyou sadly ablaze. From the depleted chakra of the kid. Kareyama can only assume that the Mangekyou has been active for a long time. Possibly since this battle ended. Kareyama felt bitter again. The cycle of hatred could never be beaten. Another Uchiha has fallen victim.

Sad times.

Godrunecreators' thoughts